

蕉坑獅子會自然教育中心 & 西貢對面海半日自由行
Half-day visit @ Lions Nature Education Centre && Tui Min Hoi, Sai Kung

(彩虹地鐵站 C出口→小巴 1A→蕉坑獅子會下車→獅子會自然教育中心→西貢公路→西貢戶外康樂中心→康健路→西貢對面海→官門漁村→對面海村→小巴 4A回西貢街市→漫遊西貢碼頭)
(Exit C of Choi Hung MTR statikon→Minibus no. 1A→Get off @  Tsiu Hang→Lions Nature Education Centre→Sai Kung Road→Sai Kung Outdoors Recreation Centre→Hong Kin Road→Tui Min Hoi of Sai Kung→Kwun Mun Fishermen's Village→Tui Min Hoi Village→Minibus no. 4A for Sai King Market→Sai Kung Public Pier)







今早在彩虹地鐵站乘坐往西貢的小巴, 在蕉坑獅子會附近下車~~~ 今天參觀獅子會自然教育中心!!!
We took a minibus for Sai Kung from Choi Hung MTR station this morning, and then got off @ the direction signs for Tsiu Hang. We are going to Lions Nature Education Centre today!!

獅子會自然教育中心是免費的, 今天遊人不多, 非常舒適!!! 中心內有農田及農產品出售, 而且亦有不同展覽館, 適合半日遊!!!
The Nature Education Centre is FREE for admission, as not so many visitors came here this morning, we all enjoyed a wonderful day!! There are also different exhibition halls and some crop fields around, visitors can buy vegetables here!!

Mineral corner

貝殼型的展館~~ 內有不同的貝殼, 尤其是我最喜歡的硨磲!!! (在香港販賣是犯法的!!!)
A funny exhibition hall in the shape of a shell~~ This is the Shell House, with different types of shells inside!! My favourire~~ Lovely Giant clams!!! (Endangered species, selling of giant clams is illegal in HK)

Very beautiful lotus flowers near the visitor centre.

此外還有化石展出!!!! 很大的三葉虫化石!!! 還有暴龍頭骨!!!!
There are also fossils showing in one of the exhibition halls!!! What a big piece of trilobite fossil!!!!! Woow!! T-Rex is also here!!!

園內還有蕉坑自然教育徑, 雖然天色稍暗, 但無阻大家郊遊樂~~ 小徑平坦易走, 途中突然有出口通向蕉坑的車道, 大家上去看看有什麼好玩的地方....
There is the entrance of Tsiu Hang Nature Trail (near the cafeteria), although it was quite dark this morning, we still went for a walk (NO other visitors here, GREAT!!).... The path is very hiker-friendly and we found an exit at the middle of the trail leading to the traffic road of Tsiu Hang ~~ let's go out and have a look, anything interesting here??

在蕉坑的車道旁, 有一隻唐狗一直跟隨著我們.... 然後我們在路旁的林內發現了一大片荒地, 但那隻狗無論如何都不肯走進去..... 最後牠還溜掉了....!!! 莫非此地有古怪???? 那更加要一看!!! 於是我們立即跑進荒地, 給我們在山邊發現了這隱世村落 ~~ 哈哈, 不告訴大家村落的名字, 因為實在太隱蔽了!!! (其實那片山林內的荒地只是陰暗了點, 我們可沒發現有什麼不妥...)
A dog followed us as we were walking along the traffic road of Tsiu Hang.... then we found a big piece of abandoned land inside the woods. We went inside to have a look but really didn't understand why the dog did not want to move forward, it even ran away, leaving us @ the bushes!! Oh... anything weird at this place??? Ooooops.... we were so curious and quickly went inside to find out if there is something strange!! And finally we discovered a village (I won't tell you its name!!) when we were climbing down the slope.... nothing strange here, just a little bit dark!!

離開獅子會, 才是下午1時, 遊山玩水興致未減, 決定去西貢對面海一行. 先經西貢公路(往西貢方向)走, 走到西貢戶外康樂中心. 再經康健路進入西貢對面海.
Just 1:00 pm when we were leaving Lions Nature Centre. We still wanted to explore more places. So we walked along Hiram's Highway (the direction for Sai Kung) for Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre, and then we walked along Hong Kin Road for a place called "Tui Min Hoi".

Here is Man Yee Fishermen Village.

Kwun Mun Fishermen Village nearby.

對面海村, 離西貢公路甚遠, 不過內有小巴可前往西貢街市.
This is Tui Min Hoi Village, which is far away from Hiram's Highway (The main traffic road for Sai Kung pier), but luckily there are minibuses for Sai Kung Market from here.

Pier of Tui Min Hoi.

回到西貢墟, 一探有名的天后廟.
Back to Sai Kung Market, now just outside Tin Hau Temple.

SPCA adoption centre of Sai Kung.

Beautiful seaside of Sai Kung.

Looks like a stuffed toy!!!

牠看來很喜歡我!!! 牠不斷把口中的球交給我... 太可愛了!!!
This lovely Corgi likes me so much!!! He gave me his favourite ball for a few times!!!!

