

Short walk @ Tai Po Waterfront Park after a thunderstorm

(大埔墟火車站→大埔巴士總站 K17 港鐵巴士→富善邨總站→安埔路→富善邨孫方中小學→完善路→大埔海濱公園→原路回程)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Tai Po Bus terminus for MTR bus no. K17→Fu Shin Estate bus terminus→On Po Road→Sun Fong Chung Primary School @ Fu Shin Estate→Yuen Shin Road→Tai Po Waterfront Park→Back from the same way)








今早雨勢非常強勁, 而且還雷暴不絕. 到了下午天氣開始好轉, 不過只能在公園內走一走..... 中午時在大埔墟的街市熟食中心午飯後, 再從大埔火車站站出發, 先乘 K17 港鐵巴士到大埔富善邨. 經安埔路走向富善邨的善雅樓, 很快便找到孫方中小學. 沿著校舍後面的單車徑走 (這裡是完善路), 先過馬路到對面, 看到往九龍的路牌後, 再前走一分鐘便是大埔海濱公園的入口.
It was rainy with non-stop thunderstorm early this morning, and the rain did not stop until noon. We had lunch @ the cooked food market of Tai Po Municipal Building, waiting for the rain to stop. At about 14:00, the weather became fine and we took an MTR bus -- no. K17, from Tai Po Bus Terminus (near Tai Po Railway Station).
Started from Fu Shin Estate Bus Terminus, we walked along On Po Road for Sin Nga House (@ Fu Shin Estate). Then we found Sun Fong Chung Primary School nearby, and we turned to the cycling path @ Yuen Shin Road, which is at the back of the primary school. Walking along Yuen Shin Road (the direction for Kowloon) and then we crossed the road for the opposite side. There is a big road signage showing the way for Kowloon and Tai Po Centre, and just in one minute, we reached the entrance of Tai Po Waterfront Park!!

First we paid a visit to the Palm Garden.

重點參觀 --- 昆蟲屋!!! (無需購物)
Now we were outside Insect House.

Giant alien bugs outside Insect House.

We were feeding mosquitoes @ the pondside.

A weird obelisk..........

極之醜陋的 "香港回歸紀念塔" --- 這裡有不少古怪的建築, 是外星人的遊樂場嗎????
Even weirder and weirder..... look at this watch tower..... very ugly..... OMG!!!
Conclusion..... it is definitely an amusement park for aliens!!!

轉了幾個圈後, 終於到達塔頂.
Walking round-and-round and finally we had reached the top of the watch tower, with a rocket-like structure pointing to the sky.

The opposite side is Ma On Shan.

We could see Kwong Fuk Estate of Tai Po from here.

The yellowish Tolo Harbour.... so polluted....

從此角度看回歸紀念塔, 很像火箭.....
The watch tower really looks like a rocket if you look @ it from here.....

原野春夢, 又是草原撲蝶的時候了.....
Enjoy a little bit more GREEN in the park.



與陽光玩遊戲系列 -- 汀九海灘遊
Fun with the sun series --- Long walk along the beaches of Ting Kau

(荃灣西鐵路站 E1 出口→九巴 234B→近水灣下車→東方泳會→近水灣沙灘→續走青山公路汀九段→南山游泳會→汀九村→汀九灣→續走青山公路汀九段→麗都灣→更生灣→續走青山公路汀九段→海美灣→天橋至巴士站回荃灣市中心)
(Exit E1 of Tsuen Wan West Station [West Rail] →KMB bus no. 234B→Approach Beach bus-stop→Oriental Swimming Club [東方泳會] →Approach Beach→Back to Castle Peak Road--Ting Kau→Nam Shan Swimming Club [南山游泳會] →Ting Kau Village→Ting Kau Beach→Back to Castle Peak Road--Ting Kau→Lido Beach→Casam Beach→Back to Castle Peak Road--Ting Kau→Hoi Mei Wan Beach→Flyover for the bus-top at the opposite side and back to Tsuen Wan town centre)







今天又是異常炎熱的一天, 不上山, 又是海邊行. 在荃灣西站 E1 集合後, 乘九巴 234B 往汀九一遊. 在近水灣站下車, 開始今天的汀九海岸之旅.
Another hot and dull Saturday and again, we continue to have HK beach walks. This morning we gathered @ exit E1 of Tsuen Wan West station (West Rail), and then we took KMB bus no.234B and got off @ Approach Beach bus-stop.

沿青山公路走, 很快便看見 "東方冬泳" 的牌子, 往下走便會看見幾間泳屋. 汀九深井一帶有很多游泳會, 大部份都是昔日已開始運作. 舊日的香港, 市民薪金不高, 娛樂不多, 假日要找健康省錢又適合一家大小的活動, 游泳是其中一個最佳選擇, 所以新界便有大量泳棚游泳會.
Walking along Castle Peak Road (Ting Kau section) and we had found a signage for "Oriental Winter Swimming Club" (Not in English, haha!!), we went downstairs and found that there are lots of houses for swimmers. There are lots of swimming clubs along Castle Peak Road (especially along Ting Kau and Sham Tseng), and most of these are founded in the 60s-70s. In the past, people did not earn much and also lack of entertainment facilities, they usually took their families for swimming in the New Territories, in which they could spend a whole day in a very low cost. This is why there are so many swimming clubs @ the beaches of the New Territories.

汀九海邊遠眺汀九橋 --- 景色不錯, 不過海水有點污濁!!
Now we were @ the seaside of Ting Kau --- with beautiful scenes of Ting Kau Bridge!! But the sea water was not so clean!!!

Oriental Swimming Club.

Now we were @ Approach Beach.

近水灣海灘旁的燒烤場內小休, 忽然有大水母現身......
We had a bit rest @ the BBQ area of Approach Beach --- a big jellyfish also joined our lunch gathering.

午餐後離開近水灣, 走回青山公路, 向汀九灣進發.
We left Approach Beach after the lunch break, then we went back to Castle Peak Road (the main traffic road) and continued our walk to Ting Kau Beach.

往汀九灣途中, 到有名的南山游泳會一遊.
We had a look @ the famous "Nam Shan Swimming Club" as we were going to Ting Kau Beach.

到了汀九村, 經過村屋走到汀九灣海灘.
Now we were @ Ting Kau Village, just go downstairs for Ting Kau Beach.

走到汀九灣旁, 可清楚看到汀九橋.
2003年, 這裡曾有巴士從橋上掉下來, 死了21人, 希望不會再有這種意外重演.
We could have a close-up of Ting Kau Bridge @ Ting Kau Beach.
In 2003, a bus fell down from this bridge and 21 were dead. Hope NO more accidents happen!

離開汀九灣, 返回青山公路向深井方向走, 繼續我們的海灘之旅, 下一站是麗都灣.
We left Ting Kau Beach and then back to Castle Peak Road. We kept on walking along Castle Peak Road for our next stop -- Lido Beach.

由於路上沒有麗都灣海灘的指示牌, 在路上要多留意路邊的位置, 看到樹木間有 "麗都灣冬泳團" 的牌子, 往下走便會到達麗都灣.
As we were walking along Castle Peak Road, we couldn't see any road signs / signages for Lido Beach!!!! You have to pay more attention while you were walking along the road, and finally you can find a signage with "麗都灣冬泳團" (Lido Beach Winter Swimming Club) behind some bushes. Just go downstairs from there for Lido Beach.

麗都灣泳客不少, 設備也很充足, 是游泳的好地方.
There were quite a number of swimmers here @ Lido Beach. A nice place for swimming and sight-seeing.

沿麗都灣海灘繼續前走, 便是更生灣. 這邊泳客稀少, 可清楚看見汀九橋及青馬橋.
We walked along the seacoast of Lido Beach and just in 2-3 minutes, we were @ Casam Beach. Not many swimmers were @ Casam Beach this afternoon, and the scenes are more attractive here!! You can see both Ting Kau Bridge and Tsing Ma Bridge here, together with Ma Wan Island (Park Island) @ the opposite side.

離開麗都灣, 又再返回青山公路了. 繼續向深井方向走, 向最後一個景點 -- 海美灣進發!!!
Leaving Lido Beach and we were back to Castle Peak Road again!!! We kept on walking along the traffic road to the way for Sham Tseng, for the last spot --- Hoi Mei Wan Beach.

看到海美灣了, 但其實仍要步行一段路才能到達. 在 34-35度的陽光下曝曬, 大家都全身是汗.
Ooooops, we could see Hoi Mei Wan Beach from here!!! Haha, but you still have to walk for another 10-15 minutes!! We were all covered by sweat under the strong sunshine with a temperature of 34-35°C.....

終於看到 "機場核心計劃展覽中心" 的路牌, 旁邊便是海美灣的入口了. 過了天橋, 對面便有返回荃灣市區的巴士及小巴.
Finally we could see the signage for "ACP (Airport Core Programme) Exhibition Centre", and the entrance for Hoi Mei Wan Beach is right here. Going to the opposite side of the road via this pedestrian flyover, there are buses and mini-buses for Tsuen Wan Town Centre / MTR station.

在海美灣大休, 不過真的太熱, 我們只逗留了不足半小時便離開. 不過要謝謝在沙灘工作的職員賣給我一罐可樂, 因為所有水都喝光了, 這裡沒有汽水機或士多 ....
We had a rest @ a little sun-shelter of Hoi Mei Wan Beach, but we left after 25 minutes as it was really so hot around this place. Specially thank to the staff of the beach for selling me a can of coke from their fridge (NO cold drink machines @ this beach!!), we drank all the water before coming here!!

The time to go back for Tsuen Wan Town Centre.