

秋季賣物會之行~ 聖約翰堂賣物會 & 南丫島素食團
Season for Carnivals ~ Annual fund-rasing bazaar @ St John's Cathedral in Central && Vegetarian dinner @ Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island

(Annual Michaelmas fund-raising fair @ St John's Cathedral Central→Central Piers @ Central→Yung Shue Wan @ Lamma Isalnd→Walk @ Yung Shue Wan→Back to Yung Shue Wan pier→Back to Central)

Official poster:


Time-table for Yung Shue Wan:




1) Michaelmas Fair 2012


2) 榕樹灣之行 Snapshots @ Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan)



3) 南島書蟲素食Cafe Bookworm Cafe (Organic vegetarian cafe)


今早到過中環聖約翰堂賣物會後, 我們一行人便到南丫島榕樹灣一遊. 先在"豬肉檔" 一看.... 咦?!?! 這裡那有豬肉??? 原來是一顆顆琥珀給 "吊起來賣"!!!! 遠看有點像腊肉, 而且還有 "肥膏" (一層層的脂肪) 呢!!! 我這個不吃肉的人, 看見晶瑩的琥珀卻想起腊肉.... 真是罪過罪過!!
突然看到地上有超級雞毛掃, 原來是基因改造的生化犬型地拖, 牠正在睡覺, 險些把牠踏扁.....
After having fun @ the annual bazaar from St. John's Cathedral, we took a ferry to Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan) for a half-day walk. We stopped outside a "butcher's" ~ why looking for meat?????? Hahahaha!! See the amber hanging outside the shop, do they look like dried pork? I should say... dried "streaky pork", with layers of "fat" on them!! (As a vegetarian, it's not good to think about meat :P)
Oh, there is a big feather duster on the ground! Ooooops!! it is a GMO dog-shaped duster!!! I nearly step on it!!

Just outside Tin Hau Temple.

著名的 "建興阿婆" 豆腐花, $10一碗, 吃完暑氣全消.
Very famous "Ah Poh" dessert stall~ you should try a bowl of chilled "sweetened bean curd pudding", just HK$10 for a bowl.

Now @ Hung Shing Yeh Beach

Going into Herbal Land.

A super lovely and smart miniature pinscher.

Dragon @ a seaside restaurant.

超有趣的大肥蟲!! 不小心碰到牠的頭, 即張大藍眼睛瞪著我們 (之前是瞇著眼!! 但那到底是否牠的眼睛?????), 咀巴也伸出來好像在抗議!!! 之後用手指輕撫牠的頭, 牠立即瞇起眼, 好像很享受似的... 太有趣了!
A fat and big caterpillar!!! It is very funnnnnnny..... its blue eyes were closed at first, but when we hit its little head with a leave (just by accident), its eyes opened and became very big!! (see the photo!!) And its mouthpart also came out and its head turned to us.... complaining??? Wooow!! When I tried to comfort it with my finger (just pat its head like what I do to my dog!!) , it closed its eyes and looked like enjoying it so much!!! Really incredible!!!

COOOL!! It looks like a beach-side resort hotel in Thailand!

素食晚餐~ 南島書蟲有美味的素食, 如素漢堡, 素意大利粉, 素pizza, 無奶蛋朱古力蛋糕.... 等等.... 極之美味, 又有特色.
Okay, let's have our vegetarian gathering in Lamma~ @ Bookworm Cafe, which offers a variety of delicious vegetarian food like veg. burgers, vegetarian pasta, vegan pizza, vegan chocolate cakes (dairy and egg-free)!!

賞月~~ 在一所海邊有機食材店的露台上.....
Moon-watch ... just @ the balcony of an organic shop, with ice-sticks made from organic fruit juice!!!



重陽登高Go Go Go 2012!!!
Autumn Hike @ 2012 Chung Yeung Festival
(大埔火車站20C 小巴[烏蛟騰特別班次]→烏蛟騰→九担租→回新娘潭→照鏡潭→回大埔火車站)
(Minibus no. 20C from Tai Po Market Railway station [Wu Kau Tang Special Departure]→Wu Kau Tang→Kau Tam Tso→Back to Bride's Pool→Chiu Keng Tam pool→Back to Tai Po Market Railway station)






今早在大埔火車站下的小巴總站, 等了一小時才登上20C 的烏蛟騰特別班次(其他是往大尾篤)!!! 所以到達後已接近中午!!! 先在烏蛟騰村起步, 向九担租的方向前進.
This morning we had been waiting for a minibus no. 20C (Remember to take the Wu Kau Tang Special Departure!! Otherwise the minibus will stop @ Tai Mei Tuk!!!) at the minibus terminus of Tai Po Market Railway Station for ONE whole hour!!!!
This is why it was near noon-time when we arrived Wu Kau Tang!! We quickly got started from Wu Kau Tang Village, and then walked to the way for Kau Tam Tso.

前往九担租的路上, 我們發現有一隱蔽在樹林中的小徑, 忍不住進去一探, 發現有不錯的溪澗, 四處亦非常幽靜. 在此作個小休, 吃點零食.
While walking along the way for Kau Tam Tso, we discovered a footpath covered by bushes. We went inside to have a look, then we found a stream there with beautiful surroundings and very quiet @ this side. We had a little bit rest here with snacks.

重回主路再前走, 看見有石橋在叢林內!! 即往叢林內一探, 原來內有荒廢村屋及排水設備, 看來像是荒廢了的果園.
We went back to the main path and then we saw something like a bridge in between some trees.... We quickly went down to have a look... oooops, there is an old stone bridge, with some old and simple water drainage facilities and an old village house nearby. This place looks like an abandoned orchard.

The gate of Kau Tam Tso village is already locked.

Just spent a few minutes to look @ the beautiful mountain scenes of this area.

We saw some shrimps in the rivers!

從折徑步向新娘潭, 大約10-15分鐘的路程
A short-cut for Bride's Pool in Wu Kau Tang Village, you can reach Bride's Pool in just 10-15 minutes.

We had a rest @ the stream-side of Bride's Pool.

前往山上的照鏡潭, 一看此地有名的瀑布. 今天瀑布上現出彩虹, 非常奇妙!!
We went uphill for "Chiu Keng Tam", for the well-known beautiful waterfall of this place. A rainbow appeared on the waterfall this afternoon, so amazing!

今天很清涼, 不少人帶著愛犬到此玩耍!!
The weather was dry and cool today, many people brought along their dogs for fun!!

在石上坐了很久, 越坐越清涼, 原來已接近黃昏, 收拾行裝後在燒烤場外拍了些照片, 急急趕到巴士站乘車.
We sat on the rocks and had quite a long chat!! We felt that it became more and more windy and much cooler! Oh, it was near the time for sunset, so we quickly packed up and rushed to the entrance of the BBQ site for a last "photo-shoot"!!! And then we went to the bus-terminus to get a bus for Tai Po Railway station.

回到大埔, 是晚飯的時間了~ 看這些年宵市場的競投海報... 又一年了.....
Back to Tai Po and it's the time for dinner.... wooo, see these posters for the New Year Market stalls.... one year has passed.... just a few months before the coming of Chinese New Year!



大澳探秘遊 (尋找陰森恐怖的方便所)
Long Time No See, Tai O
(Adventure @ abandoned "Convenient House" ~ a village hospice in Tai O, run by the people living there in the 1930s, near the Tai O cemetery)

(東涌巴士總站 11 號巴士→大澳市集總站→新基→大澳象山附近尋找方便所→漫遊石仔埗→回東涌)
(Bus no.11 @ Tung Chung Bus Terminus→Tai O Market Terminus→Sun Ki→looking for the Tai O former mortuary [also a hospice] near Elephant Hill [Tai O Cemetery]→Go to Shek Tsai Po→Back to Tung Chung Town)

Tai O abandoned mortuary (village hospice):



Maps showing the location of the abandoned mortuary (village hospice):


Totally there are 2 houses used as a mortuary (village hospice) from 1930s.













一早到了大澳市集, 在地圖上找到"方便所" 的位置了!! "方便所"是30年代由一位葉女士捐款興建, 是幫助單身長者及垂死病人安渡晚年的院舍, 亦是停屍間, 分別有男女方便院兩間石屋.
We arrived Tai O early in the monring and found the location of the abandoned "Chi Sin Mortuary" (Tai O Mortuary) from the big map! "Chi Sin Mortuary" used to be a hospice for the dying people (both old or seriously ill) in Tai O, providing care services for them until they passed away. It also used to be a mortuary and funeral home in the past. It is built in the 1930s by a lady (with the family name Yip), so this is why it is called "Chi Sin" which means "charity" in Cantonese. There are two houses, one for male and another for female, near the Tai O public cemetery.

從大澳街市出發, 經新基橋到新基街. 途經很多水上棚屋.
We started from Tai O seafood market and reached Sun Ki Street via Sun Ki Bridge. There are many stilt houses on the water.

沿新基街前進, 濕地非常美麗!!! 到了象山的山腳, 先轉入路邊的叢林小徑.
We walked along Sun Ki Street and we could see the beautiful wetland and ponds!! When we had reached the "bottom" of Elephant Hill (Cheung Shan, or North Hill), we switched to the footpath at the back of the wetland.

叢林小徑內有另一天地!!! 原來這裡是農地!!! 太陽下的菜乾, 菜田, 加了蓋的井, 柴枝, 肥美的木瓜樹, 超大魚塘.... 難以想像香港仍有如此古樸的農村風味!!
What did we see at the back of the wetland??? Woow!!! There is an old village here!! Lots of fields, farmers put vegetables (pak choi) to dry under the sun, a well with a lid, firewood, papaya trees,... and a big fish pond!!!! This is HK?? Really so beautiful!!

我們的午餐~ IKEA 的乾麥餅, 在農地旁坐下吃麥餅, 簡單的粗食, 配上古樸的農村, 這一頓午飯真有風味!!!
Our lunch~ Wholemeal crisp rolls from IKEA! We just sat near the lettuce field and shared these rolls @ the pondside!! Simple and healthy food with beautiful surroundings!! A wonderful lunch!

終於找到方便所!!!!! 這裡就在大澳公眾墳場旁, 環境有點陰森. 這裡常有靈異傳聞, 不過我們就完全沒有發現有任何詭異的地方.
Finally we had found the "Tai O Mortuary"!! It is just near the Tai O Public Cememtery. There are lots of paranormal / psychic stories from this place~ yes, it is quite dark here even at noon. But we didn't see anything strange this afternoon.

重回新基街, 沿樓梯上山. 對岸是寶珠潭及楊候古廟.
Back to Sun Ki Street and go upstairs for the hillside path. The opposite side is Po Chu Dam (Green "gemstone" floating on the sea) and Yeung Hau Temple.

山上有石碑~ 嶼北界石, 是香港大嶼山上的界碑之一,於1902年樹立,以表明大嶼山已租予英國。超過100年歷史!!
Tombstone??? There is an obelisk @ the hillside~ North Lantau Obelisk, a boundary stone erected since 1902, which is to mark the water boundary between Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Playing @ Elephant Hill.

回到新基看棚屋, 現代化的棚屋已裝上冷氣機, 地板及打掃乾淨了. 漁村內有鹽工之家, 附近有不少紀念品店.
Back to Sun Ki to have a look @ the modernised stilt houses~ mostly are air-conditioned, with tiled floors, very clean and tidy. (There was a fire in 2000 destroying most of the houses, so these stilt houses are re-built after that fire.) There is a little house which used to be a "Salt Workers' Quarter", and there are quite a number of souvernir shops in the village.

離開新基, 到大澳的另一端~ 石仔埗一遊!
Leaving Sun Ki and we moved to another side of Tai O~ Shek Tsai Po!

Stilt houses @ Shek Tsai Po.

Besides stilt houses, there are also brick houses.

石仔埗的海邊:~ 有很多大型藍膠桶, 到底是什麼?? 原來這裡是生產大澳特產"蝦膏" 及 "蝦醬" 的工廠! 藍膠桶內是發酵中的蝦, 將來便會給製成一瓶瓶的蝦醬出售. 生產"蝦膏" 及 "蝦醬"已經不大流行, 我們在海邊找到一間已倒閉了的蝦廠, 進入一看生產用的工具.
Seaside of Shek Tsai Po~ there are lots of large blue plastic containers (big buckets?) here!! What are they use for? Oh.... There is a shrimp paste factory near these containers!! Shrimp paste (or shrimp sauce) is an ingredient used for cooking, it is made from fermented shrimp mixed with salt. These "jumbo buckets" are used during the fermentation process. We also found a closed shrimp paste factory nearby, so we went into the building to have a look!!

石仔埗的盡頭~ 石仔埗碼頭, 以及由前大澳警署改建而成的文物酒店
Now we reached the end of Shek Tsai Po Street~ Shek Tsai Po Ferry pier and Tai O Heritage Hotel (Renovated from former Tai O Police Station)

Had a look inside Tai O Heritage Hotel.

回到石仔埗的濕地, 風景很美!!! 小食檔附近有一隻會傻傻地笑的超級可愛小狗 (已經是老狗了)
Back to the wetland of Shek Tsai Po. There is a lovely smiling dog near the snacks kiosk!!!