

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

深入西貢大腦 ~ 大腦古道遊
Hacking into the cerebrum of Sai Kung ~ Tai No (Cerebrum) Ancient Trail

(九巴 92號→蠔涌→車公廟→蠔涌路→界咸路→涼亭→涼亭旁小路→大腦古道→大腦石澗→大腦村→搾糖石磨→原路下山→回蠔涌)

(Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 92→Ho Chung bus-stop→Che Kung Temple→Ho Chung Road [Catchwater]→Kai Ham Road→Pavilion→Footpath next to the pavilion→Tai No Ancient Trail→Tai No Stream→Tai No Village→Sugar cane grinder→Back to Ho Chung Village)


Che Kung Temple @ Ho Chung Village.

亞視繼續永恆, 執笠只會係你

Now looking for a lamp post via this footpath.

Going up for Tai No Ancient Trail from here.

A short walk via Tai No (Cerebrum) Ancient Trail.

Tai No Stream.

A shrine for the Deities of Land.

The Deity of Land is righteous.

Goddess of Land is kindhearted.

Reporter Rudolph is puzzled.

Old houses of Tai No Village.

大腦村祠堂, 村民經常回來拜祭祖先, 今天亦非常熱鬧.
The Ancestral Hall of Tai No Village.
Although the village houses are collapsed / disappeared, the villagers always come back to worship their ancestors.
We met many villagers here this afternoon.

The Ancestral Hall of Tai No Village.

過河 Cross the river.

大腦村的鎮村之寶 ~~ 絞蔗糖的石磨
This is why we came here!!!
Look at these two old Sugar cane grinders!
People used to produce sugar in the village long long ago.
They are over 100 years old!

Very eye-catching!

Another shrine for the Deity of Land.

山上仍然有一些保存得不錯的村屋, 大腦上洋那邊更多.
There are some village houses and stone walls @ the hillside as we went upwards, there are more near the Upper Tai No Village.

今天山路太濕滑, 沒有去大腦上洋, 留待下回再來順道去沙田.
The hiking trail was very very slippery today due to the heavy rain last night, we didn't go further for Upper Tai No (you can go to Shatin from Upper Tai No) but went down to Ho Chung again.

We found another broken village house in Tai No Village as we were walking down to Ho Chung.



**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

陰風陣陣勇闖青衣鬼仔湖 + 陰森猛鬼蕉林
Not a Creepy walk on a cloudy & windy day @ Tsing Yi Haunted Pond ++ Deserted banana farm

(九巴 42A→曉峰園→青衣西路→青衣西路公園→下樓梯至溪澗→青衣鬼仔湖→猛鬼蕉林→原路回曉峰園解散) 

(KMB bus no. 42A→Mount Haven [residential building]→Tsing Yi Road West→Tsing Yi Road West Park→Downstairs to the stream-side→Tsing Yi Haunted pond→Haunted deserted banana farm→Back to Mount Haven & dismiss)



看見小屋, 直入.
Keep on walking....

小溪, 已是青衣鬼仔湖
A stream.
Now @ Tsing Yi Haunted Pond.

驚驚呀, 因為鬼仔湖面積太少啦.
Very creepy..... creepy to find out that the "haunted pond" is so small!!!

今天霧雨, 天色非常陰暗, 為青衣鬼仔湖加添一點點恐怖感.
Misty and cloudy with some rain patches this afternoon, a good time to stay near a haunted place.

青衣鬼仔湖, 這裡曾有不少小孩子淹死.
Tsing Yi Haunted Pond!!!
Urban legend came from the fatal accidents of this pond in the past, a number of children drowned in this pond long time ago when they were fishing / playing here.
Some Tsing Yi residents said that they had seen strange shadows and heard strange noise in the midnight around the stream but couldn't find any people.

@ the stream-side.....

We found a deserted banana farm and remains of the old village near the stream.

Remains of the old village near the haunted pond.

鬼仔湖後山有荒廢蕉林, 其實這裡比鬼仔湖更陰森, 據說這片荒園才是猛鬼hot spot.
We found a deserted banana farm near the haunted pond, this part is covered by banana trees and always dim, this is a real hotspot for ghost hunters.

Deep inside the deserted banana farm and it's really creepy.

Reporter Rudolph had a great time with the spirits from banana trees!

廢屋 An old village house.