

昂平探大佛 & 昂平彈床琴音樂節(30-4-2011)
Visit to Big Buddha & Drumpoline Music Carnival @ Ngong Ping 360


彈床琴音樂節在此!! 不過今早下雨, 沒有彈床表演, 要等下午天氣轉好才可以看.


Drumpoline show right here! But it was rainy for the whole morning, we had to wait for the afternoon show.

昂平的酒樓亦有素食供應, 有非常攪笑的豆腐素雞... 有眼和翼的怪怪雞, 似玩具一件!!


Veg food is available in Ngong Ping Golden Restaurant, there's a funny (weird?!) tofu chicken, with eye and wings, but it looks like a plastic toy!

昂平市集後, 別有洞天, 我們居然闖入僧人的墓園!!


There's a beautiful place at the back of Ngong Ping Market! We accidentally "broke into" monks' and nuns' graveyard!

在蓮花山海會塔內~ 背後的焚化爐是用來焚化往生的僧人.


We were inside Lotus Flower Tower~ the incinerator at the back of Tachibana san is used to burn the bodies of the deceased monks!

野花處處, 景色迷人! 步至隱世的大覺蓮苑, 外有開滿花的仙人掌!! 仙人掌開花, 都是第一次見到!!!!


"Morning Glory" everywhere!! We had reached Tai Kok Lin Yuen Monastery, which is deep inside the old Ngong Ping village,
rarely visited by outsiders. There's a big blooming cactus outside the monastery, with red flowers blooming!! The first time for us to see a blooming cactus!

淨悟林已無素菜供應, 大家惟有回寶蓮寺午飯. 途中遇上一頭很老很沒精打采的狗, 不知為什麼, 看到牠, 覺得牠很像一個很落泊的 "豬肉佬", 突然覺得很悲傷.


There's NO veg food @ Tsing Ng Lam Monastery for visitors now, we all went back to Po Lin Monastery for lunch.
We saw an old dog which looked very tired and weak. It looks like a jobless old butcher lying on the road....
We all felt very sad when we saw him.



A calf on the road, it was having its lunch happily.

走了幾百級樓梯上山, 終於見到大佛!! 今早一直下雨, 又大霧!! 不過上山前停了雨又天晴, 可清楚見到大佛, 真幸運啊!


Walked upstairs for hundreds of steps, now we could see the Big Buddha! It was rainy for the whole morning and the Big Buddha was covered by the mist.
But how lucky we are!!! The rain stopped and became sunny suddenly, we could clearly see the Big Buddha!



Misty Lantau Peak

又去蓮池寺~ 今天有靜修活動, 有很多人來了木屋附近, 在森林內砍柴 (寺內仍是使用柴火)! 難以相信現代人也要燒柴...
這裡, 短期修行者要過原始簡樸的生活, 早上4:30 要起床, 之後禪修... 有不少外國人亦特地來禪修.
跟寺內的牛玩了一會, 去看正在盛開的蓮花, 真的很舒暢!!


Lin Chee Monastery visit again!~ there were retreat activites, with working and sitting meditation.
People coming here need to have a day as simple as possible~ they have to work in the forest for firewood (NO gas for cooking),
and they also have to get up at 4:30am!! There's a schedule in English outside the monastery, many foreigners also come here for a retreat!
We played with the cow in the monastery, and then went to the pond to see those beautiful lotus flowers!!
What a wonderful time here!!

15:00, 終於看到精彩的彈床琴表演!!


Finally we could see the wonderful Drumpoline show at 15:00!

黃昏了... 回到東涌, 在市政大樓浴佛.


In the evening time, we were back to Tung Chung Municipal Services Building for Buddha-bathing!



Short walk @ Penny's Bay & Ngon Shuen Au

(DisneyLand MTR station→Inspiration Lake Resort Centre→"Secret" slope to Penny's Bay→Uphill to Ngon Shuen Au→Visit to old Penny's Bay village school~ Former Chuk Ko Wan Village [Penny's Bay] Recreation centre→"Secret Garden & Stream" from Penny's Bay catchwater→back to Inspiration Lake)


今天由廸士尼地鐵站出發, 先步向廸欣湖公園, 再找到斜坡牌子, 由秘密通道進入竹篙灣


Started from DisneyLand Resort Line MTR station, walked to Inspiration Lake Recreation Park and then found the signboard for "secret slope" nearby, and walked via a secret path to enter Penny's Bay.

竹篙灣, 任何時候都美如仙境. 地上有含羞草, 還有大量白色野菌, 不怕死可來個野菌湯!! :D


Penny's Bay is also as beautifuli as paradise!! There're mimosa, and also with lots of white fungi everywhere on the ground.
Dare to pick some for making "Cream of mushroom soup"?? But I think they may be Toxic!!!!!

何謂山明水秀? 看竹篙灣便清楚了!! 山中有鐵門!?!?! 其實在廸士尼樂園興建之前, 這裡便是竹篙灣村, 是一個與世無爭的隱世村落, 當時很多人從陰澳(欣澳) 步行而來.


See how beautiful Penny's Bay is!!! Gate @ the mountain??? Actually before the construction of DisneyLand, there was a big village in Penny's Bay, many hikers came here from Yam O (Sunny Bay) by walking through the mountain path.

到了竹篙灣公路的天橋底, 看到大陰隧道(廸士尼列車專用) 及米奇老鼠列車. 再上小山崗昂船凹, 在竹篙灣公路旁步行了一會.


Reached the bottom of Penny's Bay Highway and we could see Tai Yam Tunnel (for Disney Train), we also could see the Mickey Mouse train.
Then walked uphill to Ngon Shuen Au and reached Penny's Bay Highway for a short walk along the highway.

昂船凹上一探於60-70年代已荒廢了的"嶼豐學校" (後來成為竹篙灣村文娛康樂室), 非常陰森荒蕪, 恐怖又有趣.


@ Ngon Shuen Au, we visited an abandoned old village school, Yue Fung School, which was abandoned around 1960-70s, it turned to a recreation centre for the villagers of Penny's Bay Village, but finally also being "dumped" inside the forest.
Nobody lives nearby now, the trees nearly "swallowed" the whole building, looks like a haunted house!

昂船凹, 上大山的山路, 非常難走. (昂船凹昔日是長洲張保仔另一個藏寶之地!!)


A mountain path to Dai Shan @ Ngon Shuen Au
(Ngon Shuen Au is another site for hiding the robbed treasure, from pirate Cheung Po Chai of Cheung Chau Island)

返回竹篙灣, 經樹林後的山路前行, 到了我們的 "秘密花園"!! 內有竹林, 引水道及小溪, 是一個很清涼舒適的小休之地.


Back to Penny's Bay and passed the sandy path at the back of the woods, we had reached our "Secret Garden", with bamboo trees, catchwater and river inside!
A nice and cool place for a little bit rest.