

九龍灣上山記~~ 一探前佐敦谷水塘主壩
City Walk @ Kowloon Bay ~~ A visit to the main dam of the demolished Jordan Valley Reservoir

(九龍灣地鐵站 A 出口→新牛頭角下村方向→佐敦谷北路→佐敦谷泳池→泳池旁小徑上山)
(Exit A of Kowloon Bay MTR station→The way for the New Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate→Jordan Valley North Road→Jordan Valley Swimming Pool→Go upstairs from the footpath next to Jordan Valley Swimming Pool)






由於今天有雨 (下午還有雷雨!!!), 所以取消郊遊樂, 改為市區隱世之旅 :P
今天居然是遊覽九龍灣!!! 還要是人口極多的淘大花園附近????? 隊長即拿出市區地圖.... 一看, 原來內有乾坤 (在紅圈內便是水壩的位置)....!!!
我們會經淘大花園後面的一座小山~~~ 沈雲山, 再上去佐敦谷石澗, 以及去看山上的大水壩 (屬於早已給填平了的前佐敦谷水塘).
從九龍灣地鐵站 A出口起步, 在通往新牛頭角下邨的天橋遠望對面的小山 (沈雲山), 山上果然有大水壩!!!
據一些山友的資料, 原來淘大花園一帶, 前身是寮屋區, 所以當年政府在沈雲山建了水壩及水塘供居民使用, 後來因市區發展, 水塘給填平了, 不過水壩及石澗仍然存在, 但由於沈雲山不大有名, 所以不是太多人會刻意來遊玩.
Still fine this morning but was forecasted to be rainy (sometimes heavy!!!) later in the afternoon, we had cancelled the walk @ Sai Kung and changed our plan for a city walk!!! A crazy idea this time~~ City Walk @ Kowloon Bay, near a "highly populated" area~~~ Amoy Garden!!
Our "big brother" showed us a map with a red circle indicating the location of a big dam @ Jordan Valley, this is our "target" of the day!! This big dam is part of the disused (already demolished due to urban development project) Jordan Valley Reservoir which was built in the 1950s!!!
The reservoir was @ Sham Wan Shan peak, a source of water supply for the squatter houses nearby in the past. (the place now is near Amoy Garden)
Started from Exit A of Kowloon Bay MTR station, we could see the big dam @ Sham Wan Shan peak when we were walking on the pedestrain bridge near New Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate.

到了淘大花園附近, 轉入佐敦谷北路, 到對面的佐敦谷游泳池~~~ 沿著門外的引水道前行, 很快便看到上山的路. (在泳池門外)
Now we were near Amoy Garden~~ just turned to Jordan Valley North Road and walked to the opposite side for Jordan Valley Swimming Pool. There is a catchwater outside the pool, we walked along this side and then we could see a footpath for the hillside. (Outside the swimming pool)

上山了~~ 鬧市中難得的綠林!!!
Moving uphill~~ Very surprised to see so much GREEN @ an urban area!

這裡便是佐敦谷石澗!!! 水流很急, 今天天雨路滑, 安全第一, 大家沒有下去玩水. (此處沒有安全設施, 要下水就自行為個人安全負責!!!!)
Woow!!!! A stream is here!!! This is Jordan Valley Stream, the water was pouring down like mad this morning due to the rain, for safety, none of us went down for fun!! (A bit slippery to climb down for the stream, please be careful if you want to have fun here)

山上有休憩之地, 乘機在這裡來點零食. :P
A little sun-shelter~~ our snacks time!!!

The way for the big dam!!

Now a close-up for the main dam!!

更進一步~~ 攻佔主壩頂了!!!
A step further~~ We are occupying the top of the main dam now!!!!

We could see the buildings of Telford Garden and Ngau Tau Kok.

主壩頂上的景觀, 與地面完全像兩個不同的世界!!
Green, Green and GREEN!!!! The view @ the top of the main dam is just like another dimension, when comparing to what we can see @ Amoy Garden.

主壩盡頭是一條完全陷入山中的小徑~~ 可能有蛇, 在雨中走這邊有點危險, 小心小心.
At the end of the main dam~~ there is a footpath covered by bushes, a bit challenging especially during the rain (with snakes?????)

A little temple @ the bottom of the hill.

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