

Tung Chung Valley && Wong Lung Stream (Yellow Dragon Stream), Tung Chung

(東涌地鐵站→NLB 38 號巴士[往逸東邨]→松仁路下車→步向東涌道→步向黃龍坑道→赤立角新村起步)
(Tung Chung MTR station→NLB bus no.38[to Yat Tung Estate]→get off @ Tsung Yan Road→walk to Tung Chung Road→walk to Wong Lung Hang Road→Start from New Chek Lap Kok Village)

交通詳情 Traffic:


一早到達東涌地鐵站~ 在巴士站乘 NLB 38 號巴士, 在"舊東涌警署"(松仁路) 下車, 然後經天橋向東涌道方向行,
至馬灣新村. 再續走東涌道, 會見前往赤立角新村的指示牌(即黃龍坑道), 沿路直走, 直至看到赤立角村為止.


We were @ Tung Chung MTR station early this morning! We took an NLB bus no.38, then got off @ Tung Chung Old Police Station (Chung Yan Road),
and then walked across the flyover for Tung Chung Road. After reaching Ma Wan New Village, keep on walking straight along Tung Chung Road.
You'll see the direction sign for Chek Lap Kok New Village~ this is the entrance of Wong Lung Hang Road.
Just keep on walking until you can see Chek Lap Kok village.


這天后廟有來頭的~ 在機場未興建時, 這座全港唯一以全麻石建成的天后廟已屹立在赤立角島上!! 據聞相當靈驗!
因興建機場的關係, 大部份的赤立角島都給填平!! 當年村民為了保留此古老天后廟, 政府便把它與村民一起遷往今天的東涌黃龍坑道. 另一受興建機場影響的低埔村, 亦給遷往黃龍坑道, 在赤立角村對面.
據說當年天后娘娘曾被暫時安置在東涌的青年中心, 而村民在搬離赤立角島前, 曾擲"聖杯", 得天后娘娘同意才搬到東涌的!!
此古老天后廟是全座一塊一塊石頭折開運到東涌, 再一塊一塊砌回原狀的!! 很利害呢!


Now we were in front of Chek Lap Kok village!! There's a Tin Hau Temple inside!

There's a legend about this old Tin Hau Temple! It's the ONLY temple in HK, all built with stones!!
It was built over hundred years, and originally on Chek Lap Kok island. Because of the construction of HK Int'l airport,
all the residents of CHek Lap Kok island are re-housed to Wong Lung Hang Road @ Tung Chung, that is here!!
As the residents wanted to preserve Tin Hau Temple, the colonial govt. agreed to move this temple to Tung Chung, together with the residents.

At that time, the residents had done some "rituals" to "ask" Goddess Tin Hau, about the rehome of this temple, there's a legend behind, Goddess Tin Hau had agreed to move!
So the residents moved all the stones from Tin Hau Temple out to Tung Chung piece by piece, and put the statue of Goddess Tin Hau temporarily to the Youth Centre in Tung Chung during the move.
Then the residents put those stones back piece by piece to rebuild the temple, and then took the statue of Goddess Tin Hau back here.

There's also another village called "Tei Po New Village" nearby, it was also affected by the construction of the airport, and being re-housed to Wong Lung Hang Road, now @ the opposite side of Chek Lap Kok new village.

沿黃龍坑道走, 中途可見尖尖的薄刀屻山, 及圓圓的婆髻山.


Keep on walking along Wong Lung Hang Road (Yelllow Dragon Road), you can see the sharp-edged Pok To Yan Mountain (= knife edge) and the round headed Por Kai Shan hill (= old woman's hair bun)

很快見秘密通道一條, 快下去看看有什麼!! 小路很滑, 小心慢走.


We saw a secret path leading downwards!! GOGOGO!! The path is slippery, be careful.

原來是一個很大的湖(其實這裡是東涌河的一部份)!! 很多人一家大小來游泳!! 在東涌有很多南亞居民, 今天來游泳的, 大多是印尼及印度人.
看他們玩得多快樂!! 不過湖水其實很深, 嬉水有點危險. 亦看到湖邊有村民在下棋, 在水邊下棋, 可真涼快.


OH!! There's a lake down here (it's part of Tung Chung river)!! We could see so many people swimming here happily!!
Most of them are Indian or Indonesian residents from Tung Chung, they came in families, the kids were very happy playing and swimming in the lake.
There were villagers living nearby coming here for chess, they sat under the trees along the river, enjoying valley breeze happily.

上回黃龍坑道, 再前走, 然後再在東涌谷下山... 有今日景點~~ "壯陽石"! 什麼????? 究竟看什麼???


Back to Wong Lung Hang Road from the lake, then moved forward. And then go downwards to Tung Chung valley for "Spot of the day",
that is "Stone of Masculinity" (We made up this name)!! What???? What's that????

你看看便知道, 為什麼我們叫它"壯陽石"!!! 花老B 也向它参拜?? 救命呀!!!!
(其實是Henry 捉了花老B 來拍這些照片)


You see and you'll understand why we gave it this name ~ "Stone of Masculinity"!!
Tachibana san also prayed at it???? HELP!!!
(Actually it was Henry who grabbed Tachibana san for all these photos in front of this stone)

東涌谷內, 河邊玩水.


Played @ the riverside of Tung Chung Valley.

暗暗的黑森林內探廢村 (可能是昔日的舊低埔村屋.).


Visited an old village inside the dark forest (It may be one of the houses of the former Tei Po village).

遠看黃龍瀑布~ 由此步往看瀑布, 要一小時以上, 而且山路極險峻!! 還是遠看算了.


Wong Lung Waterfall~ The famous Yellow Dragon Fall among hikers, from here, you'll need to walk for one hour or above!
The path to Yellow Dragon Fall is very challenging and dangerous, we just watched it from here safely.

黃龍坑郊遊埸~ 在此可野餐及小休, 不過絕不能BBQ, 不要引起山火!! 再前走便看見水壩, 亦是著名的黃龍石澗入口.


Wong Lung Hang Picnic Site right here!! You can have some snacks and a good rest.
But NO fire and NO BBQ here!! Just to prevent mountain fire!! Walk a little bit further and you'll see 2 big water dams!!
At there, it's also the entrance of the famous Wong Lung Stream (Yellow Dragon Stream)

看見水壩了, 步向右方較小的... 旁邊有石級上山, 亦是黃龍石澗的入澗位, 快上行看看. (石級非常濕滑, 小心小心)


We saw the water dams, then moved right for the smaller one. There're staircases nearby,
move upwards for the entrance of Yellow Dragon Stream now!!
(Those staircases are very wet and slippery!! Move slowly please!)

稍穿林, 到水壩後面, 可清楚看見黃龍石澗的下游.


Crossed the woods and now we were at the back of the water dam. From here, we could clearly see the lower stream of the Yellow Dragon.

由於往黃龍石澗是沒有正式山路的, 所以我們要爬過一些斜坡及岩壁, 才能進入黃龍石澗的下游位置.


There's NO official path for Yellow Dragon Stream, we had to climb down from some slopes and big rocks in order to "enter" the lower stream.

黃龍石澗的下游嬉水, 水很深, 有點危險. 不過黃龍石澗附近山青水綠, 美景迷人.


Now we had fun @ the lower stream of Yellow Dragon. The water was so deep and quite dangerous to swim here.
The stream is so beautiful, the water is clear and GREEN!!

玩了一會, 原路離開


We had fun for 30 mins and left from the same way.

樹屋@ 黃龍坑道


A tree house inside the woods of Wong Lung Hang Road.

返回赤立角村, 花很香!!! 再回松仁路乘巴士回東涌, 午餐是東涌大食代的印式素菜套餐.


Back to Chek Lap Kok Village, the flowers are blooming!!! We took a bus back to Tung Chung @ Chung Yan Road again.
Our lunch @ CityGate, with a delicious Indian Veg. combo.

