

大潭水塘遊 ~ 大潭水務文物徑
Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail

(皇后大道東灣仔街市門外 6 號巴士→黃泥涌峽道近黃泥涌水塘公園下車→上山至陽明山莊→大潭郊野公園→大潭水塘區→大潭道→下至大潭篤水壩→大潭篤村→回大潭道@ 16M 小巴至柴灣地鐵站)
(Bus no. 6 @ the entrance of Wan Chai Market @ Queen's Road East→Get off @ Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park @ Wong Nai Chung Gap Road→Walk up to Parkview→Tai Tam Country Park→Tai Tam Reservoir→Tai Tam Road→Walk downwards to Tai Tam Tuk Main dam→Tai Tam Tuk Village→Back to Tai Tam Road for Minibus no. 16M to Chai Wan MTR station)

地圖及詳情 Map:
http://www.wsd.gov.hk/filemanager/tc/share/monuments/tai_tam.pdf (EN and Chi)

交通 Traffic:
由陽明山莊出發, 經大潭郊野公園
* 小巴 16M & 16X: 大潭篤→柴灣地鐵站

Start from Parkview, via Tai Tam Country Park
Bus: no. 6, 66, 76
Minibus: no. 5, 36 (GREEN minibus)
Get off at the bus stop outside Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park on Wong Nai Chung Gap Road. Walk up the road past the northern bank of the reservoir and Parkview for the starting point.
* Minibus no.16M && 16X Tai Tam Tuk→Chai Wan MTR station


今早大家先在灣仔舊街市(皇后大道東)門前的巴士站集合, 等待6 / 66 號巴士, 在黃泥涌水塘公園下車, 車站旁邊是中石化的油站.
下車後附近有路牌, 向大潭水塘道方向上山. 之後, 再有往陽明山莊的指示牌, 一直向上走便可.


We waited @ the front of Wan Chai Old Market (Queen's Road East), there're a few bus stops. Take bus no.6 or 66 and get off @ Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park,
which is just next to SINOPEC gasoline station. There's a direction sign for Tai Tam Reservoir Road, walk upstairs and then you'll see another road sign for Hong Kong Parkview.
Just walk up the traffic road for Hong Kong Parkview.

到了黃泥涌水塘公園, 這裡有小食亭, 亦有小艇出租. 再沿車路上山, 到達陽明山莊後, 旁邊便是"大潭郊野公園" 及 "大潭水務文物徑" 的入口.


Now we were in front of Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park, there's a kiosk for snacks and boat rental.
Then we moved upwards to Hong Kong Parkview. The "correct" entrance for Tai Tam Country Park and Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail is just next to HK Parkview.
Don't enter from the wrong place.

從郊野公園前進, 走了一段路之後, 便到了水塘區. 這裡是大潭上水塘. 過了石橋有分义路, 先向大風坳(沿水塘)方向走.


You'll need to have quite a long walk from the entrance of the country park to the reservoir.
Then you'll see "Tai Tam Upper Reservoir". Cross the stone bridge and there're 2 ways to choose.
First walk to the way for Quarry Gap (Tai Fung Au), that is the road along the reservoir.

沿大潭上水塘走, 這裡已有百年以上的歷史!!! 英式設計真的使人有回到古代的感覺, 景色真美!!!


We walked along Tai Tam Upper Reservoir, which was built over 100 years (for all in Tai Tam actually)!!
The classic British design makes us feel like travelling back to the old days!@

之後到了大潭副水塘, 在堤壩旁留影. 堤壩旁有休憩亭, 小亭旁邊便是通往大潭道的小徑, 亦可通往大潭篤水塘.


Now we had reached Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir, and we took some photos near the dam.
There's a little rain / sun shelter nearby, and the footpath for Tai Tam Road (next to the rain shelter) is also for Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir.

繼續向大潭篤水塘前進, 中途是大潭中水塘的水壩及下游. 不過, 指示牌已給樹掩蓋了.


Keep on moving forward to Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir. We could see Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir when we were passing by.
But the direction sign is already covered by the trees. But luckily we could still see the dam and the lower part of this reservoir.

向大潭道直走, 直至到了休憩點前~ 有兩隻樣子趣怪的木鳥在門前!! 這裡很接近大潭篤水塘的拱型石橋.


We kept on moving forward for Tai Tam Road, until we reached the picnic area~~
there are 2 wooden birds outside with very funny faces!! If you've reached here, you're very close to the arch bridge of Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir.

嘩!!! 很美的拱型石橋!! 這裡是大潭篤水塘最美的景點, 很多人特地來此拍照.


Woow!! What a wonderful scene!! Here's the most beautiful part of Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir~ the Arch Bridge, which is a popular spot for photographers.

今早雖然有雨, 但雨停了後氣溫卻昇至30多度!!! 小狗熱得流出口水. 我們亦到了大潭篤水塘的出口, 水塘之行到了尾聲.
不過, 我們仍繼續大潭篤村之行.


Although the rain was quite heavy this morning, when it stopped, the temperature now was over 30C!!!
The heatwave made the poor dog salivating. Now we were @ the exit of Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir, the walk for the reservoir area came to an end.
But we still kept on moving to Tai Tam Tuk Village.

到了大潭道, 先過對面的大潭水塘道, 旁邊有大潭篤會的路牌. 一直向下走, 直至見到"香港國際學校" 之後,
附近有小路可進入大潭港. 沿海向渡頭走便可進入大潭篤村.


Now we were @ Tai Tam Road. Just cross the road to the opposite side for Tai Tam Reservoir Road.
There's also a direction sign for Tai Tam Tuk Society. Walk downwards until you can see Hong Kong International School.
There's a footpath to the seaside (Tai Tam Harbour). Walk along the seaside for the way to the jetty.
Then you keep on walking along Tai Tam Harbour for a while, and you'll reach Tai Tam Tuk Village.

滑浪者天堂在此!! 大潭篤村 78號有滑浪板及小艇出租!! (http://www.wakeboard.com.hk/location.htm)


A good place for wakeboard lovers @ 78 Tai Tam Tuk Village ! (http://www.wakeboard.com.hk/location.htm)

歡樂士多沒有開門(好像已沒有經營了)..... 我們悄悄進入一看.


Foon Lok Store was closed (seems already closed, not for business any more)... but we entered to have a look without any one knows.

沒有歡樂士多, 去了海邊的翠華燒烤場, 來了個冰凍的檸檬可樂, 一解暑氣. 翠華燒烤場在大潭篤村內, 在大水壩的底部.
老板娘說若需要素食燒烤亦可作出安排, 不過要預先通知, 電話: 28139760 / 97718902


No Foon Lok Store, just moved to Jade Flower BBQ site nearby, which is also @ the seaside.
To prevent melting, I ordered an iced lemon coke, it was really very hot!!!!!!!!!
The owner of Jade Flower BBQ told me that they can make special arrangements for us if we need Vegan BBQ,
but need to phone her in advance.
Their phone numbers: 28139760 / 97718902, call Jenny for reservation

正好大潮退, 可看到多種小動物.


We just arrived when it was low tide~ we could see lots of shore creatures in the mud.

非常宏偉的大潭篤大水壩, 已有百年歷史了!!!


The BIG Tai Tam Tuk main dam is right here!!! It's over a hundred years old!!!

大水壩後有森林, 亦有樓梯可上大潭道, 那裡可看到車子在大水壩上駛過.


There's a forest path and staircases for Tai Tam Road at the back of the Big main dam.
Walk up to Tai Tam Road and you can see the cars moving on the main dam!!

大潭道上有巴士(14號)及小巴(16M, 16X). 小巴總站在柴灣地鐵站 C 出口旁邊.


Bus no. 14, minibuses no. 16M and 16X available @ Tai Tam Road.
The Minibus terminus is just next to Exit C of Chai Wan MTR station.

