

City Walk @ Jordan Valley before the rain

(Amoy Garden @ Kowloon Bay→Jordan Valley Swimming Pool→Jordan Valley Jogging Trail→Mount Shum Wan Shan→Jordan Valley)





今天氣溫下降了不少, 天色非常陰暗, 沒有到郊野行, 趁暴雨來臨前, 稍作市區小登山. 下午4時左右, 在九龍灣淘大花園起步, 經佐敦谷泳池旁的佐敦谷晨運徑上山, 在沈雲山上來個小小的市區尋幽探秘遊.
Temperature gradually dropping from early this morning, it was also very dark and humid. We didn't go for hiking in the countryside, but still had a little bit of hillside walk @ the city area before the coming of winter rain.
Started from Amoy Garden in Kowloon Bay around 4 p.m. , we walked to Jordan Valley Swimming Pool and then went uphill via the jogging path. This little hill is called "Shum Wan Shan" and we could still have a little bit fun @ the hillside before getting dark.

往山上走, 可看見佐敦谷石澗.
We could see Jordan Valley Stream as we were walking uphill via the jogging path.

路上有些地方可供休息, 應該是維修人員以破爛石屋改建而成.
There are some little huts as sun-shelters, most probably built by the maintenance workers (from the old collapsed stone houses).

雖然是市區, 但走到山上卻是另一個世界 -- 沿樓梯上山, 途中可見不少巨石, 趁機在岩石上坐一下!!!
You cannot believe that you are in such a crowded district -- Kowloon Bay!!! Just like 2 different dimensions if you walk up the hill!!! We moved up and up and there are many big rocks around us. A great time to have fun here, back to the nature is much better than shopping around in the crowded shopping malls.

看到佐敦谷水壩, 是昔日佐敦谷水塘的主壩, 水源來自佐敦谷石澗, 主要供水給從前的寮屋區, 水塘多年前已消失.
Now we could see the main dam of Jordan Valley reservoir. The source of water was from Jordan Valley Stream, and it supplied water to the squatter houses of old Kowloon Bay. The reservoir was demolished decades ago, but the main dam and the catchwater are still here for flood prevention.

Now we had reached the top of the main dam.

從主壩上看九龍灣的樓景, 景觀不錯.
Looking at the skyscrapers of Kowloon Bay from the top of the main dam.

主壩盡頭有秘道可以上山, 快去探險!!
There is a "secret" trail at the end of the main dam, let's go uphill for a look!!!

向山上走, 究竟前面有什麼呢???
We walked along the secret trail but with no idea where this path is leading to.....

到了山上的大片草地上, 終於遇上其他遊人 -- 原來此小徑可通往佐敦谷公園..... 不過由於天色已越來越暗, 大家沒有手電筒, 只好下山回淘大花園.
We saw a big piece of grass here and finally we met a hiker.... so we know that this trail is for Jordan Valley Park (near New Clear Water Bay Road), it is quite far away from Kowloon Bay!! As it was getting darker and darker and none of us had brought a torch, we had to go downhill from here!!

下山至淘大花園不久, 開始下雨了....!!! 冬天的雨特別冷, 如果仍然在山上一定冷得發抖!!
We were quite lucky that once we went down to Amoy Garden, it started to rain. It is not a funny thing to walk under the winter rain -- just like iced water pouring on your head!!

