

Long Walk @ Yellow Walk, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, NT

(大埔墟火車站→小巴總站 28K 小巴→松仔園→黃路)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Minibus terminus→minibus no. 28K→Chung Tsai Yuen [Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve] →Yellow Walk)








今早再來大埔滘松仔園, 月前已去過藍路, 今次大家來個大挑戰-- 10公里最長的黃路!! 由於路程較長, 事不宜遲, 一到步就立即起行!!
This morning we came to Chung Tsai Yuen again!!! Ooops, we had been here twice in November, for Blue Walk and Red Walk. This time we were going to have a long walk~ for the longest trail, the 10.5km-long Yellow Walk!!! As time was running short, we started our long forest walk once we arrived the entrance of Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve.

跟隨路牌指示, 上山向黃路進攻!! 黃路及啡路早段是重疊的.
We walked uphill for Yellow Walk now!! The first part of Yellow Walk and Brown Walk are overlapped.

一開始便是大段斜坡, 有點吃力, 慢慢前進.
We had to walk uphill from these steep steps right from the beginning!!! A little bit more effort is necessary, but just go UP, UP and UP!!!

Moving to Yellow Walk from here....

行行重行行, 穿過森林和原野.
We were walking via the long long long forest trail.....

稍作休息, 再穿越竹林.
We had a little bit rest near the Yellow Walk direction sign, and then we walked via a bamboo forest.

無竹令人俗-- 離開竹林, 再踏上佈滿沙石的山路.
We all love bamboo trees!!!!! Leaving the bamboo forest and we continued our walk on a long bumpy and muddy path.

Keep on walking on Yellow Walk.

Forest trail again!!

終於走到石屎路上了!! 已經是午間, 反正這裡有休憩設施, 大家在此大休兼午餐.
Now we were on a hiker-friednly footpath!!! It was already noon time, so we stopped for a while and had our lunch here.

由這裡開始, 黃路跟啡路重疊了.
From here, the Yellow Walk and Brown Walk merge together.

The forest trail of this side is wider and more walker-friendly than the one @ the Yellow Walk.

森林區內到處是鮮綠色!!!! 很難想像已經是冬天!!!
GREEN everywhere in the forest!!!! Really difficult to imagine that it is already WINTER!!!!!! (We could even hear lots of birds singing and bugs still buzzing around in the forest.)

We walked via mini "stone henge".

We were near the FINISH point.

下山後, 接上藍路的林徑, 終點在望.
We walked downstairs and then "merged" with the Blue Walk, it is already the last part of the trail.

到了車路-- 到達終點了!!!
Woow, we could see the traffic road now!!!! We had finished our walk on "Yellow Walk" !!!

超可愛小狗啦啦隊隊長來為我們祝賀!!! (其實是其他行山人士的狗)
Our lovely cheerleader, a cute puppy welcomed us @ the traffic road!!! (Haha, it is not our dog!!)

經過野外研習園, 順道進去一看.
We just went into the Outdoor Study Centre to have a look.

Many beautiful water lilies @ the Outdoor Study Centre.

假日無限好, 只是近黃昏..... 天黑了, 是吃晚飯的時候了!!!!
It was getting dark although we still wanted to walk..... Time for leaving!! Let's go and have a big dinner!!!

