

Visit @ Sha Tau Kok for Mangrove and old villages

(粉嶺火車站A3出口, 56K 小巴→鹿頸村→雞谷樹下→鳳坑村→谷埔村→向榕樹凹方向上山→觀賞沙頭角海地藏菩薩→原路回程)
(Exit A3 of Fanling Railway station→Minibus no.56K→Luk Keng Village→Kai Kuk Shue Ha→Fung Hang village→Kuk Po village→walk uphill to the way for Yung Shue Au→Admire the Boddhisattva statue at the seaside of Sterling Inlet→Back from the same route)



粉嶺火車站乘56K小巴, 鹿頸總站下車. 沿新娘潭道走, 至雞谷樹下起步, 往鳳坑及谷埔方向前進. 於鳳坑燒烤場旁上山.


Take a minibus no.56K at Fanling Railway station, get off at Luk Keng, the destination. Then walk along Bride's Pool Road until you can see the road sign of "Kai Kuk Shue Ha".
Walk to the way for Kuk Po and Fung Hang, then when you've reached Fung Hang BBQ site, walk upstairs.

上山後, 經過大草坪, 沿草坪後的樓梯下山, 很快便到鳳坑村. 鳳坑村內有客家特色小茶座, 雖不是素菜館, 但有一味 "芋頭南瓜煲", 亦有炒青菜. 鳳坑碼頭附近的海水非常清澈, 連海裡的昆布亦清楚可見.


Uphill and you'll see a big piece of grassland. There's a staircase downwards for Fung Hang Village, at the back of the staircases. Then walk for a little while for Fung Hang village.
There's a little Hakka style food stall near Fung Hang village. Although it's NOT offering vegetarian food, there's one dish "Pumpkin and yam hotpot", and also with self-grown lettuce.
The water along Fung Hang pier is so clear that, we can see the seaweed clearly in the sea!

離開鳳坑, 向谷埔走. 沿岸有紅岩石, 很美!! 到了谷埔, 可見到有"宋伯山水豆腐花", 有美味的客家甜點!!


Leaving Fung Hang for Kuk Po. There're reddish / pink rocks along the seacoast. When you've arrived Kuk Po, you can see a little snack stall "Old Sung's Sweetened Tofu".
There're lots of Hakka snacks available, such as chilled sweetened tofu, steamed sweet potato cakes, steamed "rice cake" made with brown sugar and red beans, rice mochi with sweet beans inside, rice mochi made with Chinese herbs... etc.
Very delicious Hakka snacks!

谷埔有名的古蹟~ 啟才學校及協天宮


Old building @ Kuk Po, with very high historical value~ Kai Choi School and Hip Tin Kung Temple

到了松記士多, 今天的主菜是生炒花老B!!! 樹上有 "英雄樹" 一牌, 好像是與抗日戰事有關. 松記士多本來是一座中式堡壘, 是古時村內的軍用建築物.
現在成了松記士多(小飯店), 在假日時客人甚多, 經常滿座.


We had reached Chung Kee store finally. Today's Special was "Stir-fried Tachibana san"!! There's a sign "Heroes' Tree" on a tree near Chung Kee store, which seems to be related to WWII.
The building of Chung Kee Store was a castle in the past, now turn to a village restaurant, selling Hakka food (specialised for seafood and poultry, NO veg. food !)
Many hikers come to Chung Kee store during Sundays and public holidays.

暫別松記, 向通往榕樹凹的方向走. 榕樹凹的山路崎嶇不平, 又窄又斜.... 何解來此???


Just say goodbye to Chung Kee Store, we continued our walk for Yung Shue Au. The mountain path to Yung Shue Au is narrow, steep and bumpy. Why we are here??

通過崎嶇山路後, 找到了"地藏菩薩"!! 我們今天是為了祂而來!! 地藏菩薩在香港不常見, 而戶外又向著海的, 這一座可能是惟一的了!! 其實, 此地藏菩薩像是建在一座墓地之上, 我們正在墓園上呢!!
地藏菩薩是專度地獄道眾生脫離苦海的, 所以放在墓園內非常合適. 而祂向著海, 可能是放置祂的人, 希望地藏菩薩可度化昔日從深圳游水偷渡來港而死的靈魂, 希望死者早日安息.
其實谷埔一帶有很多"水鬼" 的傳說, 因為昔日偷渡客甚多, 在海中死掉的人可不少.


After walking through the steep mountain path, we had come here, for the "target" of today~ to see the Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva statue at the slope!!
Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva statues are NOT common in HK (but everywhere in Japan!) , and this one may be the ONLY one in HK, being placed outdoors and facing the sea!!
Actually this statue is ON the top of a group of tombs (we were standing on a very big graveyard!!!)~!!!
Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva is to comfort the souls in the hell, so it's very suitable for placing "him" in a graveyard. But why facing the sea?
Perhaps the reason is, there were lots of illegal immigrants swimming to HK from Shenzhen in the past, and many were drowned, and so,
to place Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva here is also a way to "comfort" these drowned souls, cos there were lots of ghost stories around Kuk Po in the past.

花老B 跟地藏菩薩一起望海....


Tachibana san with Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva, looking at the sea.

陽光普照, 看見明思克號... 附近是邊境禁區, 花老B 跑到水中, 又犯法了....


A sunny day today, we could see the "Minsk" @ Shenzhen clearly! The sea is already Restricted area, Tachibana san ran into the water for fun... he had violated the law!!

回到松記, 由於沒有素食小菜, 只好要了白飯及蒜茸炒莧菜, 勉強算是沒有肉的一餐. 花老B 對炒菜非常欣賞, 邊吃邊笑,


Back to Chung Kee store for lunch. As it doesn't offer veg. dishes, I ordered a bowl of rice and stir-fried vegetables with smashed garlic, also a meat-free lunch.
Tachibana san loved stir-fried veg. very much, see his satisfied smile! :)

飯後, 沿谷埔看紅樹林, 原路回程.


After lunch, we walked along Kuk Po for mangrove, and then back to the minibus stop from the same route.

