


突然轉涼, 營地內中午已刮起北風, 花了不少時間才弄好帳蓬.
It was much cooler and very windy @ the campsite, more time is needed for setting up the baker tent.

今日使用了OneTigris Backwoods Bungalow, 夏季時從一間現已倒閉的體育用品店以半價買來, 是我一直很想買的小屋型帳蓬..
雖然是輕量營, 但所需的配件很多.

要搭建穩定, 以下零件不能少~~
2枝營柱, 14支營釘, 3-4 條繩子.

今天只有一根營柱及 10支營釘, 其餘要靠地上的樹枝, 所以帳蓬一邊較低.

I bought this Onetigris backwoods bungalow (old model) from a closing sale of a camping equipment shop, 50% off  this summer, it's the baker tent I want for years!! Got it!!
It's lightweight but the accessories needed are quite heavy.

For the best result, you need 2 trekking poles / tarp poles, 14 camping stakes, 3-4 guylines.
I have got only one tarp pole and 10 camping stakes, I have to pick up branches on the ground to make this little bungalow standing up, this is why my tent looked quite strange.
Next time I have to bring 2 tarp poles.....

Lunch of the day: ~~ Pineapple bun!!!

樹枝被強風吹得不停晃動, 小屋不停變形.
The branch I picked to hold the bungalow is not strong enough, it's always shaking under the strong wind, my bungalow changes its shape when the wind hit on it....

在冬風下, 躲入帳蓬內午睡是相當溫暖.
一直逗留至黃昏, 北風越來越強, 郊外的氣溫急速下降, 是離開的時候了.
It's really cozy and warm when sleeping inside the tent.
Hiding inside the tent until sunset, temperature dropped and the wind became much stronger....
Haven't brought a sleeping pad and time to leave....

