

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

大棠越嶺賞黃葉 伯公共賞千島湖
Admiring the beauty of Tai Lam Chung Reservoir @ Reservoir Islands Viewpoint 
(From Tai Tong sweet gum woods to Tuen Mun via Reservoir Islands Peak ~ MacLehose Trail Section 10)

(西鐵朗屏站 B2 出口→ 屏昌徑 K66 巴士站 [大棠方向] →大棠山路站下車→大棠山路→大欖郊野公園入口→楓香林→大欖自然教育徑→千島湖清景台方向→大欖林道伯公坳段→麥理浩徑第10段M178→伯公廟→千島湖清景台方向→上山→麥理浩徑第10段→千島湖清景台→賞千島湖→原路下山→黃泥墩水塘方向→麥理浩徑第10段 M183→黃金海岸方向→大欖涌水塘堤壩→掃管芴村→小巴 43回屯門港鐵站)

 (Exit B2 of Long Ping MTR station [West Rail]→ Ping Cheong Path bus-stop for MTR bus no. K66 [Tai Tong direction] →Tai Tong Shan Road bus-stop→Tai Tong Shan Road→Entrance for Tai Lam Country Park→Sweet gum woods→Tai Lam Nature Trail→Reservoir Islands Viewpoint direction→Tai Lam Forest Track - Pak Kung Au Section→MacLehose Trail Section 10 distance post M178→Temple of Pak Kung Au→Reservoir Islands Viewpoint direction→Upstairs→MacLehose Trail Section 10→Reservoir Islands Viewpoint→Admire Reservoir Islands [Tai Lam Chung Reservoir]→Wong Nai Tun Reservoir direction→MacLehose Trail Section 10 distance post M183→Gold Coast direction→Tai Lam Chung Reservoir dam→So Koon Wat Village→Minibus no. 43 for Tuen Mun MTR station)


Start our walk for the Sweet Gum Woods.

There are urban legends about this 1000-year-old Chinese Banyan tree, haunted.....

雖是冬季, 但仍溫暖, 只能賞黃葉
This winter is also very warm, the leaves are still yellow.....

Going to Reservoir Islands Viewpoint.

Pak Kung (Deity of Land) Temple.

Captain has got a horse finally!

關帝廟 Kwan Di Temple.

Now going up for MacLehose Trail Section 10.

Upstairs now!!

Beautiful scenes of Reservoir Islands. 

原路下山, 向黃泥墩水塘方向走.
Back to the signage and then turn to the direction for Wong Nai Tun Reservoir, it's also MacLehose Trail Section 10.

Under the dam of Tai Lam Chung Reservoir.

Lovely goats in the village.

