

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

城門走私去金山 (走私嶺 / 城門軍事遺蹟徑,麥理浩徑第6段 -- 醉酒灣防線
Smuggling with warriors via Smugglers' Ridge war relics trail (MacLehose Trail section 6 -- Gin Drinkers' Line)

(荃灣地鐵站→兆和街→小巴 82號→城門水塘→主壩方向→麥理浩徑第 6 段入口[公廁]→城門戰地遺跡徑→走私嶺→大埔道方向→金山郊野公園→九龍水塘→巴士回市區)

(Exit B of Tsuen Wan MTR station→Shiu Wo Street→Minibus no. 82→Shing Mun Reservoir→The way for the main dam→Entrance of MacLehose Trail Section 6 [Public toilet]→Shing Mun War Relics Trail→Smugglers' Ridge→The way for Tai Po Road→Kam Shan Country Park→Kowloon Reservoir→Bus for the urban area)



Gin Drinkers' Line:








城門軍事遺蹟徑在走私嶺, 亦是昔日英軍抗日的醉酒灣防線.
醉酒灣已填海, 即現在的葵涌貨櫃碼頭.
We were going to Shing Mun War Relics Trail today, which is located @ Smugglers' Ridge.
It is also part of the Gin Drinkers' Line (a British military defensive line against the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong during WWII)
Gin Drinkers' Bay was reclaimed in the 1960s and now is Kwai Chung Container Terminal.

起點在此, 上去走私嶺.
Going upstairs for Smugglers' Ridge via MacLehose Trail Section 6.

內部很深, 最好勿亂入.
Better stay away from it, you may fall into a deep tunnel.

Let's do some shopping in these "streets".....

Fun @ the tunnels.

其實很暗, 最好有電筒.
You should bring a torch with you before entering the tunnels.

A shopping street....

Direction signages on the wall.

隊員有小型電筒, 總算看到樓梯.
One of our team-mates had brought a little torch, we could go upstairs to have a look.

Getting some fresh air!!!!

後面是針山. (https://medalene.blogspot.com/2017/01/20170121-needle-hill.html)
Needle Hill @ our back (https://medalene.blogspot.com/2017/01/20170121-needle-hill.html)

We had great fun @ this place.

You can go down to the observation post @ the back of the warning signage.

Let's start our adventure from here!!!

隊長發出指令, 零食兵團全力出擊, 吃盡袋中所有薯片!!!
Order from Oh Captain My Captain:~ Snacks Army, attack the potato chips and chocolate bars now!!!
(Don't leave any trash behind!!!!)

攻佔了所有零食之後, 很想睡覺.
Captain needs a NAP after clearing all the snacks.

來到衛奕信徑, 順道上去看孖指徑.
Now @ Wilson Trail (Section 6), we went upstairs to have a look @ Smugglers' Trail.

可上行至孖指徑 / 走私坳, 不過時間不足, 只是看了一會便離開.
據說, 走私坳是昔日城門八村, 村民把農產品運往市區出售的路徑, 亦有走私客從市區來此地放置物品.
You can go up via this footpath for Smugglers' Pass.
This place is called "Smugglers' Trail / Smugglers' Ridge".
It used to be the main route for villagers living in Shing Mun 8 Villages (before the construction of Shing Mun Reservoir), bringing their agricultural products to sell in Kowloon via this place.
Smugglers from Kowloon also stopped here to hide their goods.


There are lots of holes on the radar station @ the top of Beacon Hill!!!!!!!!!!!

We have caught a smuggler!!!

這個老伯相當兇惡, 不但獨霸涼亭, 還趕走其他行山人士.
This old guy is NOT friendly at all.
It occupied the whole pavilion and chased all the hikers away.

Little kid.....

Another unfriendly old man.

Kowloon Reservoir.

