

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在網頁的右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語, 而且還未熟習 跟人對話, 所以有時會胡言亂語..... :P
**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

腳踏青龍降深井  大欖海角奪龍珠 (青龍頭, 清快塘, 深井, 大欖涌, 大欖角機場多普勒天氣雷達站)
A walk @ West New Territories (Tsing Lung Tau, Tsing Fai Tong, Sham Tseng, Tai Lam Chung, Brothers Point Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station)

(九巴52X [屯門方向]→青龍頭村巴士站→行人天橋往龍如路→青龍頭村→大欖郊野公園入口→深并沉澱塘→涼亭→山路往清快塘→清快塘村→清快塘喜香農莊→深井方向→深井村→深井村巴士站 52X巴士→大欖涌站→大欖涌村→大欖涌燒烤樂園村路→送別亭→送別亭旁斜路上山→大欖角機場多普勒天氣雷達站)

(KMB bus no. 52X [Tuen Mun direction]→Tsing Lung Tau Village bus-stop→Pedestrian bridge for Lung Yue Road→Tsing Lung Tau Village→Entrance of Tai Lam Country Park→Sham Tseng Settlement Basin [reservoir]→Pavilion→Hiking trail for Tsing Fai Tong near the pavilion→Tsing Fai Tong Village→Farm→Downstairs for Sham Tseng→Sham Tseng Village→Sham Tseng Village bus-stop for bus no. 52X→Tai Lam Chung bus-stop→Tai Lam Chung Village→Village road @ Tai Lam Chung BBQ site→Pavilion→Go uphill via the footpath next to the pavilion→Brothers Point Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station)

往清快塘 2 ways for Tsing Fai Tong Village---
  1. 青龍頭村→大欖郊野公園, 在管理站旁, 有車路 (大欖林道) 往清快塘村, 不過路比較遠.
  2. 青龍頭村→大欖郊野公園, 到達深并沉澱塘之後, 再走到涼亭後面的小路, 會看見有路牌往清快塘村, 此段是山路, 要走過數個小山頭, 不過比較快到達清快塘

  1. Tsing Lung Tau Village → Tai Lam Country Park
    There is a traffic road (Tai Lam Forest Track) next to the management centre signage, which is for Tsing Fai Tong Village, mainly for cyclists.
  2. Tsing Lung Tau Village → Tai Lam Country Park
    Continue for the walk to Sham Tseng Settlement Basin and you can find a pavilion and picnic area there.
    Walk through the road at the back of the pavilion and there is a road signage showing the way for Tsing Fai Tong, which is a mountain trail.
This time we chose the mountain trail, that is 2), which is shorter than Tai Lam Forest Track.







Entrance of Tai Lam Country Park.

Going to Sham Tseng Settlement Basin.

山路往清快塘, 在深并沉澱塘後面.
A mountain trail for Tsing Fai Tong, at the back of Sham Tseng Settlement Basin.

繼續經山路往清快塘村 (不是大欖林道)
Keep on walking via the mountain trail for Tsing Fai Tong Village.
(NOT Tai Lam Forest Track)

Tsing Fai Tong Village.

The farm @ Tsing Fai Tong Village.

Now @ Sham Tseng Village.

Sham Tseng Village doesn't look like rural area any more.

Take a bus from Sham Tseng Village to Tai Lam Chung.

Tai Lam Chung Village.

Tai Lam Chung BBQ site, walk via the village road next to this BBQ site.

送別亭 A pavilion.

Keep on walking uphill via the road next to the pavilion.

一直走30分鐘, 終於看見大欖角機場多普勒天氣雷達站
Keep on walking for another 30 minutes, and then you can see Brothers Point Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station at the hilltop.

屯門公路 Tuen Mun Road.

