

Long Time No See, Tung O Path!!

(東涌巴士總站 23號巴士→深屈山海亭站下車 [延慶寺站]→山海亭→深屈道→茜草灣→深屈→深石→沙螺灣→鱟殼灣→散頭村→東涌侯王廟→逸東邨→38號巴士回東涌地鐵站)
(NLB bus no.23 [for Big Buddha] @ Tung Chung Bus terminus→San Hoi Ting bus-stop [Yin Hing Temple]→San Hoi Ting pavilion→Sham Wat Road→Sai Tso Wan→Sham Wat→Sham Shek→Sha Lo Wan→Hau Hok Wan→San Tau Village→Hau Wong Temple in Tung Chung town centre→Yat Tung Estate→NLB bus no.38 for Tung Chung MTR station)









今早在東涌乘坐往昂平大佛的 23號巴士, 在山海亭站下車 (延慶寺站), 先向深屈方向走, 到了古樸的山海亭, 再經深屈道下去深屈村.
We took a bus for the Big Buddha (NLB bus no.23) from Tung Chung bus terminus early this morning. Then we got off @ Shan Hoi Ting bus-stop (or you can tell the driver to drop you off @ Yin Hing Temple). We stopped @ an old green pavilion -- Shan Hoi Ting and then continued our walk via Sham Wat Road for Tung O ancient path.

深屈道的盡頭, 終於來到深屈村. 村內有果園, 村民把香蕉放在村口, 放下金錢便可選購美味的香蕉了!!!
Now we were @ the end of Sham Wat Road, @ Sham Wat Village. There are orchards everywhere, villagers put bananas near the village entrance and you can just put down money and get a few bunches of these delicious bananas!!

先向大澳方向走, 到茜草灣村享用美味的香蕉及陽光!!!
First we went to Sai Tso Wan Village (the way for Tai O) and enjoyed our snacks and sunshine!!!

茜草灣內全是綠色, 配上海岸及小艇, 景色真美.
GREEEEN power @ Sai Tso Wan Village!!! A beautiful place with sea-coast and boat, great to enjoy sunshine here!!!

回到深屈村, 這裡有數間士多, 可在任何一間吃點東西, 非常方便.
We were back to Sham Wat Village, there are a few food stalls (village houses), you can have lunch here. There are also dessert (tofu pudding, sweet mung bean soup, sweet potato soup and herbal drink), fresh and dried fruit available, very local-style.

深屈灣的海水變了粉紅色!!!!! 原來是紅潮.... !!!
Sea water of Sham Wat Bay became pink this morning!!!! It was not caused by pollution, actually those were glowing pink plankton, due to the sudden warming throughout this week.

走到古老的深石村, 有古老木橋, 乾涸古井及路上的土地公公 (社稷之神).
Now we were @ another old village -- Sham Shek Village!!! There are lots of very old village stuff along the road, an old sun shelter, roadside shrine for the Deity of agriculture (mountain god), an old wooden bridge and a dried old well!!!

來到沙螺灣村-- 本來美麗的沙螺灣, 因興建大橋的關係, 現已變得混濁一片..... 連海邊的村公所及古廟亦失色了.....
Now we were @ Sha Lo Wan village.... sad to see that the sea is so polluted due to the construction of the big bridge to PRD!!!!

A dried stream @ Sha Lo Wan village.

繼續向東涌走, 在機場對面的觀景台看飛機升降.
We continued our walk to Tung Chung, and stopped for a while to see the planes landing and taking-off @ the opposite side of the airport runway.

Hau Hok Wan (meaning -- shells of horseshoe crabs)

夕陽無限好 ---- 往東涌的路上, 風景很不錯.
Sunset time --- Great scenes along the way for Tung Chung.

Hakka village houses @ San Tau Village, with a big stove.

You still canNOT see how the pollution is affecting the health of the villagers??

Now @ Tung Chung Bay.

Sha Tsui Tau.

終於走到逸東邨, 再乘巴士回東涌地鐵站.
Time's up!!! Now we were @ Yat Tung Estate, we took a bus from here for Tung Chung MTR station. (NLB bus no.38)

