

Adventure @ an old abandoned village @ Yung Shue Au, Sha Tau Kok

(粉嶺火車站→56K 小巴→鹿頸村總站→對面雞谷樹下→鳳坑→谷埔→谷埔碼頭旁海邊行山徑→榕樹凹 [往荔枝窩方向] →原路回鹿頸村)
(Fanling Railway station→Mini-bus no. 56K [Green] →Luk Keng Village minibus terminus→Kai Kuk Shue Ha [the opposite side of Luk Keng Village along Bride's Pool Road] →Fung Hang→Kuk Po→Seaside hiking trail at the back of Kuk Po Pier→Yung Shue Au [The way for Lai Chi Wo] →Back to Luk Keng minibus terminus from the same route)








今天非常清涼, 早上雖然天色曾經非常陰暗, 但來到沙頭角後便陽光普照, 令人興奮!!! 從鹿頸村的小巴站出發, 來到對面的雞谷樹下, 開始前往谷埔. 沿途一片鮮綠, 但見鳳坑燒烤場已關閉, 給雜草吞噬了.
Much cooler this morning but still very dark and cloudy. Luckily it became sunny when we arrived Sha Tau Kok!!! Started from the minibus terminus @ Luk Keng Village, we walked to "Kai Kuk Shue Ha" @ the opposite side and started our hike for Kuk Po. The Fung Hang BBQ site is already closed and being "swallowed" by the shrubs.

Now @ Fung Hang Village.

鳳坑村附近有個連島沙堤, 平時給水淹著, 難得今天大潮退, 我來了這裡多次, 都是第一次能走上去!!!!!
There is a tombolo near Fung Hang Village, and the tide was extremely low this morning so that we could have a walk on it!!! I have been to this place many times but it is the FIRST time I can walk on it!!! GREAT!!

Had great fun @ the tombolo!!!

到了谷埔, 一邊賞鳥, 一邊在宋伯山水豆腐花吃茶點 -- 美味蕃薯餅, 花生糯米糍及南瓜茶果.
Bird-watching @ Kuk Po, together with excellent Hakka dim-sum @ the pier-side.... Steamed sweet potato cakes, peanut mochi and pumpkin sticky rice cakes.

There is a "villages and towns officer training quarter" setup by China in Kuk Po Village.....

沿谷埔碼頭後面的沿海山路走, 向荔枝窩方向前進, 可達已荒廢了的榕樹凹古村.
Now we were going to an old and abandoned village -- Yung Shue Au Village. Just walk along the seaside mountain trail at the back of Kuk Po Pier, to the way for Lai Chi Wo.

There is a statue of Ksitigabha Bodhisattva on the hill.

Shenzhen is at the opposite side, very near this place.

We kept on walking to Yung Shue Au.

看到樓梯, 下去便是榕樹凹廢村.
We just went downstairs for Yung Shue Au village.

榕樹凹村已荒廢多年, 到處是古老村屋.
Yung Shue Au village is abandoned decades ago, there are old village houses everywhere.

往荔枝窩方向走, 後面有大量荒廢村屋, 再繼續走可走到鎖羅盤.
There are lots of old village houses along the way for Lai Chi Wo. If you keep on walking to the end of the road, you can enter the mountain trail for another old village -- So Lo Pun (not part of our walk today).

榕樹凹古村探秘, 實在太好玩了!!!
It is really GREAT to have fun in an old village!!!!!! Hakka heritage everywhere!!! Have fun and enjoy your adventure here!!

We had fun among the empty village houses and did not notice that we were already @ the seaside of Yung Shue Au.

走到榕樹凹的內湖, 深秋下的湖光山免特別美麗!!!
We were @ the pondside of Yung Shue Au. The autumn scenes near the pond are wonderful!!!!

榕樹凹(坳)村的另一邊, 亦有很多荒廢村屋.
Another side of Yung Shue Au Village, with lots of old houses also. There were hundreds of residents living here decades ago!!!!

返回谷埔村, 已是黃昏, 是回市區的時候了.
Back to Kuk Po Village.... it was getting dark and time to go back for a train!!!

