

大嶼山深度遊: 龍仔悟園半日行 &&& 短遊馬灣涌
Whole-day fun @ Lantau:
Half-day Visit to Lung Tsai Garden &&& Short walk @ Ma Wan Chung (Tung Chung Old Market)

(東涌巴士站 11號巴士→龍仔站下車→龍仔悟園→回東涌→巴士 38號 [往逸東邨]→馬灣涌)
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus for bus no.11→Lung Tsai bus-stop→Lung Tsai Garden→Back to Tung Chung→Bus no.38 [for Yat Tung Estate]→Ma Wan Chung)


Lung Tsai Garden 龍仔悟園





Ma Wan Chung 馬灣涌




今天是假期, 大嶼山到處是人潮. 為免人多擁擠, 我們很早便到遊人稀少的龍仔 (在觀音寺的下一個車站下車, 再由郊野公園的羗山南引水道進入). 看到牛隻休閒地在草地上曬太陽, 像小狗一樣可愛!!!
A public holiday today, visitors everywhere in Lantau. We arrived Lung Tsai (a scenic spot not famous with fewer visitors) early and started our walk from the country park, ~ next to the Keung Shan South Catchwater ~ which is just one stop next to the Guan-yin temple bus-stop.

沿羗山南引水道前走, 一直向萬丈布方向上山, 路上有指示牌.
We walked along Keung Shan South Catchwater, and just kept on walking uphill for the way to Man Cheung Po. There are direction signs on the road. (Just ONE main road)

看到美麗的龍仔悟園!!!! 很幸運地, 園主今天在此, 所以大門開了!!!
Now we could see the beautiful Lung Tsai Garden!!!!!! The owner was here this afternoon and the gate was open. How lucky we are!!!

Now we were inside Lung Tsai Garden!!!

The big fish pond and golden pavilion of Lung Tsai Garden, they are amazing!!

危險動作~~ 金色涼亭外的九曲橋, 已日久失修, 在上面行走其實有點危險!! 進入涼亭後, 內裡十分清涼舒暢, 令人不想離開.
Walking on the zig-zag bridge~~ a bit dangerous as NO maintenance work is done for years for this bridge!!! It is cool and comfortable inside the pavilion, we didn't want to go out.... :P

天氣炎熱, 大黑狗亦忍不住跳入池塘游泳!!
It was so hot this afternoon that this big dog could not stop itself from jumping into the pond for fun!!

Now we were near the main building.

從主樓後的叢林上山, 找到一幢已荒廢了的屋子.
We walked uphill via the forest track (at the back of the main building) and found an old house inside the woods.

An old wall (but with good ventilation)

We saw Keung Shan Waterfall as we were walking down the hill.

在東涌稍作休息, 再乘38號巴士到馬灣涌.
We had a little bit rest @ Tung Chung, and then we took bus no.38 for Ma Wan Chung (near Yat Tung Estate).

Inside Ma Wan Chung Village.

馬灣涌村附近的泰國寺院, 內有美麗的金色象神及佛像.
There is a Thai temple near Ma Wan Chung Village, with beautiful golden Buddha statue and Ganesha statue!! They were shining under the evening sun!!!

