

Short Walk under heatwave @ To Kwa Peng and Tung Sam Kei Peninsula

(彩虹地鐵站C 出口→小巴往西貢碼頭→巴士 94號→屋頭站下車→土瓜坪 [屋頭站對面]→東心淇半島入口)
(Exit C of Choi Hung MTR station→Minibus for Sai Kung Pier→KMB bus no. 94→Get off @ Uk Tau bus-stop→To Kwa Peng [at the opposite side of Uk Tau bus-stop]→Entrance of Tung Sam Kei Peninsula @ Long Hill)







又是極炎熱的一天!! 今天到一處人跡罕見但又美景不絕之地來個短遊~~~ 土瓜坪!! 此地早已無人居住, 但地方細細又處處美景, 是一個相當適合作為拍照及短遊之地!!! 只是略為偏遠, 交通方面要花上不少時間. 從西貢碼頭出發, 乘 94號巴士於屋頭站下車, 對面就是土瓜坪的入口!!!! 沿村路下山, 四處是河流溪澗, 蝴蝶處處, 大家謹記眼看手勿動, 勿遺下垃圾, 也千萬不要破壞大自然美景!!!!
Very hot this morning and so we just can have a rather short walk in Sai Kung today!! Our destination is To Kwa Peng, a small but very beautiful place with nobody living in~~ we can enjoy a day here with the nature!!! Started from Sai Kung Pier, we took KMB bus no.94 and got off @ Uk Tau bus-stop, the way for To Kwa Peng is just at the opposite side. This place is quite far away from Sai Kung Pier, but really worths to take some time having fun with the nature here!!! Go down for To Kwa Peng via the village road and you can see some rivers and lots of butterflies along the road!!

地面有山徑可往黃石碼頭, 反方向是土瓜坪的濕地.
There is a footpath for Wong Shek Pier (left-hand side), but To Kwa Peng is at the other side.

Collapsed village houses of To Kwa Peng Village.

土瓜坪的大片濕地, 還有心形葉!!!!
To Kwa Peng wetland, with leaves in heart shapes~~ wonderful gifts from the nature!!!!

An old cracked boat.

土瓜坪碼頭 (但沒有公共交通)
To Kwa Peng Pier (But NO ferry service is available).

碼頭旁有樓梯上山, 去看看有什麼
Staircases near the pier, let's go uphill to have a look.

原來山上仍有村屋, 而且非常完整!!! 不過已經無人居住
Ooops!! There are still quite a number of old village houses @ the hillside!!! But nobody is living here now!!

村屋旁邊有小路, 可通往另一個叫 "東心淇半島" 的地方, 那裡亦是無村民居住, 但村內有一個潛水會, 所以常有潛水人士到東心淇遊玩.
一直向山上行可經東心淇山前往, 向森林方向走則可沿海邊的濕地通向東心淇半島. 由於今天陽光非常猛烈, 我們向左邊的森林進發. 叢林內非常清涼, 不過昆蟲甚多, 夏天要小心有蛇出沒!!
THere is a footpath near the village houses which is for Tung Sam Kei Peninsula~~ a place without any residents. But there is a diving club at that place, with lots of divers having fun there!!
If you keep on moving upwards, there is a mountain road for Tung Sam Kei Peninsula via Long Hill (Tung Sam Kei Hill). But if you go through a forest path at the left-hand side, you can also reach Tung Sam Kei Peninsula by walking along the seaside. It is so hot today and therefore we preferred taking the forest path, it was much cooler walking in the woods, but beware of snakes and strange bugs!!!

從林徑來到東心淇入口的濕地~~ 海邊的小路可望見美麗的濕地, 但有一些路段又斜又窄, 通過時要留神. 在路上有不少蜘蛛從樹上掉下來我們身上, 而且越來越悶熱, 大家決定秋天才再去東心淇, 今天在濕地旁小休一會便原路回程.
We got out from the woods and found this large and beautiful piece of wetland near Tung Sam Kei Peninsula!!! The seaside path for Tung Sam Kei is very narrow and steep, be very careful when you are moving forward!! As we were moving, lots of bugs and spiders fell down from the trees on our hats and arms (Still NOT Halloween yet!!! I don't like to stay with spiders!). We have changed our plan ~~ we will rather visit Tung Sam Kei in autumn, and so we had a rest @ the seaside for a while and then left from the same road.

泥中有東西向我們打招呼~~ 原來是蟹老兄!!!!
"Hello, how do you do?".... Mr. Crab greeted us from his hole!!

