

Monastery visit on a rainy day @ Pai Tau Village, Shatin

(沙田火車站 B 出口→排頭村→佛教道榮園→寶福山)
(Exit B of Shatin Railway Station→Pai Tau Village→To Wing Yuen Buddhist  Monastery→Po Fuk Shan)





今天天氣極不穩定, 時晴時雨, 不能到郊外遠足, 只能在市郊一行. 於是捨遠而取近, 大家在沙田火車站旁的排頭村出發, 經寶福山對面的村路(可往萬佛寺)到山上的寺院一遊!!!
Due to the unstable weather (sunshine together with heavy rain!!!!), we could not go for a walk in the countryside. So we had a short walk in Shatin~~ started from Pai Tau Village (near exit B of Shatin Railway Station), we walked uphill via the village road, which is inside the village and opposite to Po Fuk Shan, (also for Ten Thousand Buddhas' Monastery) and saw some little temples along the road.

A little old hut inside Pai Tau Village.

山上的永和蜂場, 很多蜜蜂四處飛舞.
Wing Wo Bee Farm @ the hillside, with lots of bees flying everywhere!!

A little Buddhist Monastery.

山上的石澗, 雨後流水很急.
A stream @ the hillside.

山上的佛教道榮園, 古樸清幽, 與山下繁榮的沙田是兩個不同的世界.
To Wing Yuen Buddhist Monastery @ the hillside~~~ a silent, small and old-styled temple, but it makes you feel calm and comfortable. A complete different world when comparing with Shatin Town Centre, which is just 20-30 minutes' walk from here.

Now we could see Po Fuk Shan.

寶福山內的 Brahma 大梵天 (香港人稱為四面佛)~~ 本為印度教的創造之神, 不過由於信眾甚多, 很多佛寺都供奉了. 沙田車公廟附近的古巖淨院也有一座.
Deity Brahma is @ Po Fuk Shan!!! (People in HK usually call him "Four-faced Buddha", but actually he is the Hindu God of Creation.)~~
Although Brahma is a Hindu Deity, there are many people worshipping him in HK, this is why some temples own a statue of Brahma.
Besides Po Fuk Shan, there is also a statue of Brahma in Koo Yim Ching Yuen (a Buddhist temple near Che Kung Temple in Tai Wai, Shatin).

Monkey King @ Po Fuk Shan!!

Cable "car" (or elevator!?) of Po Fuk Shan.

