

Vegan gathering @ Keung Shan Guan-yin Monastery
(東涌巴士總站→NLB 11 號巴士→羗山觀音寺下車)
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus→NLB Bus no. 11→Get off @ Keung Shan Guan-yin Monastery)





今天因下雨的關係, 沒有登山或遠足的計劃, 大家改在羗山觀音寺來個素食聚餐, 順道慶祝農曆新年快來.


As it was rainy, no hiking today. We all gathered @ Keung Shan Guan-yin monastery and had our vegan gathering there for celebrating the coming of Chinese New Year (23 Jan).

可見到寺院旁的樹林, 樹上已長出新芽, 春天早已悄悄來臨!! 為慶祝農曆新年, 僧人正忙於打掃寺院, 寺院各處都放了美麗的花.


Spring has come already!!! See the "new" leaves on the trees of the monastery!!!
For celebrating the coming of Chinese New Year, the nuns were busy with the sweeping work, they also put beautiful flowers everywhere in the monastery!!

因今早下雨的關係, 羗山一帶的濕氣極重!! 整個觀音寺都給霧氣包圍, 如置身仙界之中.


The humidity near Keung Shan was extremely high today, due to the rain this morning.
Guan-yin Monastery was surrounded by layers of mist, we were just like walking into the place where fairies are living in.

花老B 也想吃柑桔?? 桔子的顏色真是十分鮮艷!! 寺內有很多水仙頭, 因濕度高又回暖, 看來很快會開花了.


Oh, what a big calamondin tree!! Tachibana san wanted to pick some???
There are lots of narcissus bulbs here also!!

People soak narcissus bulbs in water, around one month before Chinese New Year, and wait for the blooming!!
It is believed that, narcissus can bring good luck for the whole year~~ if they bloom during the first few days of the Chinese New Year.
But as the weather was warm and humid these 2 weeks, the flowers may come out earlier than expected....

一人一份, 顏色非常鮮艷的素菜.


Woow!! See our colourful vegetables!!! Mushrooms, long peas, vegetables, red, green and yellow peppers!!

極樂橋及淨土園~ 應該是僧人的墓園, 遊人止步.


Joyful bridge and Pure-land Garden~~ it should be a graveyard for the monks, visitors are NOT allowed to enter.

回大澳道候車~ 大澳道上空無一人, 而且給大霧包圍著, 雖然是午間, 但四處仍是矇矓一片.


Back to Tai O Road for a Tung Chung bus~ Very lonely Tai O Road!!
And the whole traffic road was "covered" by fog, even it was the noon time, we couldn't see things clearly in such a misty day....

