

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

騰騰震去露營 @ 南山營地
Freezing @ Nam Shan Campsite

(東涌巴士總站 3M巴士→太古渡假屋巴士站→南山營地)
(Tung Chung bus terminus for bus no.3M→Swire House Holiday House bus-stop→Nam Shan Campsite)


Entrance of Nam Shan Campsite.

今日天氣寒冷, 營地內大慨 7-8°C 左右, 而且風勢相當大.
花了半小時在狂風下把帳幕撐好, 立即躲在暖暖的帳幕內.
Very cold with strong monsoon wind today, temperature around 7-8°C in the campsite.
We spent around 30 minutes to setup the tent and stayed inside it most of the time.

Snowflakes lights.

A short-cut for Pak Fu Tin Campsite.

