

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

Short visit for an old Buddhist rock carving @ Luk Wu Ancient Trail


(San Hoi Ting→Luk Wu→Gak Su Temple→Luk Wu Ancient Trail→Old rock carving→Lower Keung Shan→Tai O Road)


More information on Luk Wu Buddhist monasteries (Chi, many old photos):

Again, we are @ Bodhisattva's Forest.

覺修寺旁往大澳的山路, 便是鹿湖古道.
昔日鹿湖的僧侶, 便是利用此古道走往羗山各寺院, 甚至步行去更遠的大澳.
由於舊日沒有巴士通往大澳, 僧侶及訪客便是由鹿湖古道走去大澳.
There is a hiking trail near Gak Su Temple for Tai O, it's Luk Wu Ancient Trail.
In the old days, there were NO buses for Tai O.
Monks and visitors had to use this footpath if they wanted to go for other temples near Keung Shan, or even went to Tai O via this trail.

鹿湖古道比較窄, 雨後的古道很濕滑.
Walking through Luk Wu Ancient Trail, a narrow old village road and quite slippery after the rain.

You can see quite a number of rivers and streams along this ancient trail.

鹿湖古道的古跡 ~~ 鍊行石刻, 在50年代的文獻上已經有記載, 至於此摩崖石刻在何時完成? 就找不到記錄了.
We found this very old Buddhist rock carving along the ancient trail.
This big rock is mentioned in some local old Buddhist scripts (written in 1950s), but NO records can be traced on who and when this big rock carving was made.



看到此大石, 表示羗山引水道在附近.
We were very near Keung Shan Catchwater.

左邊通往大澳道, 繼續前走可往靈隱寺.
Downstairs for Keung Shan Catchwater.
Turn left for Tai O Road, or keep on walking for Ling Yan Temple.

Just keep on walking through the woods for Ling Yan Temple.

Left: Tai O

Po Lin Room, a small meditation centre managed by Po Lin Monastery.

Purple Bamboo Forest (A temple).

Another Buddhist monastery.

靈隱寺外, 沒有內進.
Just outside Ling Yan Temple, we didn't go inside.

A village of Lower Keung Shan.

Tai O Road.

