

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

深山鹿湖古村探秘 (觀自在林, 鹿湖精舍, 古寺探索)
Short walk @ Luk Wu Temple Path (Deer Lake Temple Path)

(東涌巴士站 23號巴士→山海亭下車 [延慶寺]→深屈方向→鹿湖精舍→延慶寺→觀自在林→覺修寺→樂生蓮社→羗山道巴士站)

(NLB bus no. 23 @ Tung Chung bus terminus→Shan Hoi Ting pavilion bus-stop [Yin Hing Temple]→The way for Sham Wat→Luk Wu [Deer lake] Ching She direction→Deer lake monastery→Yin Hing Temple→Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Forest→International Zen Centre Gak Su Temple→Lok Sang Lin She [Light blue temple]→Keung Shan Road bus-stop)


Luk Wu (Deer Lake) Temple.

佛泉寺建於1933, 應該已荒廢, 遍地蜘蛛.
Fat Chuen Temple, built in 1933, looks like a deserted temple, with spiders and spider webs everywhere.

本來不打算走近, 但大門突然自行彈開, 不過內有大量蜘蛛.
The door suddenly opened by itself..... but there were lots of spiders on the floor.

古寺才有風味, 簡樸中有美感.
OLD but GOLD, we like old style temples, really so beautiful.

Yin Hing Buddhist Monastery.

The entrance of Yin Hing Buddhist Monastery.

We found another old temple.

甶子位, 原來是用來拜祭遊魂野鬼的.
甶 (廣東話-- 佛), 孤魂甶孑
We found a piece of red wooden board with Chinese words "甶子位" (Fat Tsz Wai) in front of this old temple, this corner is for worshipping / calming the unrested spirits / ghosts near this place, prevent them from disturbing other people of this village. 

觀自在林 之行, 正式開始. Amitabha!
Let's begin our walk for Bodhisattva's Path.
Good afternoon, Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva!

古寺智積林, 原來有130年以上的歷史.
An old temple, Chi Chik Lam (meaning: Forest for you to accumulate wisdom), is already over 130 years old.

Bodhisattva can also appears as male.

Gak Su Temple, in Korean style.

You can also go for Lower Keung Shan, and then walk to Tai O from here.

Lok Sang Lin She, a temple in light blue.

Now we are already @ Keung Shan Road bus-stop, you can take a bus for Tai O, Tung Chung, Mui Wo or Ngong Ping Big Buddha.

