

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

筲箕灣仙佛全體賀中秋 山妖小山探秘遊
Celebrate Mid-autumn Festival @ 7 Deities' Temple & adventure @ haunted little peak of Shau Kei Wan


(Shau Kei Wan Bus Terminus→Shau Kei Wan Road→Chai Wan Road→Ngoi Man Street→Upstairs from the park→Ruins of Aldrich Village→7 Deities' Temple→Back to Ngoi Man Street→Ngoi Man Street Sitting-out Area→Tung Shing Court→The little hill @ the opposite side→Upstairs for the hillside near the 3 huge water pipes→Upstairs for the top of the haunted hill→Hilltop→Back to Ngoi Man Street→Back to Shau Kei Wan Bus Terminus)

筲箕灣山妖的故事, 相信大部份香港人都知道.

根據以下網頁的相片推測, 相信當日的事情是:
事主沒有經紅色樓梯上愛秩序村的廟, 而誤走進今日已經封閉了的另一條樓梯, 而此樓梯在愛民街 "洪聖花苑" 旁邊的, 是通往東盛苑後山三大水管的一方, 一座通往筲箕灣鐵橋棧道的小山上.
山妖出沒之地應該不是愛秩序村的廟, 而是東盛苑後山.

東盛苑後山的可能較大, 上回我們去西灣炮台之前途經柴灣道, 有山友看見此小山突然閃了一下, 山上有些靈性很強的山神駐守.


There's a very well-know urban legend near the 7 Deities' Temple in 2012.

A lady got lost when she went upstairs for the temple and being trapped there with a group of strange kids who did not speak human language but whispered like birds.
Finally a bearded young man came out from nowhere and led the lady down to the traffic road and told her NOT to go up for the hillside again.
But I doubt that the lady did not go up for the temple we were going, but instead entered from a closed staircases near another shrine @ Ngoi Man Street which leads to the little peak near Tung Shing Court.

(Watch from 0:30 and you can see how you can go upstairs to the temple.)






筲箕灣三德素食, 買了素點心 + 日本栗子餅上山.
We bought some vegetarian dim sum from Three Virtues Veg. near Shau Kei Wan bus terminus.

Now going upstairs for the 7 Deities' Temple.

Aldrich Village (deserted).

Ngoi Man Street Sitting-out area.

東盛苑 Tung Shing Court.

The little hill @ the opposite side of Tung Shing Court.

The 7 Deities' Temple.

Go upstairs from these 3 big water pipes.

筲箕灣山妖小山的山頂, 據說山神是住在山頂的.
The hilltop of the Shau Kei Wan Haunted Hill, there's an old saying that, mountain Gods / mountain trolls are living in the highest part of hills.

中秋當然要賞月, 賞月又會行夜山.
Today is the Mid-autumn Festival and a very good time to watch the moon.
The best place for moon watching is @ the hillside.
Let's have a bit of night hiking this evening.

