

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

大嶼東北擊五鼓 汲水橋下轉轉轉
(大轉, 二轉, 五鼓嶺)
Short walk along the North-east coast of Lantau Island
(Tai Chuen, Yi Chuen, Ng Kwu Leng)

(青嶼幹線收費廣場巴士站 [東涌方向]→汲水門橋方向→橋塔→往草灣村入口→下路→二轉→二轉鎮流碑→原路回汲水門橋→大轉→新舖咀→引水道往北大嶼山公路 [市區方向]→上樓梯→五鼓嶺→青嶼幹線收費廣場巴士站 [市區方向])

(Lantau Link Toll Plaza bus-stop [Tung Chung direction]→The way for Kap Shui Mun Bridge→Foot of the bridge→Entrance for Tso Wan Village→Footpath @ the left→Yi Chuen→Yi Chuen Obelisk [monument for the people drowned here in the past]→Back to Kap Shui Mun Bridge→Tai Chuen→San Po Tsui→Catchwater for North Lantau Highway [the direction for Kowloon]→Upstairs→Ng Kwu Leng→Lantau Link Toll Plaza bus-stop [Kowloon direction])






對面是五鼓嶺, 下午才上山.
Ng Kwu Leng  @ the opposite side, we'll go there in the afternoon.

Going to the way for Kap Shui Mun Bridge via the footpath.
DON'T go into the tunel.

Yi Chuen.

Obelisk of Yi Chuen Village.
A monument to commemorate the people who drowned here in the past.
Mantra is written on it to calm the souls of the drowned ones and lead them to heaven.

汲水門橋下, @ 大轉海邊.
@ the seaside of Tai Chuen, a place already disappeared, now it is where Kap Shui Mun Bridge is located.

看見大轉附近的燈塔, 這裡是新舖咀
A light-tower near Tai Chuen, this place is also called "San Po Tsui".

Looking down to the sea cape, Kwai Shek.

由引水道走往北大嶼山公路 [市區方向]
We walked to North Lantau Highway [Kowloon direction] via the catchwater near Kap Shui Mun Bridge.

北大嶼山公路旁上樓梯, 登上五鼓嶺
Go upstairs from North Lantau Highway, go up to Ng Kwu Leng.

You can see the top of Fa Peng (Fa Peng Teng) from Ng Kwu Leng.

大青洲 Tai Tsing Chau.

陰澳長索, 今天水漲, 連島沙堤在海中.
Cheung Sok Island (Snoopy Island) of Yam O (Sunny Bay), as it was high tide today, the tombolo is in the water.
We were there last Sunday.

Tang Lung Chau (Lighthouse Island, Lantern Island)

Nice scene!!!

五鼓嶺 kill 標.
@ the highest point of Ng Kwu Leng.

Ma Wan Fishermen Village.

There is a "footpath" already hidden inside the bushes @ the top of Ng Kwu Leng, which can lead you to the deserted village of San Po Tsui.

Old village of San Po Tsui.

Tai Chuen Village was @ Kap Shui Mun Bridge, now the village houses are all hidden inside the woods.

倒扣灣 To Kau Wan.

Brother's Point, Tuen Mun

Going back to Lantau Link Toll Plaza for a bus, back to Kowloon.

除了老虎狗, 隊長亦領養了一隻喜歡咬人的 Beagle 黑狗, 黑狗今天又咬人, 為了管束牠的行為,  隊長用粗黑狗帶拉著牠, 今晚不給牠吃狗餅, 可憐啊!!!
Captain, with his newly adopted black dog, a Beagle, which likes to bark and bite others!!!

