**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P
**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Fun walk from Sunny Bay to Inspiration Lake (HK Disneyland) via Ngong Shuen Au
(欣澳站→欣澳污水泵房→隧道→隧道內右轉→上樓梯再右轉至翔東路→接上欣澳道→靠山邊沿行人路向廸士尼向前行→樓梯稍登昂船凹→欣澳道走到鐵閘→鐵閘後引水道往昂船凹另一方→望東坑→返回鐵閘後方下樓梯→靠右去欣澳道另一方→竹篙灣荒廢村校→原路回天橋底靠最左引水道行走→竹篙灣→走至看見有綠色扶手斜坡 [左方]→神奇路→廸欣湖→廸士尼站港鐵巴士回欣澳站)
(Sunny Bay Station→Sunny Bay Sewage Pumping station→Subway nearby→Turn right inside the subway→Go upstairs and then turn right for Cheung Tung Road→Go to Sunny Bay Road→Stick to the hillside and go for Disneyland direction→Upstairs for Ngong Shuen Au for a look→End of pedestrian road and go to the back of the gate→Walk along the catchwater for another side of Ngong Shuen Au→Mong Tung Hang Stream→Go back to the gate and then go downstairs to the bottom of the highways [Sunny Bay Road and Penny's Bay Road]→Stick to the right and go upstairs→Abandoned old village school of Penny's Bay→Back to the bottom of the highways and then walk via the catchwater [the left footpath]→Penny's Bay→Walk along the left-hand side until you see a green handrail with ribbon and then walk on the muddy trail→Magic Road→Inspiration Lake→Disneyland MTR station for shuttle bus to Sunny Bay MTR station)
Sunny Bay Sewage Pumping Station.
Turn right inside the subway.
Go upstairs and turn right for Cheung Tung Road.
翔東路, 對面有安全行人路.
Go to the opposite side for a pedestrian walk.
@ Cheung Tung Road.
@ Sunny Bay Road, cross the road and stick to the hillside.
There is a footpath (Disneyland direction) along Sunny Bay Road.
Go upstairs to have a look @ Ngong Shuen Au.
廸欣湖 Inspiration Lake.
Ngong Shuen Au.
青龍頭 Tsing Lung Tau.
End of Sunny Bay Road, go to the back of this gate.
Enter and walk along the catchwater to another side of Ngong Shuen Au.
昂船凹 Ngong Shuen Au.
廸欣湖, 沒有路可前往
Inspiration Lake..... NO way to go inside.
Logs from Yam O (Sunny Bay) seaside?
Mong Tung Hang Stream.
返回鐵閘後方下樓梯, 靠右去欣澳道另一方
Go back to the gate and then go downstairs to the bottom of the highways [Sunny Bay Road and Penny's Bay Road].
Stick to the right and go upstairs.
Under Sunny Bay Road and Penny's Bay Road
Hiking trail nearby for Tai Shan Peak.
Abandoned village school of Penny's Bay.
原路回天橋底靠最左引水道行走, 走至看見有綠色扶手斜坡 (左方斜坡)
Back to the bottom of the highways, then go to the left footpath along the catchwater.
Walk along Penny's Bay until you can see a green handrail with a ribbon tied on it.
(Left-hand side, slope, with a clear muddy trail leading to the traffic road)
神奇路 Magic Road.