

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

霧中寶馬賞溪谷 香爐峰望蓮花宮
小馬溪谷雨綿綿 山中金督同遊園
Hiking from Braemar Hill to Wong Nai Chung Gap via Sir Cecil's Ride, Red Incense Burner Summit, Lin Fa Kung Hill, Sir Cecil's Garden

(小巴 25 / 49M 號→聖貞德中學→耶穌顯容小堂對面樓梯→下樓梯往寶馬坑→回聖貞德中學旁邊小路上山→渣甸山方向 [金督馳馬徑]→支路上山→紅香爐峰→原路下山回金督馳馬徑→蓮花宮山→畢拉山道往電台方向→畢拉山道電台→小馬坑→畢拉山道爆炸品處理基地→畢拉山道→黃泥涌樹木研習徑→大潭水塘道→巴士回灣仔)

(Minibus no. 25 / 49M→St. Joan of Arc Secondary School→Staircases @ the opposite side of Transfiguration Chapel→Downstairs for Braemar Stream→Upstairs via the footpath next to St. Joan of Arc Secondary School→Jardine's Lookout [Sir Cecil's Ride]→Short-cut for Red Incense Burner Summit→Hilltop of Red Incense Burner Summit→Back to Sir Cecil's Ride→Lin Fa Kung Hill→Mount Butler Road→Radio Station→Downstairs for Siu Ma Stream next to the radio station→Mount Butler Road EOD depot→Mount Butler Road→Wong Nai Chung Tree Walk→Tai Tam Reservoir Road→Bus for Wan Chai)






耶穌顯容小堂對面樓梯, 下樓梯往寶馬坑
Staircases @ the opposite side of Transfiguration Chapel.
Then walk downstairs for Braemar Stream.

Go up from the footpath next to St. Joan of Arc Secondary School.

A footpath @ Sir Cecil's Ride, you can see some ribbons tied on the trees.
Just climb up to the top of Red Incense Burner Summit, it only takes 10-15 minutes for the hilltop.

紅香爐峰 kill 標.
The top of Red Incense Burner Summit.

紅香爐峰風景極佳, 可惜今日超級大霧, 下回要再訪此地.
You can see the panorama of HK from Red Incense Burner Summit, and it is also the BEST place for seeing sunset.
It was very misty today, we have to come again next time.

蓮花宮山, 山下是勵德邨.
Now @ Lin Fa Kung Hill, Lai Tak Estate (cylindrical shape public housing estate) is in front of our eyes!!

@ 畢拉山道 Mount Butler Road.

畢拉山道電台外. 雖然剛好正午, 但霧濃得像晚間.
Outside Mount Butler Radio Station.
The fog was so thick that made it look like evening time, although it was just noon time!!

Going down for Siu Ma Stream.

在小馬坑, 開始下雨, 不過很快便停了, 但山友卻說, 新界那邊雨勢大得嚇人!!!
There were some showers here @ Siu Ma Stream, but the rain stopped in just 5-10 minutes.
Other hikers told us that it was raining cats and dogs in the NT area at the same time!!!

進入黃泥涌樹木研習徑, 向灣仔進發.
Now entering Wong Nai Chung Tree Walk, we were going to Wan Chai.

70年代建成的金督花園, 40多年了.
來到門外, 雨勢變大, 幸好內有涼亭, 大家順便在此休息, 吃點零食.
Sir Cecil's Garden, built in the 1970s.
The rain suddenly becoming heavy while we reached the entrance.
A good time for us to have a rest here.
Snacks time!!!

A Lonesome frog.

30分鐘後, 雨停了, 趕快由金督花園旁的小路, 繼續去灣仔.
山友看天氣報告, 原來已經是黃雨, 但這裡雨已停了, 我們有幸在上天保護下, 進入結界, 沒有弄濕.....
The rain stopped after our 30-minute's rest.
There's a footpath next to Sir Cecil's Garden, now walking to Wan Chai.
According to the online weather update, "Amber" rainstorm warning was UP!!! Most of the places were under very heavy rain!!!
We were protected by the nature?? It was not raining here!!!

向大潭水塘道進發, 尾段有一涼亭, 大家想在此小休, 但卻見一大片黑雲向我們飄來.
雖然仍然未下雨, 但天色已很暗, 山下的街燈早已亮了, 跟黑夜無異.
大家也快速拿出雨具, 不再逗留, 急急跑下山.
此時, 香港大部份地區已經受大雨波及出現雷電及水浸, 我們身處之地仍未下雨, 賓屬奇蹟.
The last part of our walk ~ a pavilion @ Wong Nai Chung Gap.
Still not raining.....
Some big rain clouds were moving quickly towards our place, and at this moment, most of the areas of Kowloon and NT were under thunderstorm.
Just quite a miracle we were still not affected!!!

當我們走到大潭水塘道, 赫然看見天色似黑夜,
但登上巴士之後, 雷電暴雨殺到, 而且變成紅雨!!!!

Tai Tam Reservoir Road, as dark as evening.

黃泥涌峽附近的巴士站, 黑暗像晚間...... 雷雨殺到.
We were waiting for a bus @ Wong Nai Chung Gap, just looked like night-time, the thunderstorm was coming near.

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