

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

雨中漫步 @ 大潭水塘 + 鰂魚涌發現第 3 組罕有英軍戰時爐灶 
Hiking on a rainy day @ Tai Tam Reservoir 
Plus the Discovery of the (very rare) 3rd set of British Army wartime stoves @ Quarry Bay

(黃泥涌水塘→陽明山莊→大潭郊野公園→大潭上水塘主壩→大風坳→柏架山道→鰂魚涌樹木研習徑→康山方向→康柏橋→晨運園→第 3 組罕有英軍戰時爐灶→柏鰂石澗→基利路→太古地鐵站)

(Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park [Bus no. 6 from The Zenith, Wan Chai]→HK Parview→Tai Tam Country Park→Main dam of Upper Tai Tam Reservoir→Quarry Gap [Tai Fung Au]→Mount Parker Road→Quarry Bay Tree Walk→Kornhill→Hong Pak Bridge→Morning Walkers' Garden [near the catchwater under Hong Pak Bridge]→the 3rd set of British Army wartime stoves→Pak Tsak Stream [End of the catchwater]→Greig Road→Tai Koo MTR station)





Outside HK Parkview Paradise..... the fog makes it look like heaven.

The rain had started.... and it lasted for nearly 2 hours.

在大風坳坐了近 2小時, 雨停了, 我們又來到康柏橋.
鰂魚涌樹木研習徑內, 有 2 組英軍戰時爐灶, 都是公開的, 地圖上也有顯示, 所以一直以來, 大家都只知道有 2 組戰時爐灶.
但原來, 據一些老一輩的行山人士說, 原來是有第 3 組英軍戰時爐灶!!!!
不過, 第 3 組英軍戰時爐灶沒有公開, 地圖上也沒有顯示, 也沒有維修.
原因可能是, 第 3 組英軍戰時爐灶位於引水道內, 政府為免有人走到石澗玩而生意外, 所以一直不公開第 3 組戰時爐灶.

至於第 3 組戰時爐灶, 就在康柏橋旁的引水道內, 你可以經晨運園走上去, 其實非常安全!!!!

We stayed @ Quarry Gap (Tai Fung Au) for about 2 hours until the rain stopped.
Then we went for the way to Kornhill (@ Quarry Bay Tree Walk) and stopped @ Hong Pak Bridge.
Today we are going to visit the 3rd set of British Army Wartime Stoves which are NOT made to public access, and even NOT stated in any maps.

So how to go there??
Go to Hong Pak Bridge, and you can see a long catchwater under it.
There is a signage "晨運園" (Morning walkers' Garden) @ the catchwater, near the BBQ site, just go upstairs and you can see the 3rd set of British Army Wartime Stoves!!

第 3 組英軍戰時爐灶
The 3rd set of British Army Wartime Stoves.

戰時爐灶旁有石級可走回引水道, 附近是 "柏鰂石澗"
Go downstairs near the wartime stoves and back to the catchwater.
You can also see "Pak Tsak Stream" @ end of the catchwater.
(Pak Tsak = Mount Parker & Quarry Bay in Cantonese, the stream is located between Mount Parker and Quarry Bay).

柏鰂石澗景觀不錯, 若非下雨, 其實大家也想走上去拍照.
"Pak Tsak Stream" is a nice place to visit!! But it was very wet and slippery today.

The catchwater under Hong Pak Bridge.

康柏橋 Hong Pak Bridge.

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