

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

Big big challenge via Wilson Trail Section One, from Ma Kong Shan (The Twins) to Violet Hill

* 心臟較弱的山友,請衡量自己 是否能夠應付1000 級以上,中途没有休息位置的上山梯級,因為上孖崗山需要很強的體力及耐力。
* For those with a relatively weaker heart, please get well prepared before you go up to The Twins.
You need to walk upstairs for more than 1000 steps.

(中環交易廣場 260 巴士總站→衛奕信徑巴士站 @ 赤柱峽道→衛奕信徑第一段→孖崗山天梯→孖崗山觀景台→孖崗山第一崗山頂 @ W002→孖崗山第二崗山頂 @ W003 附近→孖崗山天梯下山→淺水灣凹→紫崗橋→對面上山往紫羅蘭山→紫羅蘭山→山頂標柱 @ W007→往陽明山莊方向→陽明山莊→大潭水塘道→黃泥涌水塘公園→往巴士站)

(New World Bus no. 260 @ HK Exchange Square bus terminus→Wilson Trail bus-stop @ Stanley Gap Road→Wilson Trail Section One→Go upstairs for The Twins [Ma Kong Shan]→Ma Kong Shan View Compass→First highest point of The Twins @ W002→Seoncd highest point of The Twins→Downstairs via 1000-steps path→Tsin Shui Wan Au [Repulse Bay Pass]→Tsz Kong Bridge→Go upstairs at the opposite side for Violet Hill→Violet Hill→Hilltop trigonometric pole @ W007→the way for HK Parkview→HK Parkview →Tai Tam Reservoir Road→Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park→Back to the bus-stop)






由中環乘 260 巴士, 來到赤柱峽道的衛奕信徑巴士站, 車程不長, 很快便到達衛奕信徑第一段.
We took bus no.260 from Central, and alighted @ Stanley Gap Road.
Now we are @ Wilson Trail Section One, just a 30 minutes' ride.
Start @ 10:15.

衛奕信徑第一段, 亦是挑戰長達 1500 級上山天梯的一段, 下山亦一樣千多級, 所以是約 3000 級.
梯級十分陡斜, 休息的地方不多.
有心理準備, 孖崗山天梯, 的確是對體力及耐力的一個大挑戰.
心臟較弱的, 要上山便要好好裝備.
Here is the start point of Wilson Trail Section One, a big big challenge to your strength.
You have to walk upstairs for about 1500 steps in order to reach "The Twins" (Ma Kong Shan).
And finally walk downstairs for another 1500 steps...... Ooops, a total of 3000 steps.
If you think your heart is not strong enough, get well prepared before going up.

Take the challenge!!! Go upstairs for 1500 steps!!!

Ma Kong Shan = The Twins.

來到孖崗山第一崗, W002, 是時候要停下來休息, 零食時間了.
Now we are @ the first highest point of "The Twins", that is W002.
Snacks and beverages time!!!

孖崗山的山徑, 不少是佈滿亂石的斜坡, 甚有挑戰性.
There are quite a number of slopes which are steep, bumpy and full of rocks along the way, really challenging!

Nice scenes!!

不知不覺, 來到接近 W003 的孖崗山第二峰.
Now we are near W003, the second highest point of "The Twins".

孖崗山的下山天梯, 又是千多級的挑戰
We are going downstairs from "The Twins", another 1500 steps downwards.

到了淺水灣坳, 在紫崗橋大休. 又是吃東西的時候了.
Now we are @ Tsz Kong Bridge, which is located @ Tsin Shui Wan Au (Repulse Bay Pass).
Time for lunch!!!

午飯後, 也只是中午, 大家決定接受另一個挑戰 → 登上紫羅蘭山!!!
After lunch, it was just noon time. We are going to take another challenge -- Going up to Violet Hill!
First, go upstairs again!!

Looking back to "The Twins" we came from.

Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir.

紫羅蘭山的山頂, 就在不遠處.
We are near the hilltop of Violet Hill.

紫羅蘭山的山頂, W007
The hilltop of Violet Hill, W007.

A slope full of rocks.

看到陽明山莊, 但其實仍有一段距離.
We can see HK Parkview from here, but still quite a long way to reach it.

Rocky path everywhere, but I want a bucket of "Rocky Road", just want to eat.

陽明山莊 HK Parkview.

金字塔型巨石, 令我想起三角型日式飯團,...... 太餓了.
A pyramid-shaped rock.....
But in my eyes, it looks like a Onigiri sushi!!!
Very hungry!

原來我們走過的, 是難度極高的山徑.
The hiking trail we have walked through is rated as "Very Difficult".

We have made it.

