

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在網頁的右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語
隊長亦有住在 Facebook 的素食獵人Veggie Hunters 聊天機械人, 大家亦可透過 Messenger 跟素食獵人Veggie Hunters 談談話..... :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Besides this chatbot, Captain is also living in Facebook Messenger, you can find him via Messenger app by adding "Veggie Hunters". It is another chatbot about vegetarianism. Feel free to share your comments with Veggie Hunters.

鶴藪越野覓沙螺 (鶴藪水塘沙螺洞)
Short walk from Hok Tau Reservoir to Sha Lo Tung (Tai Po)

(粉嶺火車站小巴總站→小巴 52B→鶴藪圍→鶴藪路→鶴藪水塘→鶴藪水塘家樂徑→鶴藪水塘主壩→屏風橋→珠坑橋→沙螺洞→鳳園→嵐山小巴總站)

(Fanling railway station→Minibus terminus→Mini-bus no. 52B→Hok Tau Wai→Hok Tau Road→Hok Tau Irrigation Reservoir→Hok Tau Reservoir Family Walk→Bridges→Sha Lo Tung→Downstairs for Fung Yuen→Minibus terminus @ Mont Vert, Fung Yuen Road)






可在入口去沙螺洞, 不過先由主壩那邊環走水塘.
You can go to Sha Lo Tung from here. But we started from the opposite side and had a walk around the reservoir first.

We started from the main dam.

鶴藪水塘 Hok Tau Reservoir.

這裡可上行至八仙嶺 / 黃嶺, 不過要留待下回.
You can go upstairs for Pat Sin Leng, but we kept on moving to Sha Lo Tung this time.

@ 沙螺洞 Sha Lo Tung.

Downstairs for Fung Yuen.

嵐山 Mont Vert.

終點是嵐山, 附近有小巴總站, 班次極頻密, 交通非常方便.
Now we were @ Mont Vert.
Buses and mini-buses are availble.

