

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在網頁的右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語
隊長亦有住在 Facebook 的素食獵人Veggie Hunters 聊天機械人, 大家亦可透過 Messenger 跟素食獵人Veggie Hunters 談談話..... :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Besides this chatbot, Captain is also living in Facebook Messenger, you can find him via Messenger app by adding "Veggie Hunters". It is another chatbot about vegetarianism. Feel free to share your comments with Veggie Hunters.

Hot walk under strong sunshine for the 8 immortals @ Pat Sin Leng (mountain range)

傳說古時有 9條龍在香港搗亂,有高人把牠們收服之後,一條給壓在獅子山,另外八條就給八仙嶺的八個山峰壓著

More about Pat Sin Leng:

1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Sin_Leng (Wikipedia)

2) An old HK legend -
There were 9 evil dragons in HK and they were caught by a Tao master.
The biggest dragon was put under Lion Rock, and the other 8 were tamed and put under Pat Sin Leng.
1 dragon under each knoll.

(大埔墟巴士總站九巴 275R→船灣郊野公園→八仙嶺自然教育徑→橫山腳方向→緊急電話→八仙嶺→仙姑峰→湘子峰→采和峰→曹舅峰→拐李峰→果老峰→鍾離峰→純陽峰→原路折回八仙嶺自然教育徑→大美督方向→春風亭→汀角路→大美督小巴站)

(KMB bus no. 275R @ Tai Po Market bus terminus→Plover Cove Country Park bus-stop→Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail→The direction for Wang Shan Keuk→Emergency phone→Pat Sin Leng→Hsien Ku Fung→Sheung Tsz Fung→Choi Wo Fung→Tsao Kau Fung→Kuai Li Fung→Kao Lao Fung→Chung Li Fung→Shun Yeung Fung→Back to Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail→The direction for Tai Mei Tuk→Spring Breeze Pavilion→Ting Kok Road→Tai Mei Tuk minibus terminus)






地圖 Map:


Start from Plover Cove Country Park bus-stop.

The trail is next to the bus-stop.

The direction for Wang Shan Keuk.

Go upstairs for Pat Sin Leng @ the emergency phone.

後面是由馬騮崖上來的山徑, 即是1996 八仙嶺山火發生之地.
The trail at the back is from Monkey Cliff, that is where the 1996 Pat Sin Leng wildfire took place.
2 teachers and a few students died in the fire.

去探其餘 7 仙.
Now moving forward for the other 7 immortals.

其餘 7 仙在此.
The other 7 immortals are awaiting.

This fairy is a flute-player.

If you are afraid of heights,  look at these steps and you may want to leave.....

This fairy is a cripple.

第7仙人在此, 還差一峰, 亦是 8座之中最高的.
Now we are @ the 7th immortal's knoll, looking forward to climbing up for the last one, also the highest of all.

準備登上最後一峰 - 純陽峰, 亦是 8 仙人中最高峰.
Now we are going up for the last immortal - Shun Yeung Fung, it is also the highest of all.

We have made it!!!

Now we have visited all the 8 immortals!!!

The panorama of Plover Cove Reservoir.

犁壁山及屏風山 (黃嶺) 一帶, 若要繼續, 要再多行 8 公里 (4小時).
Other mountain ranges ahead - Lai Pik Shan and Ping Fung Shan (Wong Leng).
Continue for the walk, you need to spend another 4 hours (approx. 8 km) walking via these mountain ranges.
Or go back to Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail.

Hillfire nearby!!!!!

返回八仙嶺自然教育徑, 一看當日奪命山火發生之地 - 馬騮崖
We were back to Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail.
We had a look @ Monkey Cliff, where the 1996 wildfire took place.
This is the entrance of Monkey Cliff.

We tried to have a look @ the trail of Monkey Cliff, the trail is covered by trees and grass, 100% not hiker-friendly at all.

Spring Breeze Pavilion, it was built after the 1996 wildfire to commemorate the deceased teachers.

終於走到大美督, 在地面上望今天登上的八仙嶺, 感覺很特別.
Finally we were @ Tai Mei Tuk.
Now let's look up to Pat Sin Leng from the ground, the feeling is quite different when you are hiking on the top of it.
Feel like having 8 more friends, funny!!

在汀角路旁的士多買了飲品, 隊長選擇了Arizona 檸檬茶, 天氣太熱, 我們在純陽峰時, 糧水早已用光, 沒有中暑也算是奇蹟.
We stopped @ a food stall @ Ting Kok Road and bought some drinks.
Captain got a large can of  chilled Arizona Green Tea Lemonade, NICE!!!
It is sunny and quite hot today, we were running out of water and food when we were @ the top of Pat Sin Leng, but luckily nobody suffered from a heatstroke, we all managed to go down for Tai Mei Tuk under the heatwave and walked for nearly 2 hours without any water!!!!

