Short hike @ Castle Peak
(西鐵兆康站 B 出口→輕鐵 610, 615 或 615P [屯門碼頭方向]→青山村站→青山村→興才街→青山寺徑上山→青山寺山門→青山寺旁轉左往青山→青山亭→亭後青山徑→警告牌→石亭旁上山→電塔→青山無線電站→繼續上青山→崖邊安全繩 [下雨原路下山]→返回青山寺→青雲觀→大雄寶殿後山 或 齋堂後山上山往杯渡遺跡→原路回青山村輕鐵站)
(Exit B of Siu Hong MTR station [West Rail]→Light Rail train no. 610, 615 or 615P [The direction for Tuen Mun Pier]→Get off @ Tsing Shan Tsuen station→Tsing Shan Village→Hing Choi Street→Tsing Shan Monastery Path→Archdoor of Tsing Shan Monastery→Turn left @ the entrance of Tsing Shan Monastery→Go uphill for Castle Peak→Tsing Shan Pavilion→Tsing Shan Trail [Castle Peak Trail]→Warning signage→Stone pavilion→Go upstairs→High voltage transmission tower→Castle Peak Radio Station→Continue to go upstairs for Castle Peak→Cliff-side with ropes [Go downhill due to the rain]→Back to Tsing Shan Monastery→Tsing Wan Koon→Go upstairs at the back of the main hall OR go upstairs from the back of the dining place [with the statue of Master Damo] for the "Relics of Pei To"[The "Bruce Lee Way"] →Back to Tsing Shan Tsuen light rail station)
向左走 Turn left from here.
青山亭 Castle Peak (Tsing Shan) Pavilion.
Go upstairs from the back of the pavilion.
青山徑 Tsing Shan (Castle Peak) Trail.
警告牌 Warning signage.
Go upstairs next to this little pavilion.
Castle Peak Radion Station.
直昇機坪 Helipad.
青山在此 Castle Peak.
屯門全景 Panorama of Tuen Mun.
沒有扶手, 開始崖邊行走.
From this part, there are no more handrails.
The rest of the route to the top of Castle Peak is built along the cliff.
Take great care when moving up.
下雨了, 崖邊安全繩已濕了, 山路很多泥及青苔, 已經不太安全, 雖然快到山頂, 但要退出下山了
It was rainy suddenly and the route became more and more slippery, mud and moss everywhere on the trail and the safety ropes were soaked with water.
Although we were quite near the hilltop (about 20 minutes walk from here), but finally we went down to the ground.