Hiking on a misty Sunday from Tai Po to Shatin (Ta Tit Yan Village, Lead Mine Pass, Grassy Hill, Shatin railway station)
(大埔墟火車站→小巴 23S→打鐵屻→碗窰路→衛奕信徑 W087→鉛礦坳→大埔滘方向→折徑直往草山山頂→草山→往針山方向→中文大學社區植林區→針草坳→沙田郊野徑→道風山基督教叢林→道風山巨型十字架→昇天屋→排頭村→沙田火車站)
(Tai Po Market Railway station→Minibus no. 23S [Green]→Ta Tit Yan Village [minibus terminus]→Wun Yiu Road→Distance post W087 of Wilson Trail→Lead Mine Pass→The direction for Tai Po Kau→Short-cut for the top of Grassy Hill→Grassy Hill→The direction for Needle Hill→CUHK Community Afforestation Scheme→The pass between Grassy Hill & Needle Hill [針草坳]→Shatin Country Trail→To Fung Shan Christian Centre→Big Cross of To Fung Shan→Acension House→Pai Tau Village→Shatin railway station)
衛奕信徑 W087
Start from here: Distance post W087 of Wilson Trail.
鉛礦坳 Lead Mine Pass.
The way for Tai Po Kau.
繼續向大埔滘方向走, 才能直接登上草山山頂.
如想一次去針山+草山, 便先走上草山山頂, 然後再下山走去針山, 可節省時間及體力.
若走針山/草山方向, 需要走較長的路, 亦不能一氣走遍針山+草山.
When you see this, just keep on going to the way for Tai Po Kau.
Then you can find the short-cut leading to the top of Grassy Hill.
If you want to visit both Grassy Hill and Needle Hill, take this route.
If you go for Needle Hill / Grassy Hill, you need to walk via the afforestation area in order to reach Grassy Hill, but you need to go back to the afforestation area again for Needle Hill, this will take much time.
Now we are @ the short-cut!!! Just go upstairs for the top of Grassy Hill!!
折徑比較斜, 有點吃力, 但比走馬路往草山快很多.
The short-cut for the top of Grassy Hill is quite steep and you may feel quite tired.
But you can save more time!!
Here we are @ the top of Grassy Hill.
草山山頂 kill 標 (647米), 今天很大霧, 視野極差!!
The geometrical pole @ the top of Grassy Hill (647m). It was so misty this afternoon and the view was really terrible!!!
First kiss from the calf.

First kiss from the calf.
裂了!!! Drought!!!
Misty Needle Hill.
CUHK Community Afforestation Area.
針草坳附近, 向針山方向走, 可往沙田, 附近有引水道, 可沿車路往城門水塘
Now we are near the pass between Grassy Hill & Needle Hill, keep on walking for Needle Hill, or go downstairs for Shatin via Shatin Country Trail.
There is also a traffic road along the catchwater for Shing Mun Reservoir near this place.
Shatin Country Trail.
To Fung Shan Christian Centre.