

Autumn mountain walk @ Fu Yung Shan, Tsuen Wan

(荃灣兆和街→小巴 85號→芙蓉山→竹林禪院→南天竺寺→東林念佛堂→荃錦公路→馬閃排路→綠陽新邨)
(Shiu Wo Street [near Tsuen Wan MTR station] →Green minibus no.85→Fu Yung Shan Road→Chuk Lam Temple→South India Temple→Tung Lam Buddha's Hall→Route TWISK→Ma Sim Pai Road→Luk Yeung Sun Chuen [Tsuen Wan MTR station] )






今天非常炎熱, 大家決定來個市郊短遊. 先在荃灣兆和街乘坐 85號小巴, 在芙蓉山的竹林禪院門外下車後, 我們先往五百羅漢寶殿一行.
Very hot today and we decided to have a relatively short walk near Tsuen Wan town centre. Started from Tsuen Wan MTR station, we walked down to Shiu Wo Street and we took a minibus (no. 85) for Fu Yung Shan. We got off @ the entrance of Chuk Lam Zen Temple (Bamboo Forest temple), before going straight into the temple, we turned right and went up the slope for "500 Arhats' Hall" first.

竹林禪院入口旁, 安放了大梵天王(四面神-- 印度教的創世神)的神像, 很多人都特地來參拜.
A statue of Brahma (Hindu God of creation) is near the entrance of Chuk Lam temple. Many people were coming for worshipping.

Very beautiful and old fashioned buildings everywhere in Chuk Lam temple.

古老的主堂, 現在已不常見.
Very old main hall -- you cannot find so many such old buildings in the Buddhist monasteries in HK now.

A little fish pond with miniature hills and pavilions, just outside the main hall.

主堂外乘涼, 微風吹來真是清涼舒服 -- 主堂內還有一只非常美麗的綠色玻璃吊燈!!!
It was much cooler staying under the balcony of the main hall -- together with a very beautiful green glass chandelier!!!

齋堂 --- 不過沒有素菜供應......
Dining hall, but without veg. food supply.

Zen.... Zen..... full of Zen..... Great for meditation.

離開竹林禪院, 到對面的南天竺寺.
Leaving Chuk Lam Temple and now outside South India Temple at the opposite side.

Tung Lam Buddha's Hall is nearby.

藏傳佛教的寺院, 內有舍利塔.
There is a Tibetan Buddhist Temple on the road, with a stupa inside.

東林念佛堂旁邊是東林安老院, 安老院門外有樓梯可通往荃灣地鐵站, 路上有涼亭可供小休.
There is an Old people's home next to Tung Lam Buddha's Hall (Tung Lam Old people's home), with staircases leading to Tsuen Wan MTR staion. There is a pavilion on the road.

樓梯盡頭是荃錦公路, 依路牌指示向石圍角邨的方向走, 便可走到荃灣地鐵站.
We walked downstairs for "Route TWISK", then we kept on walking to the way for Shek Wai Kok Estate, it is also the way for Tsuen Wan MTR station.

來到馬閃排路, 繼續向石圍角邨方向走.
Now we were @ Ma Sim Pai Road, just kept on walking towards Shek Wai Kok Estate for Tsuen Wan MTR station.

最後來到綠楊新邨, 地鐵站就在商場外, 是晚飯的時候了.
Finally we reached "Luk Yeung Sun Chuen", a private residential housing estate which is just above Tsuen Wan MTR station. DINNER time now!!!

