

Short walk @ Shatin Pass, Tsz Wan Shan (Mid-autumn holiday)

(黃大仙地鐵站 A 出口→小巴總站 18 號綠色小巴→法藏寺下車 [慈雲山道] →參觀法藏寺→沙田坳道上山→慈雲山觀音寺→沙田坳道山頂獅子亭→十二芴村口士多→下山至慈雲山邨→慈雲閣→小巴回鑽石山地鐵站)
(Exit A of Wong Tai Sin MTR station→Minibus terminus for Green minibus no. 18→Get off @ Fat Jong Temple [Tsz Wan Shan Road] →Visit to Fat Jong Temple→Go uphill via Shatin Pass Road→Kwun Yam Temple [Tsz Wan Shan] →Lion Pavilion @ the top of Shatin Pass Road→Food stall near Sap Yi Wat Village at the back of Lion Pavilion→Downhill to Tsz Wan Shan Estate [Bus terminus] →Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery→Back to Diamond Hill MTR station by minibus)









今天是中秋假期 (追月日), 但天氣仍異常地炎熱. 趁假期走到市郊來個沙田坳短遊!!! 先在黃大仙地鐵站外乘坐 18 號小巴, 再在慈雲山道法藏寺下車.
Today was a public holiday (the day after mid-autumn festival), but it was still very very hot!!! It was too hot to have a long hike, so we went to a place near the urban area -- Shatin Pass, for a short walk. Started from exit A of Wong Tai Sin MTR station, we got a green minibus (no. 18) and then got off @ Tsz Wan Shan Road, near Fat Jong Temple, in just 10 minutes.

先在法藏寺一遊 -- 老師父已沒有烹調齋菜, 所以已經沒有素菜供應了...
We had a visit to Fat Jong Temple (No more veg. food available now!!!)

離開法藏寺, 經寺院旁的沙田坳道上山.
Leaving Fat Jong Temple and then we walked uphill via Shatin Pass Road, which is next to the temple.

沙田坳道中段, 有樓梯可通往著名的慈雲山觀音寺 (下降至半途再轉左是觀音寺, 一直往下走則走到慈雲山邨).
There are staircases @ the middle of Shatin Pass Road, you can go downstairs for the famous old Kwun Yam Temple from here. (Remember to turn left for the temple @ the middle of the mountain trail, or keep on going downstairs to the ground for Tsz Wan Shan Estate)

在山中小休後再前進, 很快便看見慈雲山觀音寺的指示牌.
We had some snacks in the woods and then kept on walking for 2-3 minutes, now we could see the direction signage for Kwun Yam Temple.

一遊著名的慈雲山觀音寺, 歷史相當悠久, 建於1853年, 最近又有修葺工程.
We had a walk @ the famous old Kwun Yam Temple, which is built in 1853, another maintenance work is in progress now.

醉翁園 -- 行山人士自設的山中小花園, 始終1974年!!! 地方細細, 但環境優美!!!
Drunk man's garden --- A little garden built by the hikers in 1974, a small place with beautiful scenes.

醉翁園內的烏龜池, 還有自製的供水設備, 值得大讚!!!
A pond with tortoises in Drunk Man's Garden, with home-made water recycling system!!!

山中有金魚池, 真美!!!
A pond with beautiful goldfish!!!

走到沙田坳道之頂 -- 紫竹亭.
Now we were @ the top of Shatin Pass Road, just in front of Purple Bamboo Pavilion.

Now @ Lion Pavilion on Shatin Pass Road.

獅子亭後面是十二芴村的入口, 有山路通往沙田, 村外有士多, 我們在此停下吃豆腐花及冰凍汽水.
The entrance of Shap Yi Wat Village is at the back of Lion Pavilion, with a food stall on the road. We sat under the trees for sweet tofu pudding and soft drinks.

吃過小食再回沙田坳道, 然後經樓梯下山再由山上的引水道步至慈雲山邨的巴士總站.
After having some dessert and soft drinks near Shap Yi Wat Village, we went downstairs via the hillside catchwater for the bus terminus near Tsz Wan Shan Estate.

We went to Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery for a walk. (@ Tsz Wan Shan Road)

慈雲閣內著名景點 -- 地藏閣, 建在山洞內, 內有迷你地獄 18 景的模型, 值得一看.
Now going to the famous spot of Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery -- Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Cave. A natural cave with 18 scenes of hell (miniature hell!!).

Dragons in different colours all over the temple!!!

