

Short walk @ seaside of Ma On Shan

(馬鞍山地鐵站 A 出口→馬鞍山中心→鞍超街→烏溪沙青年新村→馬鞍山海濱長廊→沙田海海邊→渡頭村→原路回程→馬鞍山公園)
(Exit A of Ma On Shan MTR station→Ma On Shan Centre→On Chiu Street→Wu Kai Sha Youth Village→Ma On Shan Promenade→Seaside of Shatin Sea→To Tau Village→Back from the same route→Ma On Shan Park)







今天天氣有點陰晴不定, 只選了短遊!!~ 在馬鞍山地鐵站 A出口起步, 至馬鞍山中心 (鞍超街) 附近, 再從雅典居到對面的馬鞍山海濱長廊及烏溪沙青年村!
The weather was still not stable this morning, so we just could have a short walk!!~ Started from Exit A of Ma On Shan MTR station (Ma On Shan Line via Tai Wai railway station), we walked to On Chiu Street (near Ma On Shan Centre), and then we just walked to the seaside, where we could see the Ma On Shan Promenade and YMCA Wu Kai Sha Youth Village.

這片水域名叫"沙田海", 海邊有著名景點~~ 巨型心!!!! 據說是一位退休伯伯的傑作, 很大, 而且由多層石組成, 真正是強風也刮不掉!!! 去年我們也曾用碎石弄了一個小小的心送給大家疼愛的花老 B, 不過一腳便給我們弄散了.....
This place is called "Shatin Sea" (or "Sha Tin Hoi"), there is a very famous "spot" here~~ a JUMBO BIG heart @ the beachside!! This big heart is made by a retired man, with layers of big hard rocks, even won't be blown away during typhoon!! We had made a tiny heart for our beloved Tachibana san near this big heart last year, but it was gone by a "kick" from our team-mates!!

Wu Kai Sha pier and the residential buildings of Ma On Shan.

We could see the big statue of Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva from here!! (@ Tsz Shan Temple, Tung Chi Road, Tai Po)

剛下雨, 泥灘上一片濕滑.
Very muddy and slippery @ the wetland after some showers.

Pat Sin Leng (mountain range) @ Tai Po.

A big piece of dark cloud was chasing us!!

Boats for rental @ the seaside.

到了渡頭灣村, 海邊有燒烤爐出租及飲品出售, 遊人可自攜食物來此燒烤.
Uncle Happy's BBQ club is at the seaside of To Tau Wan Village, visitors can have a seaside party here~~ bring your own food, just pay and use the BBQ stoves near the beach. (Drinks available from the food stall here)

很快便到了烏溪沙盡頭, 太陽終於出現, 很多人趁水退跑來沙灘玩!!!
Now we were @ Wu Kai Sha, near Whitehead (the sea cape of Wu Kai Sha, Tolo Channel)~ Finally the sun came out and lots of people were playing along the beach during the low tide.

Poor octopus and clams were dried under the sun....

Village houses @ the back of the beach.

Ma On Shan Central Park

Angry Bird 在此.
Angry bird is here!!!

