Lazy Hikers' Weekend ~~ Short walk @ Yi O
(Tai O Bus Terminus→Embankment nearby→Fan Kwai Tong→Nam Chung→Nga Ying Kok Campsite→Yi O→Lower part of Shui Lo Cho Stream→Yi O Dike→Back of the abandoned Yi O farmland→Back to Tai O)
(Tai O Bus Terminus→Embankment nearby→Fan Kwai Tong→Nam Chung→Nga Ying Kok Campsite→Yi O→Lower part of Shui Lo Cho Stream→Yi O Dike→Back of the abandoned Yi O farmland→Back to Tai O)
今天來個二澳遊!! 二澳就在大澳旁, 雖說是在旁邊, 但沒有交通工具可達(單車除外), 要步行去二澳, 大約 45分鐘!!!!
先從大澳市集出發, 經海邊長堤(旁有濕地及荒廢鹽田), 一直走向番鬼塘(靠右).
Today we were going to Yi O, a place just next to Tai O (haha, I can say it is next to Tai O~~ geographically, but you still need to walk!!!).
There is NO public transport for Yi O (Except cycling), it will take you around 45 mins if you walk to Yi O from Tai O.
Yi O used to be a place full of residents, just like Tai O, in the past. But now nobody is living in Yi O, and most of the houses are disappeared, just looks like a "ghost village".
Started from Tai O market, we walked from the bus terminus, and then walked via the embankment (with a big piece of wetland and abandoned salt field),
at the end of it, just stick to the right-hand side, and we entered a place called Fan Kwai Tong (the seaside).
到了番鬼塘(亦是南涌範圍), 沿海邊前走, 便會發現往 "萬丈布" 及 "牙鷹角" 的指示牌, 沿此路上山 (路旁有黃色村屋).
When we had reached Fan Kwai Tong (part of Nam Chung), we just walked along the seaside,
and then we could see a road sign "Man Cheung Po via Nga Ying Kok", which is the way for Yi O.
There is a yellow village house nearby, just walk upslope from there.
(Man Cheung Po is a name for the LONGEST waterfall in Tai O, but you cannot see the waterfall now, except rainy days! Nga Ying Kok means Eagle Cape, it is the sea cape of a mountain called Nga Ying Shan, now it is a camp site.)
真正的牙鷹角海岸!!! 牙鷹角營地就在山中.
Beautiful sea cape!! It is the seaside of Nga Ying Kok (Eagle Cape), with a camp-site inside Mt. Nga Ying Shan (Eagle Peak).
冰涼山水怪味道~~ 牙鷹角營地的水源, 來自萬丈布瀑布, 不過由於水管已舊, 山水有銹味, 一定要煮沸才可飲用.
COOL stream water with bad smell ~~ this is the water source of the camp-site, the water is from Man Cheung Po waterfall.
It was very hot this morning but the stream water was still cold like "iced"!!
The water pipe is rusted, the taste and smell of the water is not so good, please boil it befor you drink.
古舊的兩個二澳渡頭!!! 別忘了, 昔日的二澳, 比大澳更繁榮, 出入依靠水路.
Two very very old jetty (jetties) of Yi O!! In the old past (at least half a century!!), Yi O was more "developed" than Tai O market, with lots of residents living there,
they travelled by boats and ferries at that time.
But as no traffic road (just a footpath!!) is available @ Yi O, the residents gradually moved to Tai O, and Yi O village (Both New and Old) was abandoned.
橋下便是有名的水澇漕石澗!!! 亦是萬丈布瀑布的下游. 水澇漕石澗!! 一個古怪的名字!!!
水澇漕, 即說明這石澗的水聲非常強勁, 亦可解為水源非常充足.
昔日二澳村仍是繁榮的時代, 一到雨天, 萬丈布瀑布的水便會大量湧入水澇漕石澗, 水聲之大, 連新及舊的二澳村都可以聽見!!
後來政府為了防洪, 便在萬丈布建設了引水道, 之後水澇漕石澗便不再吵了.
A stream under the bridge!! Yeah, it is the famous "Shui Lo Cho Stream" (meaning: "Noisy Water Stream").
What a cool name!!! In the past when there were still quite a number of residents living in Yi O village,
during rainy days, the water from Man Cheung Po waterfall would pour down like flooding, the noise was so loud at the lower stream.
People said that the noise of the water could be heard from both new and old Yi O villages.
So this place is named as "Shui Lo Cho Stream". As to prevent severe flooding,
the government finally built some catchwater facilities near Man Cheung Po waterfall, now the water is not noisy,
but you can still hear its "whispering" sound when you go near.
走近水澇漕石澗, 風景極美.
A close-up of Noisy Water Stream.
A temple for the "God of the sea", inside Yi O village.
A large piece of wetland.
花老B 在二澳海旁攀石
Tachibana san had a little bit of rock-climbing @ the beachside of Yi O.
花老B 身後是"雞公山", 但看不見有雞頭....
The hill at the back of Tachibana san is called "Cock Peak" (Cockpit??? Hahaha!!).
But we couldn't see the cock's head!!
著名的觀日落景點:~ 二澳基堤!! 堤後有一大片樹林!!!
A famous place for watching sunset:~ Yi O Dike!!! With a large piece of bushes nearby!!
We could see Yi O dike from here also, so beautiful.
返回大澳長堤, 濕地很美.
Now back to Tai O embankment, the wetland scene is GREAT also.