

Waterfall Bay @ Aberdeen


(New World Bus no. 970→Stop @ Wah Fu Commercial Centre / Market, Wah Fu Estate, Wah Fu Road→Waterfall Bay Road→Walk along the seaside path for the way to BBQ site, inside Waterfall Bay Park→Walk till the end of the footpah→Downstairs for the seaside of Waterfall Bay→Waterfall)






乘坐往華富邨的巴士, 於華富道的華富商場下車. 然後轉入瀑布灣道, 一直前走.


Take a bus which goes to Wah Fu Estate in Aberdeen. Then get off @ Wah Fu Commercial Complex, which is at Wah Fu Road.
Walk along Waterfall Bay Road nearby.

海邊的美景~~ 可看到南丫島.


We could see Lamma Island clearly from here.

進入瀑布灣公園後, 沿海邊小徑走, 直至小徑盡頭. 樓梯下便是瀑布所在, 爬過扶手下去, 便可看海及瀑布.


Go inside Waterfall Bay Park and stick to the seaside footpath. Just keep on walking until you can see the end of the path.
There are staircases which lead to the seaside of Waterfall Bay and a big waterfall is there also.
Just climb over those hand-drails and go downstairs.

瀑布灣的海邊, 有荒廢小屋(原來是戰時的碉堡), 小沙灘可遊玩, 不過浪很大, 小心小心.


The seaside of Waterfall Bay!! There is an abandoned stone house (For Military purpose during wartime!!) along the seaside, with a small beach.
But the wave was very strong, so we didn't go to the house for fun.

海邊有很多佛像及印度神像!!!!! 最矚目是有地藏菩薩!!!! 此地昔日曾有不少人因給浪卷走而溺斃,
所以不少附近的居民使把神像放在海邊供奉, 而政府亦把通向海邊的樓梯鎖上.


A special scene @ the seaside~~ So many Buddha statues, Boddhisattva statues and even statues of Indian Gods!!
And we could see Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva (The guardian of Hell) here!!!
Usually the statue of Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva will be placed @ a place with many fatal accidents taken place before.
There were lots of fatal accidents @ Waterfall Bay in the past, mostly were "taken away" by the strong waves and drowned while playing along the beach.
Also some fell down from the rocks when trying to climb up the waterfall.
So the residents nearby placed these statues along the seaside, and the government had locked the staircases leading to this place.

瀑布灣的瀑布在此!!! 很美啊!!!


Woow!! What a beautiful waterfall here!!!!



The BBQ site of Waterfall Bay Park.

賞瀑後, 在華富邨內四處閒遊.


Had a walk @ Wah Fu Estate after leaving Waterfall Bay.

此地有些古老冰室~ 銀都冰室, 昔日以菠蘿冰馳名.


There is an old cafe~ Silver Cafe, famous for its iced pineapple drink in the past.

另一間~ 華富冰室.


Another cafe~ Wah Fu Cafe.

廣泰百貨~ 我以為自己身處內地, 又或是回到70-80年代???? 裝修很舊.....


Kwong Tai Department Store~ Oh.... when I first saw it, I just thought that "Am I in China now?"
Or I was back to the old Hong Kong during the 1980s?? Its old decorations can't be seen in other places of HK now....

昔日的上海理髮店.... 我又進入時光隧道了.... :D


Oh, I was travelling by the Time Machine again.... see this OLD Shanghai style barber shop....
Shanghai style Barber shops were very popular during the 1960s till early 90s, during the war times and Cultural Revolution,
many rich Shanghai people rushed to HK, some earned their livings by opening this kind of barber shops,
and some opened Textiles shops and made clothes for the rich people in HK.

