

Pun Chun Yuen Monastery @ Tai Wo, NT

(Tai Wo Railway station→Kam Shek New Village→Kam Shan Road→Go up from Shek Lin Road→Pun Chun Yuen Monastery)

先於太和火車站 A出口起步, 穿過錦石新村, 到達挪威國際學校後, 再經錦山路向石蓮路及蓮澳村上山.
中途有"半春園" 的舊牌場坊, 再繼續上山, 直至見到天橋後, 再上行便可見到"香海蓮社半春園"


We started from Exit A of Tai Wo Railway station. Walked via Kam Shek New Village, and we reached NIS (Norwegian International School).
Then we walked along Kam Shan Road and then walked uphill from Shek Lin Road and Lin Au Village.
We could see the OLD Pun Chun Yuen monastery as we were moving upwards, we just kept on moving up the road until we saw the flyover.
Then we could see the pink Pun Chun Yuen Monastery finally.

深秋的半春園, 非常美麗.


What a beautiful garden here!! Especially the autumn scene!

半春園是一間舊式佛寺, 古樸的風味現已罕見. 寺內有古老柴房, 時間彷彿停頓了.


Pun Chun Yuen Monastery is still in very old style, which is NOT common in HK now.
There's also a storage place for firewood, which is still in old "look"... were we travelling in a time-machine and back to the old days????

在園內看花!! 花老B 發現了一棵黃金柚子樹, 黃金柚子跌到滿地都是, 真可惜.


Wondering around @ Pun Chun Yuen monastery!! Tachibana san had found a big Chinese grape-fruit tree,
with lots of "Golden" grapefruit "lying" on the ground!!! We could see there were nearly 10 grapefruit dropped down from the tree.
A pity nobody cared about them.

森林內有荒廢寺院!! 看起來很陰森可怖!! 更要一探!! 即出發在天陰陰的早上來個古寺探秘.


An old monastery in the woods!! It looks like haunted!! Woow!! We had to go for a visit!!
We started our "adventure" in a cloudy and cool morning, with trees "shaking" in the autumn breeze.
What a GREAT atmosphere!!!!!

到了古寺, 原來真的很大很美!! 正門給鎖上, 只好穿過樹林到寺後. 原來後面什麼都沒有!!
此時, 突然在寺後傳來陣陣怪聲.....


The monastery looks so luxury and beautiful!!! But the main entrance is closed, so we walked via the woods to its back.
Oh!! There's NOTHING special at the back!!
Suddenly, there was strange sound from the back of the monastery....... what's up?????

忽然有位食環處的叔叔從寺院後的叢林步出!! 原來他是來清理雜草的. 他還給我們解開古寺之謎!!
原來此荒廢寺院亦是半春園所擁有!! 本來打算用作骨灰龕的, 但因為政府不發牌, 所以一直給丟空, 都荒廢很多年了.


Suddenly there was a man walking out from the woods at the back of the monastery!!
Oh, he's a staff from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department!!
He comes here quite often to clear the dried grass and dirty water, to prevent large amount of mosquitoes breeding here!

He told us about the "history" of this old monastery~
This beautiful monastery is also part of Pun Chun Yuen Monastery,
and it was planned to be a place for storing human bone ash(cremains)!!
(Chinese people usually put their dead family members' bone ash in monasteries, to let monks and nuns praying for the dead and then
the dead ones can have a more "comfortable" life after death)

But HKSAR government didn't give a licence to Pun Chun Yuen Monastery for this purpose,
so this is why the beautiful monastery was abandoned from that time.. (Many years ago!!)

叢林內一遊.... 忽然見到一山墳!!! (應該是半春園的僧人墓地)


We played inside the woods.... oh, we found a tomb under some trees!! It should be a monk's "rest-area" from Pun Chun Yuen.

半春園創辦人, 黃先生的故居.


The house of Mr. Wong (passed away), the founder of Pun Chun Yuen Monastery.



Enjoying the autumn atmosphere.



As beautiful as paradise

由於我們沒有預定齋菜, 只好離開半春園, 經錦山路去長霞淨院吃午飯了.


As we didn't make a reservation for lunch, we had to leave Pun Chun Yuen,
and then walked downhill and walked along Kam Shan Road for another monastery nearby.
Now we were going to "Buddhist Cheung Ha Temple" for our vegan lunch.



A wonderful visit @ Cheung Ha Temple.



摩星嶺 (堅尼地城域多利道) 賞戰時古蹟 (17 Sep 2011)
Mount Davis @ Victoria Road, near Kennedy Town, for Military war relics (WWII)

(置地廣場外乘 5號巴士→摩星嶺徑總站→沿摩星嶺徑上山→摩星嶺戰事遺跡→摩星嶺青年旅社→下山→域多利道→前摩星嶺公民村 [前摩星嶺平房區]→道慈佛社→5號巴士巴士往東邊街→Light Vegetarian 午飯)
(Bus no.5 outside Landmark, Central→Mt. Davis Path Bus Terminus→Uphill from Mt. Davis Path→War Relics @ Mount Davis→Mt. Davis Youth Hostel→Downhill→Victoria Road→Ex-Mount Davis Squatter Area [Former Kung Man Village of Mount Davis] →To Tsz Buddhist Monastery→To Eastern Street, by no.5 bus again→Lunch @ Light Vegetarian Cafe)


http://www.fmtd.org.hk/image/background_pic1.jpg (中文 & ENG )
*** 沿摩星嶺徑(勿與摩星嶺道混淆)可步行上山至賽馬會摩星嶺青年旅舍(約35分鐘)。
*** Walk along Mount Davis Path, in stead of Mt. Davis Road, ends @ the Youth Hostel (35 mins)

城巴 5號巴士, 總站下車.
City Bus no. 5, get off @ the destination
http://www.nwstbus.com.hk/routes/routeinfo.aspx?intLangID=2&searchtype=1&routenumber=5&route=5&routetype=D&company=5 (Chi)
http://www.nwstbus.com.hk/routes/routeinfo.aspx?intLangID=1&searchtype=1&routenumber=5&route=5&routetype=D&company=5 (ENG)

今早在置地廣場前乘5號巴士, 然後在摩星嶺徑的總站下車. 總站旁邊便是摩星嶺徑, 沿此路上山, 中途可見有轉左上山至青年旅舍的提示, 向左轉上山便可.


We took bus no.5 @ the bus-stop in front of Landmark in Central this morning.
Then we got off @ the bus terminus of Mount Davis Path. Mount Davis Path is just next to the bus terminus.
We walked along this road and then we could see another road sign for the youth hostel.
Just turn left and walk uphill from here.

這條樓梯有古怪!!! 上去一看!!! 原來有一荒廢軍用石屋.


Strange staircases!!! We moved up to have a look! Oh, there's a ruined stone military house at the top.

路上有不少荒廢軍屋. 這間又大又陰森.... 進去一看, 原來是茅廁!!!!


There're a number of ruined stone houses for military purposes in the past.
We saw a big and creepy one.... we entered and.... it is a TOILET!! (Very old-styled one)

到了半山的摩星嶺休憩處. 旁邊有疑是瞭望台的軍用遺跡. 大家上去一看, 即有一巨型皇蜂飛來, 莫非牠是這裡的保安員???


Now we were @ Mt. Davis Sitting area. There's something like a ruined military "watch-tower".
When we stood there to have a look, there was a giant wasp flying to us and chased us out of the watch-tower, it seemed to be the security guide of this place.



A number of military facilites along the hillside road.

曾聽聞摩星嶺上有不少靈異傳聞, 而其中一個是在鬧鬼最利害之處, 有神像陣守!!! 一直以為是傳言, 但今天真的在山上一荒廢堡壘入口處,
發現一個威風凜凜的關帝像!!! 這裡便是傳聞中最猛鬼之地??? 信不信由你, 不過此地的確較其他地方陰暗.
但我們的Android 捉鬼雷達卻找不到什麼!!! 大家亦沒遇到怪事.


We have heard of lots of ghost stories about Mt. Davis. This place is always said to be haunted long time ago.
And one of these is, at the "MOST" haunted point, there's a statue of Chinese deity for protecting the visitors.
We always think that it's just a rumour. But today, we really found a statue of Deity "Kwun-di", which is the God of Justice and Protection to most Chinese people,
he was always being worshipped by the policemen also!! Is this old castle the "MOST" haunted spot??
We used our Android Ghost Radar and Ghost Detector for finding out "abnormal electromagnetic fields" and even for EVPs!!
But ended up NO strange signs showing from all the "Ghost sensors"!! NO strange EVPs, NO abnormal electromagnetic fields detected.

終於到了山頂的青年旅舍. 只限營友進入, 大家只好在外一看.


Now we were @ the top of Mount Davis!! And with the Youth Hostel also!! But as it is ONLY for the campers, we could only stood outside to have a look.

山上有無線電發射站, 亦有軍用設施.


There's a transmittor station for radio transmission @ the hilltop, also with old military facilities.

輻射危機令花老B 暈倒了.


Radiation Hazard made Tachibana san passed out.

陰森古怪的石階.... 原來是破爛了的城堡.


Ruined staircases leading us to a ruined castle.

小路返回半山~ 原來此森林小徑是有名的搜靈熱點之一!!! 當然不能錯過!!! 路中有荒廢軍屋, 不過鬼影都無, 測鬼機亦探測不到任何古怪.


A forest path for downhill~ OH!! COOOL! This forest path is another HOT spot for ghost-hunters!!
Of course we couldn't miss this part!!! GO and have a look!! We could only find a military house inside...
Our ghost sensors didn't detect anything strange.

下山後, 沿域多利道前行.

We walked downhill and then just walked along Victoria Road (The traffic road).

從堅尼地城海邊看, 這是青洲.


From the seaside of Kennedy Town, we could see Green Island.

昔日的"金鐘冬泳團"~ 昔日香港人沒有什麼娛樂, 冬泳亦是很受歡迎的節目之一.


Here's the "Golden Bell Winter Swimming Club"~ HK people didn't have too much leisure activities in the past.
Swimming in the winter time was one of the famous leisure activities.
The swimming club was closed for a long time, now is replaced by public indoor swimming pool, instead of swimming in the sea.

找到了"摩星嶺公民村" 的遺址!!! 昔日是寮屋區, 現已給鎖上, 但山上滿是野犬. (不過犬隻看來很乾淨, 不像四處流浪) 昔日的村民大都住在附近.


We had found the remains of the old Kung Man Village (a squatter area in the past). Now the squatter houses were all disappeared, lots of dogs here now.
I can see these dogs are still in good conditions, maybe they just come from outside. The former villagers are still living nearby.



To Tsz Buddhist Monastery.

巴士回東邊街的 Light Vegetarian 素食午飯. 黑豆漢堡餐好吃得不得了.


Got a bus no.5 for Eastern Street, lunch @ Light Vegetarian, black bean burger combo was WONDERFUL!!!