Short walk @ Ma Wan Chung (Tung Chung Old Market)
(東涌MTR→NLB 38號巴士→東涌逸東邨居逸樓→黃泥屋→東涌小炮台→東涌北(東涌舊墟碼頭)→馬灣涌→引水道回逸東邨)
(Tung Chung MTR station→NLB bus no.38→Kui Yat House of Yat Tung Estate bus stop→Wong Nai Uk→Tung Chung Battery→Tung Chung North (Ferry pier @ Tung Chung Old Market)→Ma Wan Chung→Back to Yat Tung Estate via the catchwater)
今天陽光普照, 感覺良好, 一於再去闊別兩年的馬灣涌!!! 先乘38號巴士, 在居逸樓門前下車, 步向對面,
鐵絲網後是巨型引水道(可從這裡進入, 不過由黃泥屋起步更佳!!), 然後沿路步入"黃泥屋"!!
路上有蜂場, 東涌社區服務大樓及一教堂.
After the thunderstorm, quite surprised it turned out to be a sunny day today!!! The walk to Ma Wan Chung can be "resumed"!!
Take NLB bus no.38 and get off @ Kui Yat House (Yat Tung Estate),
walk to the opposite side and you'll see some wire fences with a big catchwater at the back (you can start from here but I started from Wong Nai Uk this morning!)
Then walk along the footpath outside and enter a place called "Wong Nai Uk"!!
There are bee farm, a Lutheran church and Tung Chung Community Services Complex along the road.
有秘道可上山, 不過有墳墓及金塔.
There's a "secret path" which leads to a little hill, but there are tombs and containers with human remains inside everywhere along the path.
昔日位於赤立角虎地灣(全變了機場!)的灰窰, 已被遷移至此地.
The ancient kiln from Fu Tei Wan of Chek Lap Kok Island (now became part of the airport) is "rehomed" to Tung Chung!
下去東涌小炮台一看, 景色很美, 對面是赤立角!!
Walked down to Tung Chung Battery to have a look, a beautiful GREEN land here!!
Chek Lap Kok island is at the opposite side.
沿車路下走, 盡頭是東涌道北, 亦是馬灣涌!! 馬灣涌曾經非常繁榮,
因為東涌新市鎮(東涌地鐵站一帶) 未發展前, 馬灣涌是東涌的舊墟, 昔日東涌的商業活動都集中在馬灣涌附近.
至於今日的東涌地鐵站附近, 昔日只是農村.
We walked down the slope along the traffic road near Tung Chung Battery, and then to the end of it, that is Tung Chung Road North.
The seaside is already Ma Wan Chung! Ma Wan Chung used to be a very flourishing place before the development of New Tung Chung Town,
which is now the Tung Chung MTR station (and the places nearby).
Before the new Tung Chung Town is present, Ma Wan Chung was the Old Market of Tung Chung, nearly all the commercial activities were taking place there.
The New Market (new Tung Chung Town) was a big piece of farmland with village houses in the past.
馬灣涌的海邊, 很大浪, 但風景很美.
Strong waves @ Ma Wan Chung seaside, but the scene was GREAT!!
好可憐的海產, 在海鮮酒樓外等死!!! 相片中的可憐象拔蚌很肥大, 朋友本打算買了牠放回海中, 但放到那裡??? 又不能抱著牠在街上跑,
總不能放回馬灣涌的海中吧(真要放回海中, 在大嶼山很難找到沒有人到的海灣~除了從石璧起步, 再走1小時才能到達的狗嶺涌!)!!!!
如果大家見到牠, 救救牠及其他蟹吧....
Poor seafood waiting for a cruel execution outside the seafood restaurant!
The geoduck in the photo is quite big, my friend wanted to buy it and put it back to the sea.
But one thing is there's NO seaside without people fishing nearby! (It will be caught a second after we put it back to the water)
And we can't put it back to the sea water of Ma Wan Chung!
Anybody who can help it and with other crabs, please go to the seafood restaurant @ the seaside to buy them and put them back to the sea with fewer people around!
昔日的3M 巴士站, 現在巴士已經不來這裡了.
An old bus-stop (NLB no.3M, to Mui Wo)~ now NO bus service available @ Ma Wan Chung,
as people can walk to this place via the catchwater near Yat Tung Estate now.
馬灣涌村內, 全是棚屋, 與大澳極之相像, 是一個迷你版的大澳. 如果不想乘1小時的巴士到大澳看棚屋, 馬灣涌是一個不錯的選擇.
從東涌地鐵站乘5-10分鐘的巴士便到起步點, 再步行10-15分鐘便到達了.
Stilt houses on the water everywhere in Ma Wan Chung, just the same as Tai O! It's just a "miniature" version of Tai O!
If you don't want to spend 1 hour in the bus for Tai O, you can take a 5-10 mins' bus ride to Yat Tung Estate, then walk for another 10-15 mins,
then you can reach Ma Wan Chung!
馬灣涌的寶安橋在此, 連接海邊跟內陸村落, 於1969年建成.
Po On Bridge @ Ma Wan Chung! It was used by the villagers from 1969, linking the sea bay to the inland villages.
從海邊過橋入村~ 海邊有已關閉了的海鮮酒家, 村內古式古香, 仍維持原貌.
Crossed the bridge to the inland village~ there's a closed seafood restaurant above the sea water, the village houses in the village are still in the original style.
花老B 身後是東涌農產銷合作社~ 昔日香港人是以農業及漁業為生, 新界及離島內有很多漁農產銷合作社, 為村民提供貸款購買機器, 船隻, 種子, 魚苗, 及協助產品銷售.
The building at the back of Tachibana san is "Tung Chung Agricultual Products Marketing and Credit Co-operative Society".
There were many such co-operative societies in New Territories and out-lying islands in the villages long time ago,
as most of the people living in the rural areas in the past, earned their livings by farming and fishing.
The gov. had given subsidies to these co-operative societies, for lending money to villagers for machineries, seeds and boats... etc.
Furthermore, also assisted the villagers for the "marketing" of their products.
There are still a number of very old-styled restaurants and groceries.
返回引水道, 旅程完結, 到逸東邨的巴士總站乘車.
Now we were back to the catchwater, the end of our walk today!! Then we walked to the bus terminus @ Yat Tung Estate for a bus.