晨光乍現耀龍仔, 九曲橋畔戲悟園
乘著小龍上尖峰, 跨越凌風到南涌
Lung Tsai -- Tai O visit, Lantau
Traffic Details:
東涌 NLB 11號巴士→"龍仔" 站(大澳道起點)→羗山(南)引水道→牛過田→萬丈布方向→上山至龍仔悟園→回大澳方向鳳凰徑第6段入口→尖峰山→經能任亭及凌風亭→凌風石澗→超級斜坡→梁屋村→大澳南涌村→午飯時間
Tung Chung→NLB Bus no.11→Lung Tsai stop (start point of Tai O Road)→Keung Shan (south) Catchwater→Ngau Kwo Tin→To Man Cheung Po→Go Up for Lung Tsai Garden→Back to entrance of Lantau Trail stage 6 (the way to Tai O)→Tsim Fung Shan→via Nun Yam Ting & Ling Fung Ting (2 pavilions)→Ling Fung Stream→Super steep road @ L054→Leung Uk Village→Nam Chung of Tai O→END
總長度 Total distance:
難度: 難行之山徑
羗山(南)引水道→龍仔悟園 = 3km
鳳凰徑第6段 = 2.5km
總長度 5.5km
標柱: L050~L055
** L054 開始, 會是著名的"攞命斜坡", 雖然是石屎路段, 但斜度值5粒星, 小心留意.
** 會越過凌風石澗, 小心濕滑
Difficulty: Quite a challenging one
Keung Shan (south) Catchwater→Lung Tsai Garden = 3km
Lantau Trail stage 6 = 2.5km
Total = 5.5km
Approx 2-2.5 hrs
Distance posts: L050~L055
** There is a tremendously steep road leading to Nam Chung of Tai O starting from L054. Take GREAT care when you come to this part. No attempt during rainy days.
** Will also walk through Ling Fung Stream and there are some rivers nearby also. Quite slippery, be careful
Official information:
Official Map for Lantau Trail Stage 6:
http://www.hkwalkers.net/eng/pdf/longtrail/ltrail/lmap06.pdf (EN & Chi)
Album: (Click images to Enlarge) :
今日在羗山步上山時, 不停聽見有古怪的"woow-woow"叫聲從山中多處傳出, 有點像狗的尖叫, 不過沒有狗吠得那麼響亮. 初時大家以為是有其他行山人士在玩, 但在山上向下望, 除了我們,
山中可沒有其他人. 後來Henry 在樹叢中清除褲上的雜草時, 看見一啡色的小動物從草中跳出來, 很快向山下逃走了. 那小東西比狗大一點, 但肯定不是黃牛.
我們相信應該是赤麂(Muntjac), 因赤麂的叫聲是尖尖的, 有點像狗, 所以今天早上在山中傳出的怪叫應該是牠們.
別以為香港這麼都市化便沒有野生動物. 在沒有人去的山野, 仍然有很多小動物如赤麂, 山豬, 山貓山狗的呢!!
昔日在昂平及鹿湖一帶便常有赤麂出沒, 所以才有"鹿湖" 這個名字. 因昂平發展成遊客區, 小鹿們都跑到沒有人居住的羗山了. 若在山上見到牠們, 可不要打擾牠們平靜的生活啊!
When we were moving up the slope in Keung Shan this morning, we heard strange sounds "woow-woow" everywhere. First we thought that maybe some hikers nearby were playing around.
But when we looked down from the hillside, we couldn't see any people nearby, and we also didn't meet anybody afterwards. Seemed that we were the only hiking team in Keung Shan this morning.
When Henry was trying to clear the grass stuck to his pants near the bushes, he saw a brown creature jumping out from some bushes and escaped downwards.
That creature was a little bit bigger than a dog, but he was sure it wasn't a cattle.
We all think that little creature was a muntjac (barking deer) and the strange noises everywhere this morning were from them.
Although HK is very urbanised, there are still many wild animals living in the countryside not frequently visited by people.
There are still muntjac, boars, wild cats and mountain dogs in the forests where nobody is living in.
In the past before Ngon Ping Big Buddha was built and becoming a tourist spot, there were many wild animals in Ngon Ping and Luk Wu (Luk Wu means Deer's Lake).
Nowadays maybe those wild animals already moved to Keung Shan where nobody is living inside.
So if you meet these wild animals at the country side, please don't disturb them, let them live peacefully in their paradise.
今早10:00 在東涌乘NLB 11號巴士, 約10:40在龍仔站的郊野公園外(大澳道) 下車, 直入羗山(南)引水道, 向萬丈布方向進發.
We arrived Tung Chung @ 10am and took NLB bus no.11. Got off @ Lung Tsai stop (Tai O Road), the entrance of Keung Shan (South) Catchwater, and also the entrance of the country park at 10:40. Then we started our journey here!
這裡亦是羗山郊遊徑 C1316 的入口.
Here's also the entrance of distance post C1316 of Keung Shan Country Trail.
沿羗山(南)引水道前走10分鐘左右, 來到"西來意苑". 不過有維修工程在進行, 看來有一段時間不會有素菜供應了.
Walking along Keung Shan South Catchwater for 10 mins and we had reached a Buddhist monastery "Sai Loi Yee Yuen". There's some maintenance work inside and nobody is allowed to enter.
Walked upwards from here~ the way for Lung Tsai via Man Cheung Po
A photo @ Keung Shan first.
先步向龍仔悟園--萬丈布方向~ 沙路才是, 石屎路是直上山至慈興寺那邊, 不經龍仔悟園
Our first stop is Lung Tsai Garden (Lung Tsai Ng Yuen)-- the way to Man Cheung Po~ Please walk on the sandy path. The other footpath (the white path) is the way to Tsz Hing Monastery, won't pass Lung Tsai Garden.
先在休憩處吃早餐~ 木長檯是年初才更換的, 但已經變得很殘舊了.
We had our breakfast @ the picnic area~ the bench looks very old, but actually it's just here around Feb this year!!
早餐後前行至 L050, 後面是龍仔悟園.
We had reached L050, and Lung Tsai Garden is just at the back.
今天非常幸運!! 龍仔悟園有開門, 即入內參觀!!
Very lucky today!! Lung Tsai Garden is open!! Usually it is closed!!
晨光乍現耀龍仔~~ 龍仔悟園依舊美麗, 管理員伯伯的狗, 眼神有點憂怨..... haha!!
Sunbeam @ Lung Tsai ~~ Lung Tsai Garden is still as attractive as the last time I visited (in Feb 2010).. The watchman's dog looked a bit unhappy this morning...
九曲橋畔戲悟園~~ 怎可錯過湖心亭及九曲橋呢? (因日久失修, 九曲橋已不作開放, 有點可惜)
Had fun near the zig-zag bridge~~ The MOST attractive scene of Lung Tsai Garden-- This Golden Pavilion and the zig-zag bridge!!
(As the zig-zag bridge is NOT under maintenance for many years due to lack of $$$, visitors are NOT allowed to enter to avoid accidents happen)
綠色小亭名為魚樂國, 昔日湖心亭下有大量金魚, 供遊人在此觀賞, 不過已是70年代的事了. 現在已經很少人來龍仔悟園, 所以管理員伯伯都不常來了.
There's a green pavilion at the back of Tachibana san. This green pavilion is called "Yu Lok Kwok" (means fish paradise). During 1970 to late 80s, there were many goldfish under the Golden pavilion and the zig-zag bridge. Visitors could have a look at the goldfish from this "Fish paradise" (the green pavilion). At that time, Lung Tsai Garden used to be a very famous place for visitors, but now not many people visit here.
In the old days, the traffic was not convenient and people coming to Tai O would stay behind for one night. This is why they had much time to have fun in Lung Tsai Garden. Now visitors usually travel by bus and stay in Tai O market rather than Lung Tsai, and also, not so many people know about this beautiful paradise now. Even the old watchman seldom comes here except public holidays.
A piece of "wetland" at the back of the Golden Pavilion.
雖已是冬天, 但龍仔悟園內仍有桂花開放, 滿園芬芳.
Although it's already Winter now, there are still osmanthus flowers blooming everywhere in Lung Tsai Garden, the lovely scent made us feel very calm and comfortable.
依依不捨別悟園, 在門外再拍照.
Saying goodbye to Lung Tsai Garden.... "We will be BACK!!"
乘著小龍上尖峰~~ 向大澳方向走, 來到往南涌的鳳凰徑入口 L051 ~ 進入這裡, 會是尖峰山的範圍, 路亦會斜得令人難以想像, 大家小心慢行.
From Lung Tsai to Tsim Fung Shan~~ We walked from Lung Tsai Garden to distance post L051, which is leading to Nam Chung of Tai O~ from here, it's already part of Tsim Fung Shan (means sharp-edged mountain). The path will become steeper and steeper, and some parts are too steep that we cannot imagine. Be very careful when you walk down from the extremely steep path.
跨越凌風到南涌~~ 有點失笑... 本來以為可看到美麗的凌風石澗, 但原來只有這一小段小河流!!!!
Cross Ling Fung Stream in order to reach Nam Chung~~ Very disappointed... we always think we could see Ling Fung stream clearly here, but actually we could only see a little bit of it!!!!
Playing around in the forest
L052 後面是"能任亭", 小亭在草叢中, 古樸得來有點荒涼. 此亭年代不詳, 可能已有半世紀以上的歷史, 已是古董一件.
Here we are @ Nan Yam Ting Shelter (能任亭)~ a very old ancient rain shelter, which looks quite mysterious, it's already covered by trees and bushes, at the back of distance post L052. This shelter may be built half a century ago, already an antique!
L053 附近的"凌風亭". 昔日的"凌風亭"早已拆卸, 現在這個是新的.
注意: "凌風亭"旁邊, 便是超級"奪命斜坡" 的起點, 絕對要小心, 一滑下, 保證可直下滑至大澳, 然後入醫院!! (極斜路段有石級, 不過仍要留意!!!)
Now we were at L053, there's a shelter "Ling Fung Ting" nearby. The shelter now we can see is re-constructed around these few years. The original one was torn down many years ago.
Watch OUT: The Tremendously STEEP slope starts from here!!! Please stick to the staircases when you walk down and be very careful!!! If you fall down from here, you'll sure reach Tai O in less than 1 min but then taken to the hospital!
第一段超級"奪命斜坡"順利完成, 先站好慶祝一番.
Finished the 1st stage of "Super Steep slope"!! We hardly kept straight, and had a little bit celebration first. CHEERS!
第二段超級"奪命斜坡"比第一段更利害, 再加插要踏上大量碎石, 真是邊走邊震. 我們忍不住向"尖峰山" 抗議: "點解你咁斜??" & "駛唔駛咁斜呀?"
喜歡向難度挑戰的山友, 快點來這裡玩玩超級"奪命斜坡"!!
Now we were on Stage 2 of the Super Steep slope~ it's much more challenging than Stage 1. We needed to "walk" on many scattered steep rocks, our legs were shaking as we were moving slowly. Perhaps this is the steepest road I've ever seen, and can hardly imagine a footpath can be so steep. We complained to Tsim Fung Shan "Why are you so steep?" after we had finished stage 2.
If you think you love challenging walk, please come here and try!!!
向山下一看, 原來已看見南涌的濕地.
We had a look from the slope, we could see the big piece of wetland @ Nam Chung (near Tai O market). We were near Tai O!
行程已近尾聲, 現在只剩下第三段超級"奪命斜坡", 此段已較之前安全, 但全程都是沒有石級的, 所以亦需小心慢行. 因這斜坡仍是很傾斜, 較易有山泥瀉下. 若果在此有泥石流, 大家亦必死無疑, 無需擔心. 如幸運不死的話, 可能會隨山泥流出大澳, 非常方便快捷.
We were near the end of the trail. Now only moving forward for stage 3 of the Super Steep Slope. This part is NOT as steep as the last 2, but WITHOUT any staircases, so we still walked very slowly. There's a warning sign for your attention of the frequent "Debris Flow" here (still very steep here actually).
If there were debris flow suddenly, no worry. Coz you would be buried under the mud and rocks and die very quickly. If you're lucky enough, you may find yourself floating on the mud and sand, and then flowing to Tai O in a few mins... :P
已到梁屋村, 旅程順利完成!!!
Our visit already finished when we had reached Leung Uk Village.
已到大澳, 從地圖板上回望今天的行程.
Now we had reached Tai O! Looked back at our trail from the map near Nam Chung.
為慶祝成功越過"奪命斜坡", 我們在"東方小祗園" 來個素食午飯.
To celebrate our success in finishing the walk of "Super Steep slope", we had our veggie lunch @ Tung Fong Siu Kei Yuen restaurant.
A lovely doggie mother
Had a walk @ Fan Kwai Tong after lunch.
Nam Chung Wetland