

初秋走營迎秋風 (大灘營地→黃石營地)
Camping @ 2 campsites with a beach tent (Tai Tan Campsite→Wong Shek Campsite)

今日天氣很好, 雖然有點熱, 但有足夠的山風及海風.
到達大灘營地時仍然很早, 今天可以試一下走營, 從大灘營地走到黃石營地.
第一站是大灘營地, 午飯後會離營, 再步行去附近的黃石營地.

A fine day and a bit hot, but there is mountain breeze / sea breeze @ the camping area.
We arrived Tai Tan Campsite early today, and we have enough time to go for the next campsite nearby. 

The 1st spot is Tai Tan Campsite, we are going to pack-up after lunch and go to Wong Shek Campsite which is about 10 minutes' walk from Tai Tan. 

天氣仍然炎熱, 大灘營地內沒有人.
It is still hot this afternoon, Tai Tan campsite is vacant.

一邊休息一邊玩玩樂器, 非常舒服.
Time for some music while camping!!
Rudolph has brought his own mini 8-key kalimba.
Just enough tines to play "Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer".

天氣熱, 今日帶的是沙灘帳篷.
Very hot this afternoon (luckily with mountain breeze), I brought a beach tent in stead of a camping tent.

Rudolph 很喜歡 kalimba.
Rudolph loves music, this is his first kalimba (8-key).
There are 10-key & 17-key ones @ home.

午飯後收拾好裝備, 離開大灘營地步行去黃石碼頭, 風景非常美麗.
We packed up after lunch @ Tai Tan Campsite, then walk for about 10 minutes to Wong Shek Pier.
Beautiful sky and sea-view as we were walking along the road.

In just about 10-15 minutes, we have arrived Wong Shek Campsite.

黃石營地今日滿座, 到處都是帳篷.
Wong Shek Campsite is FULL!!

其實來到黃石營地已經過了16:30, 不再開營, 坐在地上等待日落, 之後乘巴士回市區.
It's over 16:30 when we arrived Wong Shek Campsite.....
We didn't setup our tent, just sat down and wait for sun setting, and then back to the town centre by bus.

