

Fighting against rainstorm under sunlight @ Wan Tsai South Campsite

(鑽石山地鐵站→九巴 96R→黃石碼頭→渡輪往灣仔南營地 [灣仔南風灣]→灣仔南營地→渡輪回黃石碼頭)

(Diamond Hill MTR station→KMB bus no. 96R→Wong Shek Pier→Ferry for Wan Tsai South Campsite [Nam Fung Wan]→Wan Tsai South Campsite→Ferry for Wong Shek Pier)


街渡遊 -- 由黃石碼頭至灣仔南營地.
A nice ferry ride from Wong Shek Pier towards Wan Tsai South Campsite.

Wan Tsai South Campsite.

Wan Tsai West Campsite.

灣仔南營地的時間表, 要趕及尾班船
Check the time-table for Wan Tsai South Campsite, make sure we can catch the last ferry, otherwise we have to stay @ the campsite, or walk for one hour to get a minibus.

大灘村 Tai Tan Village.

Finally the ferry came!!

A great ferry ride!!!

We arrived the public pier of Wan Tsai South Campsite.

今天來野餐, 只帶了太陽傘.
We didn't bring a tent today, just a big umbrella with us for a wild picnic.

Noon time moon!!!

雖然很熱, 但近海的營地已差不多滿座
Although it is very hot this afternoon, the pier-side campsite is nearly fully occupied.
The strong sea breeze is really GREAT!!!

午睡後, 步行十分鐘去山邊的灣仔西營地.
After a cozy and nice nap, we are walking to the West Campsite, which is near the forest.

灣仔西營地, 這邊很熱, 只得一兩人.
Now we have arrived the West Campsite, this side is far away from the sea, no sea breeze and near the forest, it is very hot and a bit humid here.
Only 1 or 2 tents can be found, people don't want to stay at this side in the summer.

返回南營地, 收拾好便坐術渡回黃石碼頭.
很美好的一天, 雖然有一兩場大雨.
Back to the South Campsite and packed up.
We are going back to Wong Shek Pier by ferry.
A beautiful and cozy tour, although there were thunderstorms twice while we were having our picnic.

Fishermen's rafts @ Ko Lau Wan.

Sharp Peak.

一片綠島, 名為 "狐狸叫", 沒有官方路線可達, 要穿過大量森林.
A large piece of green island, it is called "Wu Lei Kiu" (meaning = Fox howls).
NO official hiking trail is available for this place, you have to go through the forest in order to reach this part.

赤徑的營舍, 在碼頭附近.
Finally we can see the hostels of Chek Keng (YHA Bradbury Youth Hostel).
Chek Keng Pier.

