

Testing new tent (obsolete model) @ Inspiration Lake
今天風勢極大, 而且泥土濕軟, 很難才把天幕架起
It is very windy today, and the soil is wet and soft, very difficult to setup this tarp tent.
The tent pegs keep on flying out from the ground when the wind hit them.

New Indie Tarp is standing up successfully under strong wind.

今天帶了新天幕 (Snowline Indie Tarp), 但大約是 2013 年的出品, 不過大減價之後, 實在便宜又實用, 架起來也相當好看.
I have bought a new tarp shelter from a big sale (HKD 200), it is an obsolete model (Snowline New Indie Tarp - 2013), but it still looks great and easy to setup, although I spent over 30 minutes to make it stand under strong wind.
Captain and Donny also like it.

(Snowline New Indie Tarp / 2013 product: https://hellomalls.com/default.asp?menu=311&code=35135&cmid=326)

午餐時間, 今日有三文治及凍紅茶, 都是家中拿出來.
Time for lunch!!! With homemade sandwiches and black tea (cold).

Spend the rest of the day @ the lake-side after lunch. 

