

Tarp camping under thunderstorm @ Chung Pui Campsite

(大埔墟火車站→九巴 275R→涌背燒烤場→涌背營地)

(Tai Po Market Railway Station→KMB bus no. 275R→Chung Pui BBQ site bus-stop→Chung Pui Campsite)


Madame Butterfly loves lychee.

船灣淡水湖, 天色陰暗, 看來快有暴雨.
Dull and cloudy @ Plover Cove Reservoir, heavy rain may come in a short time.

一架起天幕, 便開始下雨.
I've brought a small square tarp (210x210cm), and it started raining right after I set up the tarp shelter.

雷電交加中, 只能躲在小天幕下避雨.
Hiding under the tarp shelter.....
Thunderstorm non-stop.....

雷雨終於過去, 營地全是泥濘.
Have a walk around the muddy campsite.

全靠一塊小天幕 +  行山杖 + 一小塊野餐墊, 所有物件都保持乾爽.
Thanks to this small square tarp, a trekking pole & a small piece of picnic mat, all the belongings stay dry and clean.

Naturehike 小天幕比相像中防污防雨, 不過, 也是時候要多買一張較大的方形天幕.
The stain-proof & waterproof abilities of this little NatureHike tarp is stronger than I think.
But it's the right time I have to consider buying another larger square tarp.
I like square tarps more, I can use them to make pyramid shelters simply by folding.

雨過天晴, 是零食時間.
Time for some snacks!!! It's sunny now!

蝴蝶正在荔枝樹下, 等待出動.
A large butterfly was waiting for its big lunch under a lychee tree.

Madame Butterfly was sucking fresh lychee juice, yum yum yum!

Under a lychee tree.

