夏日炎炎深山尋鹿踪Looking for deer (muntjac) in the woods
Videos of our adventure 尋鹿探險記:
早上, 當我們搭好遮陽帳布之後, 營地後山的叢林, 突然傳來似狗吠的聲音, 但肯定不是流浪狗..... 到底是什麼動物呢?
After we have finished setting up our sunshade, we heard an animal barking, but sure it was NOT a stray dog.
之後遇上一位來攝影的行山客, 他在叢林旁看到有赤麂 (赤麂也是鹿的一種) 在山坡上叫.
Then we met a solo hiker in the campsite, who came here for photoshooting, he told us that he saw a muntjac (barking deer) barking in the woods and it quickly ran up the hill and keeps on barking.
我們走到營地的後山, 赤麂越叫越大聲, 不過只是看到有小動物的腳在一堆大樹後的斜坡, 赤麂的真面目就看不到了.
一般來說, 赤麂聽到人聲, 是會立即逃走, 仍留在原地不斷叫是不常見, 不過我們進入林中深處, 牠的叫聲也消失, 應該是跑了.
As we were near the hillside at the back of the campsite, the sound made by the muntjac was louder and louder..... and we saw little legs hiding behind trees on a slope, a pity that these little animals are scare of people, it is not easy to take a photo of it....
When we kept on walking into the woods, the barking sound stopped and the muntjac ran away.
非常悶熱的叢林內尋鹿, 雖然只聞其聲, 也不枉此行.
The muntjac is hiding behind the trees & bushes.
走向叢林 Walking towards the woods.
Donny 也是鹿, 尋鹿的任務交給他了.
Mission for Rudolph!
Rudolph helped us to find his friend.... (Rudolph is a deer!!! Reindeer)
Captain also helped us to look for the muntjac.
離開叢林, 返回營地.
Leaving the woods and back to the campsite.