

Picnic in the wild turns out to be an outdoor training camp @ Penny's Bay

早上來到竹篙灣, 天色雖然稍為陰暗, 但沒有下雨.
我們都只使用西瓜沙漠帳篷, 不過也有一張小天幕用來防雨.
Quite early when we arrived Penny's Bay and it was not raining, although the sky was a bit dull.
According to the weather forecast, there will be occasional rain and cloudy for the whole day.
We have brought our water melon tent, just for a few hours' picnic.
And a thin rainproof tarp...... 

野餐近一小時, 突然下雨, 而且雨勢越來越大.
We were having a picnic for about one hour and it started to rain.....
The rain had become heavier and heavier.....

雨勢很大, 最後要找竹枝撐起天幕把不防水的西瓜帳篷蓋住, 以防滲水.
The rain was very heavy and we found some bamboo branches to setup a tarp shelter and cover the water-melon tent which is NOT waterproof.

我們身處竹林, 不過竹枝不多, 找了一會才找到較粗的, 把防水天幕布撐起包著西瓜帳篷.
幸好今天帶了露營繩, 很快便躲進帳幕內, 一直觀看外面的暴雨.
整個下午都在大雨中, 傍晚六時才停雨.
Although we were camping inside bamboo forest (a small one), there were not many fallen branches from bamboo trees strong enough for setting up a tarp shelter, we walked along the trees for a while and only collected a few of them.
With the use of bamboo branches, camping ropes and clips, we finished setting up a waterproof tarp shelter covering the water melon tent.
Dry and warm inside the tent.
The heavy rain may continue for the next few hours. 
(It stopped around 18:00, lasted for 4.5 hours)

雨勢在中途也曾經短暫減弱, 本來想上網查看最新的天氣報告, 但原來竹林內收不到手提電話及上網訊號, 只能目測對面的高山, 濃霧沒有消退, 即是仍然會下雨, 為怕入黑之後難以走出山林, 立即冒雨收拾裝備, 在下一場暴雨來臨之前離開.
The rain had stopped for a short while in the afternoon, and we tried to get the latest weather forecast online, but found that there was NO cellphone signals & failed to connect to the internet.
We used the old way ~~ by looking at the mountains.... still very misty @ the mountains, another round of heavy rain will come in a short period of time!
Time to pack up and leave!!! We have to leave the forest before evening.

收拾好裝備離開竹林, 今天本來是來野餐, 所以沒有太多應急的準備, 突然的暴雨, 糧水用完又斷網, 最後野餐變了野外訓練營, 不過也很刺激好玩.
Finished packing up and time to leave the forest!!!
We came here for a picnic this morning and therefore we didn't bring too much for emergency use.
The sudden heavy rain, no extra water & food left, no cellphone signals..... completely cut off by the modern world.... a picnic turned out to be an outdoor training camp.... really exciting!! 

Captain mode~~ Bye forest, I will be back!!

離開竹林之際, 暴雨又再來了, 一直到傍晚六時才停止, 幸好一早離開.
Another round of heavy rain pouring down while we were leaving the forest, and it continued until 18:00

