

市郊探秘行 ~~ 古墓背面喝糖水
Urban Adventure with wild cooking @ the back of an old graveyard


雨下市郊探秘, 找到一片古墓, 背面卻是休憩勝地.
Warm with occasional showers, wondering around in the urban area & found a piece of deserted graveyard.
There is a good sitting area at the back of the graveyard, we stayed there to have a rest & lunch.

午飯之後, 糖水時間到了.
今天有即沖糖水, 有花生糊及芝麻糊.
Time for sweet soup after lunch.
We've brought instant peanut paste powder & black sesame paste powder, just add hot water and yummy dessert will be ready in seconds!!

Donny 幫忙製作花生糊.
Donny helped us to make peanut paste dessert.

花生糊很香, 清涼的午間, 熱熱的糖水最合適.
Great peanut paste dessert on a cool afternoon.

Captain 也喜歡糖水.
Captain likes sweet soup!!!

