

**** 想跟米國隊長聊天嗎? 他也很想跟各位談話. 大家可在文章結尾或右下角找到米國隊長的聊天機械人, 不過他只會說英語 :P

**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.

琵琶山上九龍匯 鷹巢深處下蘇屋
Urban adventure @ Piper's Hill, Eagle's Nest & Deserted So Uk Squatter Housing area

(九巴 81 號→石梨貝水塘→琵琶山→鷹巢山自然教育徑 [逆走]→琵琶山→蘇屋邨方向 [0.8km 位置]→前寮屋區→大埔道配水庫→天橋往蘇屋邨巴士總站)

(KMB bus no. 81→Shek Lei Pui Reservoir bus-stop→Piper's Hill→Eagle's Nest Nature Trail [Counter-clockwise walk, start from the Finish point]→So Uk Estate direction [0.8 km signage & go downstairs]→Former So Uk squatter housing area→Tai Po Road [Service reservoir]→Cross the footbridge @ Tai Po Road for So Uk Estate bus terminus)


今次逆走鷹巢山自然教育徑, 往右走.
This time we turn to the right-hand side for the counter-clockwise direction.

First we walked along Piper's Hill Road.

The highest point of Piper's Hill.

再回鷹巢山自然教育徑, 然後先走入一條荒徑探索一下.
Then return to Eagle's Nest Nature Trail.
Before we continued for the rest of the nature trail, we had a short walk into a disused hiking trail.

Inside the disused hiking trail.

Keep on walking along Eagle's Nest Nature Trail.

Yummy yummy banana!!

Panorama of Kowloon.

We can see Beacon Hill from here.

此地有小徑可往蘇屋邨, 0.8公里山路
You can go downstairs to So Uk Estate near this rock, a 0.8 km hiking trail.

The whole Kowloon is under our feet. 

So Uk Estate, we will go down for it later.

The bus terminus of So Uk Estate.

畢架山 Beacon Hill.

到了此地, 有小徑可往蘇屋邨, 1.2公里山路.
往蘇屋邨有兩條山路, 這裡有一條 1.2 公里, 之前亦有一條 0.8公里.
不過今天, 先試走0.8公里的山路往蘇屋邨, 所以走回頭路.
When you see this signage, there is another 1.2 km long hiking trail for So Uk Estate.
There are 2 hiking trails for So Uk Estate, this one 1.2 km & the other is 0.8 km in length.
We wanted to have a walk through the 0.8 km hiking trail today, so we returned to the big rock from here.

0.8公里小徑山路, 可往蘇屋邨, 今天就試走這裡.
Now we were back to the 0.8 km hiking trail for So Uk Estate, go downstairs from here.

這條山路昔日是寮屋區, 應該是蘇屋邨建成之前已經存在的村落
山上有很多寮屋區的遺跡, 昔日的樓梯應該是修理得很好的, 不過今日是又窄又斜又難走的廢墟, 而且路上有不少釘子, 由此下山, 要小心慢慢走, 以免滾下山坡.
COOL!!!! This mountain trail should be a squatter housing area before the construction of So Uk Estate, now the place is demolished and most of the houses disappeared.
We can  still see some tiles on the rocks, which should be part of the staircases in the past.
We believe that there were some village roads along this hiking trail and were neatly made before the squatter housing area was abandoned.
As the whole place is deserted, this hiking trail is not so hiker-friendly now, the trail now is narrow, steep and muddy, and there are lots of nails & screws along the way, pay attention when you are walking through this place or you may get injured easily.

More challenging ..... very narrow & slippery.....

最窄的一段, 更斜.....
The narrowest part, hold the ropes tight and climb down!!!!

成功走下最窄的一段, 先吃點零食.
Successfully climbed down the narrowest part.....
Snacks time on the rocks.

Remains of old village houses.

Downstairs from the cracked staircases.

The whole place is swallowed by the woods.

最後一段山路, 但仍要走一會才到地面.
The last part of the village, but still have to go through the catchwater before we can reach the traffic road.

Now, just climb down these steps and Tai Po Road is in front of our eyes.

大埔道 Tai Po Road.

旁邊另一樓梯, 是山上1.2公里山路的終點, 下回試走
Another staircases next to Tai Po Road, it is the Finish Point for the 1.2 km hiking trail from Eagle's Nest Nature Trail, which we saw earlier @ the hillside.

試走樓梯去看一看, 原來有樹林.
We went upstairs for a look, there are trees @ this side.

返回大埔道, 旁邊是配水庫, 向左轉沿大埔道走, 直至看見天橋, 過馬路再向蘇屋邨方向下山.
You can see the service reservoir here, turn left and walk along Tai Po Road until you see a foot-bridge.
Cross the foot-bridge, then walk along a footpath and then go downstairs to So Uk Estate (right) direction.

下樓梯去蘇屋邨, 直至地面的巴士總站, 旁邊有小廟.
Just go downstairs for So Uk Estate until you reach the bus terminus, there are some statues and a little temple near the bus terminus.

蘇屋邨巴士總站, 回望鷹巢山.
Looking back to Eagle's Nest (Peak) from So Uk Estate bus terminus.

